Pref#21: Couple's Therapy

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"You don't pay attention to me." You stated. Patrick scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I give you all the damn attention I could possibly give." He argued.

"You love your damn fedoras more than me!"

"(Y/N)! Dammit...I don't love the fedoras more than you."

"You made me sit in the back because your hat was in the front!"

"She was new and very expensive."

"It's a hat, Patrick! It doesn't have a gender!"

"You're missing the point. I don't love my fedoras more than you, (Y/N). I love you more than the fedoras." You pulled out one of Patrick's fedoras from your bag and held it up.

"What are you doing with fedora Dora?!" He gasped. Your mouth dropped open as you looked at the therapist.

"He named it!" You stuttered.

"(Y/N), don't get crazy." Patrick pleaded. You glared at him and shoved the fedora in his face.

"Look at the fedora and tell it you love me more." You ordered. Patrick looked down at the black fedora and bit his lip.

"I-I love (Y/N)." He stuttered.

"Say that you love me more than it!" You yelled.

"I love (Y/N) more than you!" Patrick yelled back. You smiled realizing what he had done.

"Patrick, you did it." You smiled.

"Because I love you." Patrick replied. You jumped into his lap and kissed you.

"So, is that the end of the session?" The therapist asked, desperately wanting to run away from you two freaks.


"Tell her. Tell her why we're here!" You ordered, shoving Joe's shoulder. He sighed and looked at the therapist.

"My wife thinks I'm cheating on her." He replied flatly.

"Because you are!" You yelled.

"(Y/N), I only love you and I don't believe in cheating!"

"Then who are all those girls in your phone texting you at night."

"I don't wanna talk about it." You threw your hands up in exasperation.

"He never tells me anything." You complained to the therapist.

"Because if I don't wanna talk about it, it means I don't wanna talk about it!" Joe yelled.

"No, you don't get to do that. I tell you everything, even if I really don't want to, because we're married! You are my husband and I am your wife. I deserve to know who is texting or calling my husband at 3 in the morning!"

"It's Meagan, Elisa, and some other band members' wives and girlfriends alright!" You stopped, and looked at Joe in confusion.

"Wh-what? Why didn't you just tell me that?" You asked, feeling bad for accusing your husband of cheating.

"Because It's embarrassing why they call and text me." Joe sighed


"Because, they ask me for hair tips." You giggled and took Joe's hand in yours.

"Joey, why didn't you just tell me. Hell, even I ask you for hair advice." You smiled.

"It's just embarrassing." Joe muttered, pushing his luscious curly locks behind his ear.

"...So, do you think you could give me some advice too?" Your therapist asked meekly. Joe nodded and proceeded to give her his number.


"So, what brings you two here today?" The therapist asked.

"He cheated on me." You stated with a blank face.

"(Y/N) I don't think-" Pete started.

"No, I need this. I want to fix us. We've been married for 4 years and have three kids. I want us to work Pete." You cut him off. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Right on time." You said, standing to open the door.

"Is the other woman attending too?" The therapist asked.

"Try the other man." You spat bitterly. The door opened and Patrick walked in sheepishly.

"Hey (Y/N)." He said awkwardly.

"Patrick." You scoffed. You sat in between Patrick and Pete, nobody saying a word.

"So, um, how did this happen?" The therapist asked.

"It was my birthday party." You spat bitterly.

"I was drunk and Patrick was drunk. Our kids were at my mom's house so, it was the first time in a long time I was allowed to get drunk." Pete explained.

"I mean, I have a wife and two kids myself. I would never ever cheat if I was sober, especially not with Pete." Patrick added.

"At 12, the party was over and I couldn't find Pete. I went up to our bedroom and there he was, laying on our bed, cuddling with Patrick. Patrick, you're our daughter's godfather for goodness sake!" You sniffled.

"(Y/N), if I was sober, I never would've done it." Patrick repeated.

"Same here baby girl. You're the only person I would have drunk sex and sober sex with." Pete added.

"You mean it?" You asked.

"Every word. I only want you." He confirmed. You smiled and hugged your husband.

"(Y/N), are we good, because I know I hurt you, but I never meant to." Patrick asked.

"It's fine Patrick. It's fine." You giggled, adding him to the hug.

"So, I'll just mail you guys the bill." Your therapist said, completely freaked out.


"She isn't supportive of me." Andy said.

"Baby, you're being crazy." You stated.

"No, you don't support my lifestyle."

"I do!"

"Then why did you tell me I need to stop being Crossfit?!"

"Because every time I go outside with you, I hear someone yelling 'crossfit xvx'! Some lady at the store called me Mrs. Crossfit xvx." Andy looked highly offended at that last part.

"That is a privilege you should be happy to receive." He scolded. You sighed and facepalmed yourself.

"I have a name and it barely gets used all because you wanna make a name for yourself as Mr. Crossfit xvx." You argued.

"So if people were to call you Mrs. Hurley that would be a problem?"

"You're missing the point! Your name is Andrew John Hurley! If or when we get married, I would be ecstatic if anyone would call me Mrs. Hurley or Andy's wife. If or when we get married, I do not want Mrs. Crossfit xvx to follow me! I want to be known as yours Andy, but not like this."

"So it really bothers you that much."

"Sort of, because you're not really committing and it's stupid to know be known as Mrs. Crossfit xvx unless its our friends calling me that or you calling me that."

"You think I'm not committing. I cleaned out half the dresser for your and half of the bathroom counter for you. (Y/N), I'm just trying to ease you into my life." Your face lit up as he said that.

"Really?" You asked.

"Yeah. I really like you and I want you to stick around." Andy smiled. 

"You should stick around." The therapist smiled. You chuckled and looked back at Andy.

"I think I want to stick around." You confirmed before kissing him.

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