Andy Imagine: My Parents Aren't Home...

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You say on your bed, scrolling through Tumblr when you suddenly got really bored. You rooked over on your bed and grabbed your phone off the charger. You scrolled through your contacts until a name caught your eye. You pressed the name and put the phone to your ear.

"Hello?" The person answered.

"Andy! What's up?" You asked.

"I was just drumming. You?"

"Just scrolling on Tumblr. You should come over."

"...but my drums."

"My parents aren't home..."

*Time Skip brought to you by Andy rushing to throw on some pants and a good shirt before running over to your house in like 2 or 3 minutes*

"(Y/N), I'm here!" Andy called, using the key under your mat.

"Upstairs!" You yelled back. Andy scrambled up the stairs and his jaw dropped as he saw you in the bedroom.

"You ready for this?" You smirked. Andy nodded and walked towards the bed. You had on your fuzzy covers that Andy just loved to cuddle on and Pandora was playing from your tv.

"I love you, you know that right?" Andy mumbled pulling you into his chest. You giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Of course. Who doesn't love me?" You grinned. Andy rolled his eyes and planted a wet kiss on your cheek.

"Gross! Get off of me nasty." You squealed. Andy just chuckled and continued his assault.

*Time Skip brought to you by you and Andy rapping along to Nicki Minaj's Super Bass*

After 3 hours, you were both exhausted from goofing around.

"Alright, cuddle time? Andy asked. You smiled and nodded your head.

"Yes Andy, cuddle time." You chuckled. Andy, once again, pulled you into his arms and snuggled into your covers.

"Good night (Y/N)." He mumbled.

"Night Andy." You smiled, closing your eyes.

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