Pref #2: He Hears Someone Talking About You

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A/N: When I say talking about you, I mean like bad things and stuff.


"I think I've gone crazy. In fact, I really hope I've gone damn insane! (Y/N) is what? She's a slutty whore bitch? Dude, I want you to take that shit back before I lose it. I'm usually a calm guy, so to have me yelling at you right now is seriously a bad thing. You must really be some type of dick that I have to take time from spending with my girlfriend to threaten you. I don't wanna have this talk with you again, you understand me. If I do, you'll be really sorry, I promise you king ballsack."


"You don't know (Y/N) so you have no right to judge her asshole! She is so much better than you that you are nothing to her! I don't ever want to hear her name coming from your mouth again, you uncultured swine! Talk shit about her one more time and I'll be back, except I'll be less cordial. Besides, what happened to you and your girlfriend? Wasn't she with Brendon last week...and then Tommy...and then Dallon...then Spencer? Yeah, your girl is unfaithful, so think about that the next time you wanna talk about mine, dickweed."


"Ya know what, I'd tell you off, but you probably heard them all already. No seriously, all of your flaws are shown so why tell you what a bunch of people have already told you before. Instead I'm just gonna give you a warning. Think about (Y/N) , you're dead. Talk about (Y/N), you're dead. Look at (Y/N), you're dead. Breath around (Y/N), you're dead. Dude, listen to (Y/N) and you're dead, is that clear? It better be crystal buddy, because the fact that I even have to associate myself to you to talk to is so embarrassing, shitface."


"What the hell? It's should be so easy to keep my girlfriend's name out of your mouth, but even you couldn't accomplish that. So what's the deal? You're her fan or something? She seems to have a lot of those and I'm confused. Her fans just get so attached. They want to know every aspect about her life that they make shit up. Well, that's not o-fucking-kay! (Y/N) didn't do shit to you except try to be nice, like she always is. You wanna talk shit, get hit. I can happily oblige you fuckwad."

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