Pete Imagine: Boycott Love Pt. 4

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Previously, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

He started to lean and so did you. This was definitely gonna happen. Nothing was gonna stop you!

Nothing except awkwardness.

You and Pete totally miscalculated and missed each other's lips. Instead you ended up head butting, surprisingly hard.

"Shit." Pete hissed rubbing his forehead. You frowned rubbing your own forehead.

"See ya later." Pete muttered before leaving you watching his retreating form.

Now, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

You decided you weren't gonna deny it anymore. You were in love with Pete. You loved everything about him and you wanted to be with him. Now if only you could get to talk to Pete about it. You made a decision and ended up outside of Pete's house.

"Wentz, we need to talk!" You yelled, pounding in his door. Pete opened the door after your persistent knocking.

"(Y/N) I really don't wanna talk about it." He sighed.

"Well that fucking sucks for you 'cause we're talking about it." You scoffed pushing your way inside the house.

"(Y/N), there's nothing to talk about." Pete groaned.

"Nothing to talk about!? We almost kissed." You yelled.


"Yeah, well obviously that means something, doesn't it?"

"No it doesn't. We just got caught in the moment and everything. We've been single for five months yet we're still not used to the thought of being alone." You growled in frustration and grabbed Pete's shoulders.

"Pete, you idiot! I only wanna be alone with you!" You barked.

"(Y/N), don't say anything you're gonna regret." Pete warned.

"I love you Pete!" He just looked at you head down.

"There, I said it. You can either reject me or do something about. And just so you know, the latter sounds really good." You said softly.

"I don't wanna endanger our relationship." Pete muttered.

"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the 3rd, you know as well as I do that I am nothing like your ex. I won't just randomly leave you." Pete bit his lip and moved your hands from his shoulders.

"I'm scared. I'm scared to put myself back out there and I'm scared of how much I'm attracted to you. It's like...if we ever stopped talking, I feel like I'd fall apart. (Y/N), I love you so much and it's scary." He confessed. You wrapped an arm around his neck an used your other hand to cup his cheek.

"Pete, I'd never hurt you. I know your hurt and I was too! But getting to know you had healed me. You make me feel like I can do anything and I don't wanna lose that feeling." You smiled. Pete smiled back and cupped your cheek.

"So you think this can work?" He asked.

"I hope it can and that's all we can do when jumping into the unknown; hope." You whispered. Your face was inching closer to Pete's own.

"I guess that's good enough." He smiled, your nose brushing with his own. You two stood there, barely breathing but testing the waters. Pete closed his eyes, feeling the endorphins fill his brain and you smiled at the peaceful look on his face.

"Pete?" You mumbled.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"I can kiss you right? You won't run off after?"

"I won't run off." You giggled before connecting your lips with his. Pete's stubble tickled your face making you giggle into the kiss. Pete giggled back at the vibration and that's when he knew that he'd be happy as long as he had you.

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