Patrick Imagine: Going Down The Line Pt.2

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"My say you wanna fix things and you go and attempt to fuck my sister?" Elisa yelled.

"You're the one who walked out! You didn't seem like you wanna fix things!" Patrick yelled back. They both yelled at each other, Patrick in his boxers, and you just sat there, in your bra and underwear.

"El, I'm sorry." You sighed. Elisa turned to you with fire in her eyes.

"Shut your fucking mouth!" She yelled.

"Hey, don't talk to her like that!" Patrick retaliated on your behalf.

"Oh, so now you're defending her?"

"Yeah because I was with her for a few hours and learned more about her than I ever learned about you in 3 years!"

"Oh, screw you Patrick! If you didn't know anything about me, why did you get engaged to me?"

"I'm asking myself the same damn question!" The whole room got quiet as Elisa stared at Patrick.

"You regret the decision?" She said softly.

"Yeah, ever since our stupid fight, I do." Patrick answered honestly.

"So what, my sister was just a rebound screw? Someone who shared a bond to me as a way to piss me off?"

"I loved you, but it took me a while to love you. With your sister, I feel in love faster and harder than I ever did with you."

"You fell in love with me?" You cut in. Both eyes fell on you as you looked at Patrick.

"(Y/N), you are a beautiful person inside and out. You're the best thing I never knew I needed." He smiled.

"Um, you dated me for 3 years." Elisa scoffed.

"But, you just met me." You said to Patrick, completely ignoring Elisa.

"I believe in love at first sight. Besides, I don't usually try to have sex with girls after just meeting them." He joked. You giggled while Elisa just watched in shock.

"(Y/N), you're my sister! How could you do this to me?" She exclaimed.

"I'm adopted." You stated with a shrug.

"Well fuck it then!" She sighed leaving the room. Patrick pulled you into his arms, staring into your (E/C) eyes.

"So you wanna go out on a real date? Ya know, before we finish...this?" Patrick asked gesturing to the two of you.

"I would love to." You smiled.

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