Andy Imagine: Elevator

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"Well screw you!" You yelled to your ex. You stormed out after you went and retrieved the last of your things from his crappy apartment. After he had cheated on you and then tried to blame you for it, things could no longer be civil between you two. It even took you a whole month before you could stomach the sight of him so you could get your things. You were so over him.

You walked to the elevator holding a box of your things and pressed the down button. As you were waiting for the elevator to come up, a man came and stood next to you. The man had brown hair, a ginger beard, and a bunch of tattoos. He looked over at you and smiled softly.

"Break up?" The man asked. You chuckled lowly and nodded.

"That obvious huh?" You asked.

"The box and screaming match you just had sort of gave it away." You laughed and smiled at the man.

"I'm (Y/N), and you are?" You asked.

"Andy. It's great to meet you (Y/N)." Andy replied. The elevator dinged and opened for the two of you. You walked in followed by Andy and set down your box as the door closed.

"So, what did your ex do, if you don't mind me asking?" Andy asked. 

"Said that it was my fault that he cheated on me." You explained. Andy just scoffed and shook his head.

"That accusation makes no sense whatsoever. Your ex seems really stupid. Sounds like you dodged a bullet." 

"Yeah, no kidding. He really was always a jerk." Just as Andy was about to say something, The elevator jolted, making you fall into his arms.

"Woah! What was that?" You asked, confused. Andy set you up straight and listened in.

"These elevators usually make a hum when their on. I don't hear a hum." He said slowly.

"So we're stuck in here?!"

"Seems so." You growled and stomped your foot.

"Nothing good ever comes when it involves my no good ex." You mumbled, taking a seat next to your box.

To be continued...

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