Andy Imagine: Full House Pt. 2

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*About 9 Months Later*

"I can't believe it's a girl." Fabian grumbled along with his equally disappointed brother.

"Told you Fabes, it's a fair chance for a boy or girl." Andy said ruffling Fabian's hair.

"Andy, I think Kayla wants to say hi to her brothers." You said rocking the small child in your arms.

"Good idea." Andy smiled. He sat on the chair beside your hospital bed and pulled Cyrus on his lap first.

"Alright bud. Are you ready to say hi to your new sister?" Andy asked. Cyrus sighed and shrugged.

"I mean I guess." He replied. You giggled and placed the baby in Cyrus's arms. He looked down at Kayla who was smiling up at him.

"Mommy, why is she looking at me like that?" He asked.

"She wanted to steal your brains." Fabian teased. Cyrus gasped and handed the baby back to you.

"I don't like her. Tell the stork that he made a mistake and to give me my brother." He pouted. You stroked Cyrus's cheek and frowned.

"Sorry kiddo. The stork didn't make a mistake. This is your new sister." You explained.

"Don't expect me to like her. She's gotta take all the attention off Cy and me." Fabian scoffed

"Fabian that could never happen. Your mother and I will always love you and your brother." Andy frowned.

"You promise daddy?" Cyrus asked. Andy smiled and nodded his head. Cyrus looked over at you next.

"Do you promise mommy?" He asked. You smiled and nodded your head.

"That's one promise I will never hesitate to keep."

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