Andy Imagine: Tortured Souls Pt. 4

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You walked into Andy's room as the Killjoys held off your enemies.

"Andrew? Andy, please tell me you're here." You called. A body emerged from the shadow with a scowl on its face.

"Why did you come back?" Andy growled.

"I came back for you. I love you Andy and you love me too." You pleaded.

"Stop it! No one can love a monster like me."

"I can, because you're not a monster!" Andy grabbed you by your throat and lifted you off the group.

"Do you still think I'm not a monster?" He growled.

"Y-Yes...because I" You croaked. Andy yelled and threw you into the wall. You hit your head and fell on your face. You tried to get up, but your love was too quick. He delivered a hard kick to your face and then repeatedly started punching you. When he was done, you were nothing but a bloody body on the floor.

"Andy, please..." You gasped, feeling the pain on your broken ribs as you breathed.

"I don't know you and you don't know me." He spat. Andy grabbed you by your neck and you tried to cover his eyes with your hand. You didn't want to remember Andy as this monster who was going to kill you. You didn't want to see the hate.

"I love you." You sniffled, tears falling down your face. Andy snapped your neck and you fell limp in his arms.

"(Y/N)!" Party Poison yelled. He shot Andy, effectively killing him. Party ran over to you in attempts to check your pulse. It was over. You were dead.

"Damn it kid." He sighed.

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