Patrick Imagine: Know Your Other Half Pt. 2

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Previously on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

"Make friends. Know each other. Act better!" Matthew huffed before walking away. You looked at Patrick and shrugged.

"Wanna go grab some pizza? That way we can get to know each other." You suggested. Patrick shrugged but nodded his head.


Now, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

You sat across from Patrick as he texted someone on his phone. You two hadn't said a word since walking into the pizza parlor 10 minutes ago.

"So, here's one thing you didn't know about me, I have been acting since I was 8. So much school plays, you wouldn't even believe it." You chuckled lightly. Patrick looked up from his phone briefly and nodded his head.

"Cool." He mumbled. He then looked back down at your phone, making your face burn. You had a crush on Patrick ever since the first day on set, but you really couldn't understand why he was so cold to you.

"So...tell me something about you." You suggested. Patrick looked up and put his phone in his pocket.


"You wanna know something about me? My girlfriend, well ex girlfriend, cheated on me last week." He spat. You flinched and looked down at the table.

"I'm sorry Patrick." You said sympathetically.

"Well I am too." Patrick scoffed. He crossed his arms and looked down at his pizza slice in front of him. It was worse than when he was on his phone, because now he wasn't hiding anything.

"(Y/N) (L/N)! You're gonna make me late for my date with the hot blonde from the third floor!" A familiar voice chimed in, slamming open the doors.

"Oh damn." You muttered. You turned to see your best friend, Pete, walking towards you with your daughter.

"Mom!" She cheered.

"Hey baby." You smiled, taking your daughter from Pete. Patrick was just watching in interest.

"You owe me (L/N). I'm gonna be late for my date now." Pete complained.

"Whatever Pete, I'm sorry. This is my costar Patrick by the way." You said. Pete looked at Patrick and nodded in acknowledgement. Patrick smiled before looking back down at his hands.

"Pick up dinner on your way back from your date, alright?" You said to Pete.

"Whatever." Pete sighed. He looked down at your daughter and smiled, offering his fist.

"See ya later squirt." He smiled. Your daughter smiled back and ponder fists with Pete.

"Later Wentz." She smiled. Pete left and Patrick cleared his throat.

"Who's this?" He asked.

"This is my daughter Aaliyah. She's 5." You said.

"And a half!" Aaliyah added. Patrick smiled genuinely for what you thought to be the first time.

"Well, if you don't mind me saying, you look amazing for someone who had a kid." Patrick complimented. You blushed and shook your head.

"Aaliyah was adopted. She needed medical attention and I could afford it, so I took her under my care and paid for her." You explained.

"Yeah, I had a big heart!" Aaliyah said with major enthusiasm.

"Oh." Patrick said.

"Mommy, who's he?" Aaliyah asked.

"This is Patrick, he's my friend." You replied.

"He's cute!" Aaliyah giggled. Patrick blushed and extended his hand.

"Thanks. It's nice to meet you Aaliyah." He replied. Aaliyah shook his hand as your phone vibrated. You looked down and saw it was a reminder for Aaliyah's dance practice.

"Shoot. Patrick, we're gonna have to leave, I'm sorry."  You apologized.

"It's fine. I'll see you later." Patrick said.

"Come one Aaliyah. Say goodbye to Patrick." You smiled, taking her hand.

"Bye Patrick!" Aaliyah smiled.

"Bye Aaliyah." Patrick chuckled. You two walked off leaving Patrick staring in wonder.

You really were nothing like his ex...

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