Pete Imagine: Pick Up Daddies At The Playground

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You sat on the park bench that overlooked the playground where a bunch of children played. Parents scrambled around, trying to console the energetic children, yet one parent caught your eye though.

Blonde hair and he was a short guy. He pushed two boys in the swings. One in a baby swing and the other in the regular swing. He did it all without breaking a sweat or momentary faltering. You admired the control. That's what compelled you to stand up and waltz down to the playground. You walked over to the swings and got a better look at the mystery man. He had brown eyes that crinkled at the corners when he smiled. He was absolutely beautiful. And for a bonus,

There was no wedding ring.

"Your sons are adorable." You commented, loud enough for the man to hear. He looked up, not missing a beat as he pushed the children.

"Thank you. This is Bronx and Saint." He introduced. You looked over at the older one, Bronx, and outstretched a hand.

"(Y/N) (L/N) and can I just say that your sneakers are totally awesome." You smiled. Bronx smiled back and took your hand, shaking it.

"Thanks!" He exclaimed. You then looked over at Saint.

"Hey there cutie. You're so cute I can just eat you up. Your cheeks are so chubby!" You said in a baby voice. The man laughed, bringing your attention back to him.

"Since you met my sons, it only makes sense that you meet me too. I'm Pete." He smirked. You shook his hand, a smile on your face.

"Nice to meet you Pete. So, where's your wife?" You asked.

"No wife for me; just two baby mommas." Pete shrugged.

"Oh wow. So you have the kids for how long?"

"Just this afternoon."


"What's so interesting about it?"

"Oh nothing. I'm just curious." You looked from your shoes, a wicked smirk on your face. Pete mirrored your smirk and paused on pushing his sons to walk over to you.

"Curious my ass." He mumbled loud enough for you to hear.

"Oh, that's a dollar for the swear jar." You teased.

"Well you better take out a loan, because I'll have you saying all kind of swear words tonight." You smiled to yourself and placed a hand on Pete's shoulder.

"I look forward to it, daddy." You whispered in his ear. You slipped your number in his hand, and walked away, satisfied by your catch.

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