Pete Imagine: Great Meeting You Pt. 3

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*Minor Sexual Content*

You giggled as Pete threw you on the bed in his dark room. He crawled his way up your body, watching you in the similar way that a lion would watch it's prey. It was really sexy. He captured your lips on yours as you wrapped your legs around his waist. Pete moved to your neck and started leaving dark bruises.

"Don't stop." You sighed in content, until your eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room. The first thing you noticed was a picture. You squinted and saw it was of a man wearing a trucker hat. He had blondish hair and sideburns. As your eyes further scanned the room, you saw there were many other various pictures of the man. He seemed to have grown up and cut off the sideburns, switching the trucker hat for a fedora.

"Um...Pete?" You stuttered. Pete removed his lips from your neck and took off his shirt.

"What's up?" He panted before attacking your lips with his again.

"Who's the man in all these pictures?" You mumbled against his lips. Pete broke the kiss, looking at you in confusion.

"Huh?" He asked.

"The blonde guy. He's all over your room." You commented.

"Oh you mean Patrick! I love that guy." Pete sighed happily.

"So...he's your...lover?"

"No! He's just the one of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet. Patrick is such a cutie."

"O-oh." Pete looked at you in concern and held your face in his hand.

"Does all this make you uncomfortable?" He asked.

"N-no! I was just curious. I saw all the pictures and...I'm fine, really." You replied quickly.

"Good, because the only person I want you to focus on tonight is me." Pete smirked. He took off your shirt, leaving you in a bra, as he kissed his way down your chest. You looked at the poster of Patrick on the ceiling. He was just staring at you.

"I'm sorry." You whispered.

*Time Skip brought to you by you and Pete doing the deed while all the eyes in the pictures of Patrick bore into your very soul*

You woke up to Pete cuddling a doll that was made in the likeness of Patrick. No wonder you were so cold. You slipped out of bed, putting on your clothes from yesterday. You walked out of Pete's room and bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." You apologized. When you looked at their face, your own cheeks heat up. It was Patrick.

"No it's okay. You were here with Pete last night?" He asked. You just nodded your head.

"Well I'm-"

"-Patrick, I know. Pete...really likes you." You said cutting him off. Patrick just smiled and looked down at his feet.

"I'm gonna go now, but when Pete gets up, can you tell him to call me and that he should come over sometime?" You asked nervously.

"Sure. What's your name?"


"Gotcha. See ya (Y/N)." With that, you ran out of the house. Pete was still hot and great in bed so you didn't want to go without talking to him. The only request you had was that if you two ever had sex again, it would be at your place. You would never be able to get over the feeling of Patrick watching you as you had sex with Pete.

A/N: Idek what this turned into but I like it XD

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