Patrick Imagine: Oxygen

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You watched as Patrick walked away, out of the room, out of the house, and out of your life.

"I don't wanna just be your girlfriend anymore Patrick!" You cried at the top of your lungs, tears staining your face.

"What are you saying?" Patrick yelled back.

"7 years! We've been together for 7 years and you've never once brought up marriage! Is that not in the cards for you Patrick, because it is for me."

"Marriage?! (Y/N), I don't need some stupid ceremony to prove that I love you."

"Well I need it to prove that you love me."

"You don't think that I love you?! (Y/N), you said it yourself. We've been together for 7 years."

"You just don't want to commit and I'm sick of it Patrick! Sick!"

"Fine be sick. In fact, be sick and single, I'm leaving!"

Patrick turned and walked out of the room leaving your eyes red and nose stuffy. Once he left, it was as if he took the oxygen with him. Your throat burned, you felt that you couldn't breathe, so all you could do was choke and sob.

7 years and suddenly you're sadly a single woman again.

You instantly hate it.

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