Pete Imagine: Great Meeting You

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She was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen and from the first glance, she had his attention. Pete watched as this mystery woman spoke to her friend all while sneaking glances at him. It made him unusually giddy knowing that someone had cared enough to take the time to check him out. He wanted to talk to her...tonight.

(Y/N) giggled at the boy with the blonde hair and turned back to her friend.

"He's still staring." (Y/N) smiled.

"Cause he has the biggest crush on you in this life!" Her friend chuckled.

"No way. On me? He's way too gorgeous to be crushing on me. Maybe I remind him of someone."

"Yeah, you're the woman he wants to wake up next to. Maybe not everyday but he does at least once." (Y/N) scoffed, secretly looking for another glance at the man. Sure enough he was still there with a smile on his face.

"I'm gonna do it. I'll talk to him." She decided.

"Yay! I'll be here for moral support. Have fun!" Her friend grinned. (Y/N) put one foot in front of the other and started to make her way over to the mystery man.

To be continued...

A/N: Sorry this is late. I went to sleep really early after my trip and just woke up. I met a cute guy!!! I even got his number :P. Go me! Anyway love you all and stay beautiful.

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