Andy Imagine: My Girls

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A/N: Some beautiful Andy Hurley Fluff!!

You sat at the diner across from your boyfriend of three years, watching as he talked on the phone, all while playing with your nearly one year old daughter, Winona.

"Of course a tour is a good idea. is complicated. I have a family to take care of." He argued all while smiling down at Winona.

"My daughters first birthday is in a month. Try and schedule something after that." Andy cooed in response, tickling your daughter's stomach.

"Oh well, if you don't like that, you can shove your opinion up your ass." He smiled, hanging up the phone. Andy picked up Winona out of the baby seat, setting her on his lap, facing him.

"See baby girl, daddy is a real gangster. I just told off my manager!" Andy cheered. Winona cheered back in response, making you and Andy chuckle. Andy looked up at you with his always kind eyes.

"And I think it's time you go with mommy so I can take a picture of my best girls." Andy cooed, handing Winona off to you. You smiled wider as Winona's (E/C) eyes looked up at you. 

"Hey pretty girl." You giggled. Winona smiled  and reached for your face.

"Win, look at daddy." Andy called, capturing her attention. Winona looked over and gave a toothless grin. You laughed at your daughters adorableness as Andy snapped the picture.

"This is so precious. Look at my girls. My two beautiful girls. What did I do to deserve this?" Andy smiled. You leaned over the diner table and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"Because you're amazing Andrew John Hurley." You smiled. Andy held your hand and let Winona grasp onto his pointer finger.

"You two make me amazing." He sighed.

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