Pref #8: April Fools

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"Oh god! (Y/N), please come and help me!" Patrick screamed, waking you up from your nap.

"Patrick?" You asked in a sleepily frantic voice.

"(Y/N), help!" He yelled back. You (awkwardly) ran down to the basement to see Patrick cradling his arm. There was a small puddle of blood laying in front of him.

"Patrick, what's going on? Are you hurt?" You asked, sleep now less evident in your voice.

"C-Call 911." He panted.

"What's wrong?" You asked frantically. Patrick turned to you and you saw him holding a bloody stump where his hand used to be.

"Oh shit!" You screamed. All of a sudden, Patrick started laughing.

"Holy smokes, I got you so good." He giggled. You looked at him wondering if he'd gone crazy but then you remembered the date.

"Damn April Fools." You mumbled angrily walking away.

"I love you (Y/N)." Patrick called.

"Shut up." You replied.


You opened your eyes slowly, adjusting to the light, before realizing what today was.

April 1st.

You looked over at your sleeping boyfriend and rolled out bed. You only had so much time before he woke up.

*Time skip brought to you by Joe mumbling everything he loves about you in his sleep*

"(Y/N) (L/N)!" Joe yelled, making you smile as you made breakfast.

"What's up babe?" You asked, trying to stifle your laughter.

"Don't act like you're innocent Satan! You know exactly what you did!" He shot back. Joe walked down the stairs in a dark blue tshirt and sweatpants. Your eyes traveled to his hair and that's when you started laughing. You had put hair dye in his shampoo turning his hair (favorite color).

"Joey, why didn't you tell me you wanted a change?" You snickered. Joe glared at you and pulled you into his arms.

"Well now you have to put up with me and my (favorite color) hair. Maybe we can be like those couples who match." Joe smiled deviously.

"Stop! It was a prank!" You squealed.

"I'll show you a prank." Joe promised. An hour later, written on your forehead in permanent marker, was Property Of Joseph Trohman (Return if Lost).


{This is a text convo}

(Y/N): hey bb.

Pete: hey princess.

(Y/N): I'm bored

(Y/N): Wyd?

Pete: watching Spongebob w/ Bronx and Saint. It's the April fools episode.

(Y/N): that reminds me...

(Y/N): I have something 2 tell u :(

Pete: what is it?

Pete: are u breaking up w/ me?

Pete: am I not making u happy?

Pete: is it because I hit u with my car? I apologized :'(

(Y/N): Pete I'm preggo w/ ur child

Pete: WHAT?

Pete: r u forreal?

Pete: OMG I'm getting another kid! This is gonna be hype

Pete: if it's a boy we name him Patrick because I love that guy

Pete: Winona if it's a girl because it's my first born daughter.


Pete: whet?

(Y/N): I said I was preggo w/ ur child

(Y/N): I'm actually preggo w/ ur children :} huehuehue

Pete: Twins??????

(Y/N): surprise ;)


"Whet de hell is this!" You growled, not even speaking proper English in the beginning.

"What's up baby?" Andy asked.

"All of my files were translated to Russian and I don't know how to put them back!" You explained. Andy tried to mask his laugher and shrugged.

"I wish I could help, but I'm not really tech savvy." Andy sighed.

"It's fine. I'll figure out what to do." You shrugged, secretly filling up with worry. You got up to get food before you found out if you could fix your files. Andy chuckled and pulled out his phone, calling Pete.

"Dude, set up the meeting. She's ready." He laughed.

*Time skip brought to you by Pete and Andy gossiping about some basic bitches they saw earlier*

There was a knock on your door and you went to open it.

"Hello?" You asked the strange man on your doorstep.

"Hello (Y/N). I'm from the BLI company. We're here early for the meeting." The man said. You gasped and glanced back at your Russian documents. Damn.

"Come in." You said giving a forced smile. The man nodded and walked in taking a seat on your couch. You took a deep breath knowing what you had to do. You attempted to make up what you thought the Russian words sounded like and spoke it in a choppy accent.

"Ms. (L/N), what is this?" The man asked.

"Um...I'm being cultural sensitive by making sure that even Russian people can read these documents. Everyone deserves to be treated the same." You lied. The man started smiling before cracking up.

"Um sir, what's so funny?" You asked.

"Your boyfriend got you so good." He laughed. You turned where Andy was dying of laughter on the wall.

"You asshole! You sabotaged my presentation and moved up my meeting." You gasped.

"This isn't even a real meeting. That's Brendon wearing a face mask and fake beard." Andy snickered.

"I hate you." You pouted. Andy pulled you into his arms and kissed the top of your head.

"Happy April fools day, baby girl." He said.

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