Andy Imagine: He's Right In Front Of You!

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You stood awkwardly in next to your History seat, waiting for Pete Wentz and his current fling to stop making out on your desk.

"Hey Pete...could you mind if I just...Holy smokes." You tried. It was like he was entranced with the mouth of the fling or something. You rolled your eyes and sat in the corner of the room. Too bad the teacher wasn't here. You would've loved to see them get in trouble. Well, not Pete. Just the girl. You kind of had a crush on Pete. It was nothing too serious but at the same time you really wanted him to like you back. Like lowkey-highkey

"(Y/N), you okay?" Your best friend, Andy asked. He sat next to you with a concerned look on his face.

"Just peachy. One day Pete can tell his child that they were conceived on the desk of (Y/N) (L/N)." You said sarcastically.

"(Y/N)...he's no good for you." Andy sighed.

"I know but...I want him to be."

"You know you can't just make him love you, right?"

"Unfortunately, yes." You and Andy talked for the class period as the sub texted on their phone. When the period was over, you both moved onto your free period that you shared with your other friends, Joe and Patrick.

"Hey guys." You smiled, walking into the library and meeting Joe and Patrick.

"Hey (Y/N), hey Andy." They both replied. You all took a seat at a table and you pulled out your laptop.

"Yo And, another Civil War trailer just dropped!" You exclaimed.

"Shut up!" Andy said turning your laptop towards him. You both watched the trailer in awe as Joe and Patrick smiled at you two.

"Wow, the OTP has done it again. I think I'm in my feels Trick." Joe teased.

"Same Joe. I, I'm so lonely." Patrick joined in, fake crying. You stuck up the finger at them while Andy blushed red. It made you start rethinking things.

How do you feel about Andy?

To be continued...

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