Patrick Imagine: Know Your Other Half

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"It's cold." You mumbled.

"It's not cold, it's just not as warm as you'd prefer." Patrick smiled.

"That means it's cold." You retaliated. Patrick just chuckled and wrapped his arms around you.

"I love you." You smiled.

"I love you too." Patrick replied burying his face in your shoulders.

"Cut! That was horrible! At least look like you love her, Patrick!" The director yelled.

"I'm trying here Matthew. Your script is not giving me enough to work off of." Patrick sighed

"Make friends. Know each other. Act better!" Matthew huffed before walking away. You looked at Patrick and shrugged.

"Wanna go grab some pizza? That way we can get to know each other." You suggested. Patrick shrugged but nodded his head.


To be continued...

A/N: I saw Civil War...I'm hurt :(. It was really amazing though, everyone should see it.

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