Patrick Imagine: Helpless Pt.3

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You walked into the same garden that started it all. All of your closest friends and family sat in the seats as Brendon walked you down the aisle. Patrick stood up at the alter, those blue eyes staring at you with such love and adoration, you knew you'd never love another like you loved him.

"Who gives this woman away?" The priest asked.

"I do, sir." Brendon smiled. He placed your hand in Patrick's and went to his seat.

"Now for the vows." The priest said.

"Patrick, I don't know what to say as you leave me speechless. Your eyes alone are enough to render me lost for words. Just looking into the blue irises with yellow around the pupil, I know the sky is the limit. I never want to be without you, because you make me feel beautiful, you make me feel loved, and you make me helpless. Seeing you for the first time left me helpless as I didn't know if I would ever be the same again. I'm so into you. I don't think I'll ever love someone like I love you. You have such a way with words and I just want to hear you relay those words and phrases back to me for as long as we both shall live." You said, tears brimming in your eyes. Patrick took in a deep breath and smiled at you.

"(Y/N), money may never be a problem for us and I'm pretty well off on land, but if you asked, I'd give it all away. As long as I have you all I need is you. You will become to water I drink and the air I breathe. I live off of you and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Now your little family of Brendon and Sarah is insane; I mean Brendon is always around doing god knows what and Sarah threatened to beat me, but if it means I have you, I'll take the crazy. I've missed the closeness of family since my band split, but you made everything better. As long as I'm alive, (Y/N), swear to God
You'll never feel so helpless." He confessed. You wiped your eyes slightly as the priest looked at you.

"Do you, (Your Full Name), take Patrick Martin Vaughn Stumph to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He recited.

"I do, I do, I do, I do." You sniffled. Patrick giggled adorably at this and looked into your (E/C) eyes.

"And do you, Patrick Martin Vaughn Stumph, take (Your Full Name) to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Patrick said softly.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Patrick chuckled as he pulled you to him, connecting your lips at once. The whole crowd clapped except for Brendon who stood up and yelled,

"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the door, ya knuckle heads?" You broke the kiss and laughed at your friend's antics. You looked back over at Patrick who was laughing as well.

With him, you'd never feel helpless again.

Or so you thought...

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