Andy Imagine: Finding Love In A Frog's Stomach

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You put on your safety goggles as you stared at the poor frog laying dead in front of you.

"Okay everyone, grab your scalpel and begin." Your biology teacher instructed. Damn, that poor during and even worse, poor you. Dissection always made you uneasy. It was so weird and gross to see inside a live animal, nevertheless a dead one. You picked up the scalpel, not daring to make the cut. The classroom door opened, making everyone's attention turn from the frog.

"Sorry I'm late sir." Andy Hurley, the quiet kid, apologized.

"It's fine Andy. Let's just find you a partner." Your bio teacher smiled. He then turned to the class.

"Does anyone not have a partner?" He asked. You were the only one without a partner yet no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't raise your hand. Andy Hurley, working with you? You'd make a fool out of yourself. He was just too cute.

"(Y/N), you don't have a partner, right?" Your bio teacher asked.

"No sir, I don't." You stuttered.

"Great. Andy, go work with (Y/N)." Andy nodded and walked over to you.

"Hey." He mumbled.

"Hi." You smiled awkwardly. You advertised your eyes back to the frog, scalpel still in hand.

"So...are you gonna cut it?" Andy asked.

"Totally! I should probably do that now." You chuckled nervously. You gulped and pressed the scalpel to the frogs stomach. The minute that you caught sight of the animal's insides, you were out like a light.


When you opened your eyes, you weren't feeling the cold floor, but instead you were warm in someone's arms and you were moving. You looked up at your savior and saw Andy carrying you to the nurses office. He was looking straight ahead while he carried you as if you weighed nothing.

'Oh shit, he's buff as hell.' You thought.

"Hey, you okay?" Andy asked, looking down at you. You froze looking into his eyes. He placed a hand on your forehead and moved it down to you cheek.

"(Y/N), I need you to answer me so I can see if you're okay." He spoke softly.

"Pretty eyes." You mumbled. Andy chuckled and continued his walk to the nurses office.

"Thanks. Your eyes are pretty too." He smiled.

To be continued...

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