Patrick Imagine: Make Yourself Shake Fast Enough

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Requested by @my_amazing_rydel.


You stood in the corner of the room, pulling down the revealing nurse costume. No matter how much you pulled it down, it was either your top half or bottom half that was exposed.

Working on Fall Out Boy's music video for Where Did The Party Go was a blessing. The only thing you wish was different was your role. Sexy nurse who has to grind on the lead singer? It's an awesome job but also awkward. You barely even knew Patrick or if he even wanted you to grind on him! You've only seen him on tv- though you personally would mind grinding on him- and today is gonna be the first time that you're actually meeting him.

"(Y/N), we need you on set!" The director yelled. You walked into the set where Patrick stood, hook in hand, clothes torn and bloodied, along with the yellow contacts.

"Patrick, this is (Y/N). Basically, she's gonna be riding you today." The director introduced.

"Fun." Patrick chuckled looking at you. Damn, he was more beautiful in person...

"Alright places everyone!" You stood with the other dead extras as Patrick stumbled into the room. When it was your cue, you grabbed him by the arm and shoved him onto the hospital bed. You straddled him by the waist and began to grind on him. Patrick was "struggling" under you, creating friction on your groins.

"Shit." You moaned. Patrick's eyes widened at your voice and that was the moment when he realized that he wanted you.

*After filming*

You stood outside the studio waiting for your friend to hurry up and give you a ride.

"Hey, (Y/N) right?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah or better known as the girl who rode you today." You joked. Patrick chuckled and walked towards you, with his hands in his pocket.

"How about I let you ride me for real?" He whispered in your ear. Everything was a blur after that. You started kissing Patrick, he hailed a cab, and suddenly you were at his house.

Patrick led you upstairs with a dangerous glint in his eyes. He threw you on his bed, staring with intense lust. He climbed onto you, kissed you while slowly trailed his hands under your shirt. Patrick pulled the shirt off and left you in your bra. He looked over you with a smirk plastered on his face.

"I've never seen a woman as beautiful as you." He said in awe. 

"No need to lie. You're still getting laid either was." You teased. Patrick chuckled before capturing your lips in his once more. You began to tug on his shirt, hoping that he'd catch the hint. Patrick broke the kiss to drag the shirt over his head and throwing it somewhere off in the room. Patrick trailed his callous fingers up your sides, causing you to moan and grab onto his hair.

"Jesus Patrick." You moaned. Patrick slowly pulled off your pants in a teasing manor, gazing up at you with those blue green eyes. When he finally shed his pants, you caught sight of his growing erection.

"You see what you do to me?" He joked. You smiled, trailing a finger against his jawline.

"You don't even wanna see what you do to me." You whispered. Patrick smiled and kissed you again.

"(Y/N), I want you to ride me tonight." He panted.

"Your wish is my command." You replied. Patrick unhooked you bra and pulled off my underwear. You laid there, completely vulnerable to him, but it felt right. Patrick took off his boxers, laying on his back.

"Whenever your ready. Although, soon would be appreciated. I may just cum all over myself." Patrick fussed. You giggled and grabbed his shaft.

"I'll put you out of your misery soon." You smiled. You slowly slid down on his eliciting moans from both of you.

"Oh my God." You moaned.

"Not God. Just Patrick." Patrick hissed.  You let out a shakily laugh before moving on him. It was set at a slow pace, allowing the both of you to get used to the feeling.

"Faster, please." Patrick begged. You bounced up and down on him until your legs got tired. When Patrick saw how much of a struggle it had become for you, he turned you over and continued from there. You dug your nails into his pale skin.

"I barely know you, but right now, I think that I love you." He panted. You scoffed while moaning as Patrick hit a spot deep inside you.

"Oh please, you just love the way I feel around you." You gasped

"Guilty." He muttered.

"Oh Patrick!" You yelled reaching your climax. When you came down from cloud nine, you could tell Patrick was close so you pushed him off.

"What's wrong?" Patrick asked.

"You're not wearing a condom and I'm not on the pill. I don't know about you, but I'm not trying for a baby." You said taking him in your hands.

"Wait-" Patrick was cut of by a moan emitting from his throat. You had taken him in your mouth.

"Fuck, now I know it's love." He moaned. He came in your mouth, grinning the back of your head. You pulled off of Patrick and collapsed on his chest.

"And to think I didn't wanna play the slutty nurse." You mumbled.

A/N: My friend wrote the smut part cuz I'm too innocent to write it. I hope she did a good job cause she sent me a bunch of snapchats of her just laughing while typing this. I hope you all liked it!

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