Pete Imagine: If I Fall For You Pt. 3

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"Alright. March 22nd, 2013, is when I met you at Starbucks after you came back from band practice." You said.

"My birthday?" Pete asked.

"June 5th, 1979."

"I was born in?"

"Wilmette Illinois."

"What sport did I used to like to play?"

"! You wanted to go professional."

"Favorite memory?"

"The uh...the was when you had first met your friends Patrick, Joe, and Andy. You said they helped through tough times."

"Yeah. Now, what's my full name?"

"Oh crap, I know this! Peter Louis King Wentz the 3rd right?"

"Close, but you have the basics. It's Pete Lewis Kingston Wentz the third."

"Alright, now tell me about me."

"You are (Full Name) and you were born on (birthday). You were born in (hometown) and you used to (favorite hobby). You favorite memory is (favorite memory)." Pete rattled off. You grinned and nodded your head.

"Good job Wentz. You remember more about me than any of my other real boyfriends did." You said appreciatively.

"That's cause I'm elite." Pete smirked. You scoffed and rolled your eyes.

"I'm gonna head home to get ready for dinner. Meet back here?" You said.

"Yeah. I'll drive from here."

"You really think we can pull this off?"

"Yeah, we're a team." You smiled at Pete's last comment and went home to find something to wear.

To be continued...

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