Patrick Imagine: Helpless Pt.2

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*1 Week Later*

You excitedly ran into your shared apartment with Sarah, clutching the newest letter to your chest.

"A new letter from loverboy?" She teased, sipping on her cup of tea.

"Shut up and cuddle with Brendon or something." You giggled, running to your room. You flopped on your bed, opening the envelope.

Dear (Y/N),

I'm in Denver today and I saw this stuffed bear at a gift shop where I played one of my shows. It was totally cute and and fluffy and gigantic. I mean, of course I bought it, but as a gift for you. It's a great cuddle buddy. I know cuz I'm cuddling it as I write you this. Also, you should just give me your phone number. This whole letter this is really cute and romantic, but it's a pretty long wait to hear back from you. So, here's my number. Feel free to shoot me a call or text (preferably a call. I'd love to hear your voice again). 




You smiled in glee and pulled out your phone, immediately dialing the blonde boy's number.

*2 Weeks Later*

You paced back and forth, peering through the crack of your door. Patrick sat down across from Brendon and Sarah as they stared him down.

"And what exactly are your intentions with our (Y/N)?" Sarah asked.

"Well...(Y/N) and I talked, and, although we just met less than a month ago, we really love each other and we're gonna get married. I want to marry your...bestfriend." Patrick explained nervously.

"So you come to me, on the day I visit my girlfriend, to ask for her best friend's hand in marriage?" Brendon asked, sounding like the Godfather.

"Uh, yes?" Patrick shrugged. Sarah outstretched her hand smiled.

"Be true, and treat her right. (Y/N) is my family." She advised. Patrick let out a breath and smiled, watching you through the crack of your bedroom door.

Oh how those eyes shined when they were filled with happiness.

The eyes of your fiance.

To be continued...

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