Pete Imagine: And If I Fall For You

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It happened so fast that you didn't even realize it. You were suddenly pulled into a man's chest and strong arms.

"Shh, it's okay. I just need to borrow you for a second." He whispered into your ear.

"Borrow me? What am I, a library book?" You scoffed. The man tightened his grip around your waist and sighed.

"My ex girlfriend; she's over there with her new boyfriend. It's just...he looks way better than I ever could." The man confessed you felt pity in your heart for the man and groaned.

"Alright, you can borrow me. Do you need me to pretend to be your girlfriend or something?" You asked.

"Yes please." He replied meekly. You gave a small smile and held his hand.

"So where is your evil ex girlfriend?" You asked.

"Blond hair and black v-neck. She's with the guy with brown hair." The man explained.

"Alright, well my name is (Y/N), and if we want this to work, I'm gonna need to know your name." The man smiled and nodded.

"Peter, but I go by Pete." He replied.

To be continued...

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