Pete Imagine: Thermochromic Table Pt.3

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Pete's POV

I did what anyone would do if they got a second chance to see the person they loved standing in front of them. I grabbed (Y/N) by the face and kissed her. I just allowed myself to stay there, in taking all that is her. When I pulled back, there were tears in (Y/N)'s eyes.

"Oh god, I really am dead." She sniffled.

"No, baby girl, you're just in a coma. See, your body's still over there." I explained. (Y/N) followed to where here body laid and let out a single chuckle.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She turned to me with a smile on her face.

"How long?" She asked.

"How long what?"

"How long have you been watching over me Peter?"

"...ever since the accident." (Y/N) smiled and walked back over to me. She wrapped her arms around me and buried her face into my chest.

"I-I can't believe I got you back." She mumbled. The door opened and I saw the guys walk in looking worried. Patrick brushed the hair out of (Y/N)'s face while Joe and Andy sat on either side of the bed. That's when I started to feel guilty. I felt my heart contort, trying to tell me what I already knew deep inside.

I couldn't keep her.

The selfish part of me yelled at my heart, trying to get it to see reason. She's already here. Why not just keep her? I bit my lip and pulled (Y/N) out of the hug.

" can't stay here princess. You're heart is still beating in the world." I told her. (Y/N) looked up at me with broken eyes.

"Pete, I'm not leaving you again. I-I just got you back!" She yelled.

"I know, believe me (Y/N) I know. I don't wanna let go of you either, but you deserve a life, something I can't give you here." I reasoned.

"You can't make me go!"


"Pete...please. Don't make me miss you again." I wiped a tear from my eye quickly and grabbed (Y/N)'s hands.

"You don't have to miss me. I'm always watching you. I've seen everything you do and hear everything you say. I can try to think of a way to communicate back, but just know; you're never actually alone. Not while I'm here." I explained. I saw how (Y/N) was struggling to hold back her tears as fear and realization washed over her. She always did wear her heart on her sleeve.

"Pete...I just got you back." She repeated, tears falling down her face.

"I know. I just got you back." I chuckled/sobbed. (Y/N) kissed me one more time before pulling me into a deep hug. She inhaled my scent while I did the same to her. This would be the last time I got to hold her...

"Pete, do I really have to go?" She sobbed.

"Yeah, but whenever you feel a cold spot, it's most likely me." I said, trying to cheer her up. (Y/N) nodded and pulled out of our embrace. She walked to her body on the hospital bed and grabbed her own hand. She squeezed it once and she was gone. Less than 3 minutes later, she opened her eyes and sat up, coughing.

"(Y/N)." Patrick gasped. (Y/N) didn't even answer; she just started to cry.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you in pain?" Joe asked.

"Pete...I saw Pete." She sobbed. The guys all looked at her with pity etched on their faces. If only they knew.

"(Y/N), Pete's gone. I'm sorry, but it's true." Andy said.

"No, he's here. He convinced me to live. He told me to come back." (Y/N) growled. Stubborn as always. It even made me smile. I walked up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. (Y/N) shivered and looked over her shoulder, where she predicted I would be. She smiled and it made me smile back. Maybe I wouldn't be able to hold the love of my life again, but knowing I was able to give her some type of closure is enough for me.

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