Joe Imagine: Miss Mysterious Pt. 2

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Joe's POV

It's been a week since I've last seen the love of my life.

Well, potential love of my life.

I promised myself I wouldn't let this be the cliche Disney love at first sight thing. I've got to be practical about this. She could have a boyfriend, she could possible not be attracted to boys, or she could just not be attracted to me...

I stood on the corner where I spotted her last week, scanning the sidewalk. There was no one even briefly resembling her. I sighed in defeat and rubbed my eyes with the heel of my hand. I've barely slept with my mind preoccupied on my mystery girl. I just wanted to talk to her in anything. I would give anything just to see those eyes again.

"Crap!" I heard a voice hiss. I turned to see a person in a hoodie trying to pick up papers. They looked like they were struggling so I offered my assistance.

"Let me help." I said, bending down to pick up the papers.

"Thank you." The voice sighed. It was feminine. I looked up the same time as the person to see their hood fall from their head.

The familiar (H/C) hair shone and I caught sight of those (E/C) eyes. But the smile is what set me off. I found her! I found my mystery woman.

She looked different from the dress and heels now that she was dressed down to a hoodie and leggings.

But hey, they always say get a girl who can do both.

"I'm Joe." I smiled, handing the woman the rest of her papers.

"(Y/N) and I know who you are. You're my in my favorite band, Fall Out Boy. I noticed you last weak, but I was too scared to say hi so I left." (Y/N) replied sheepishly. I felt my heart flutter at her adorableness and laughed.

"That's fine." I chuckled. (Y/N) smiled again and giggled slightly.

"You probably think I'm some sort of creepy fangirl. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fangirl but I'm not creepy." She explained.

"Hey, I never thought you were creepy. Cute? Yes. Creepy? Definitely not." I flirted. (Y/N) blushed and scratched the back of her neck.

"So...I know we just met and all but I'd like to see you again if you don't mind. Do you think I could get your number?" I smiled. (Y/N) nodded her head rapidly before giving me her number and I gave her mine.

"So, I'll call you later?" I questioned.

"I'll be sure to pick up." She confirmed. I chuckled before walking off with a smile on my face.

To be continued...

A/N: Dropping a fic or two tonight. Be ready y'all.

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