Patrick Imagine: Count On You

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A/N: Yes...this is based on the Big Time Rush song Count On You. Yes...I still listen to the songs. They're not bad.

You stood in your bathroom mirror getting ready for your 15th date with Patrick. You two had been seeing each other for about 4 months and things were getting serious. You really liked Patrick and you honestly felt like you were falling for him. Everything about that man was perfect. But you had once thought that you'd fallen for someone else in the past and it ended badly. You just wanted to know that Patrick was as serious about you as you were about him.

Your doorbell rang breaking you out of your train of thought. You grabbed your bag and walked to answer the door. You opened it to see Patrick standing there with his fedora, glasses, and a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey (Y/N). These are for you, obviously." He smiled. You smiled back and took the flowers.

"Thanks Patrick. These are lovely." You said honestly. You placed the flowers in a nearby base and met Patrick back at the door.

"So, we're going out right?" You asked.

"Yeah, just a little dinner and then we can go for a walk in the park or something. Sound good?" Patrick replied.

"Sounds perfect." You sighed.

*After Dinner*

You and Patrick walked out of the restaurant, his arm wrapped around your shoulders. You walked to the nearby walk just laughing and talking. The night breeze was cool but you didn't exactly mind the air since Patrick was so warm.

"Your not cold right?" He asked looking over at you. His blue green eyes sparkled with concern, making your heart do flips in your chest.

"I-I'm fine." You smiled. You wanted to say it. You wanted to tell Patrick that you loved him, but you were scared. What if this feeling in your chest was wrong again? You liked Patrick and didn't want anything to ruin what you two had. Suddenly, you had noticed Patrick's hand on your cheek.

"Okay, I thought the date went pretty well, so why do you look so distant?" Patrick chuckled nervously. You sighed and took his hands in yours.

"I'm gonna tell you something but keep in mind that I've never been in love before. I heard love is dangerous. People always tell me once you fall, you never get enough. And I think that's true, because the thought of you leaving isn't all that easy for me." You started off.

"(Y/N)..." Patrick started.

"Wait, just let me finish. I need you to promise not to hurt me, desert me, or give up on me." I rambled, cutting him off.

"Why would I wanna do that for? (Y/N), I've been here before. I thought I was in love but it didn't work out. I know how you feel, and I'm scared too. I'm willing to put my trust in you, and you can put your trust in me." Patrick confessed.

"What if you get tired of me? I'm not all that ya know." You chuckled weakly.

"There'll never be any numbers in my pocket and anything I'm doing I'll drop it for you. You're the one I'm giving my heart to (Y/N)." Patrick assured you, pulling you closer to him.

"It's just, I've never been so vulnerable." You whispered.

"I'll make you comfortable." He whispered back. You two were forehead to forehead and you could feel Patrick's breath on your face. You took a deep breath and shut your eyes.

"I love you." You said before kissing him.

A/N: Yes I used lyrics from the song. Yes I'm listening at Big Time Rush on Spotify as I write this. I have no regrets for knowing every word to every song. This was a cute ass imagine and I'm glad I wrote it. I just hope you guys think so too. Kisses!

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