Pete Imagine: The First Game Pt. 3

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You sat on the hospital bed as Pete looked over at you.

"Your head doing okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, the ice is making it feel better." You replied.

"Sorry you got hit. I guess I'm a bit distracting." You narrowed your eyes and glared at Pete.

"I mean of course your distracting but did you really have to remind me." You teased.

"Possible concussion and you're still flirting with me. What a catch." Pete winked. You giggled slightly and rolled your eyes.

"You're a gift to female vaginas everywhere." You smiled.

"Of course! And to the eyes of all females as well. Their all lucky to have me." Pete chuckled.

"Okay, I'm tired of all this back and forth flirting. Are you gonna kiss me or not, cuz my brain is concussed and I'm not being very rational right now." You sighed, making Pete laugh.

"Well, if you're not being rational, I don't think I should kiss you." He teased.

"Alright, you better kiss me before I stab you in the neck with a syringe. We are surrounded by medical instruments." You frowned.

"Fair point." Pete shrugged. Next thing you knew his lips were on yours. He pulled back in what seemed like a second, leaving your lips cold.

"You get a longer one when your rational." He snickered, but for once you were speechless.

Pete just kissed you.

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