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It's a cold rainy day, standing by the kitchen window looking at the view of my pool with a cup of coffee in my hands, thinking about the meeting I have this morning in fact I have back to back meetings starting at 10:00 am. 4 years ago who would have thought I would standing here looking at the view of my own pool, in and out of meetings with a beautiful office, my own company in fact various businesses. I am happy though My heart is too broken. Love broke me, love broke my heart, I don't think I'll ever able to love another man. I'm too scared. The pain was just too much, I don' think I'll ever heal, yes I moved on with my life and I forgave him, but I haven't healed. I've to realize that the love can break you into a million pieces, love can turn your heart into ice, but can love heal you, can love heal the broken the heart, can it restore it, can love melt the ice, can it break down the walls you built to protect your heart. I wish I had protected my heart back then, but I loved too much.
Me: I have decided to move the kids to my parents for next year.
Him: Why? I don't understand
Me: Well I can see that we are a burden to you. Ever since I lost my job things have changed around here the treatment is not the same.
Him: What do you mean?
Me: I mean exactly that. I can't even ask you for anything because if I do ask for something, you complain and start verbally abusing me. Telling me how ungrateful I am, how we think wena uvuza imali. I hardly ever ask you for anything but when I do you act like everyday we want money from you. I've never asked for anything for the kids, I take care of them myself, while you forgot that you have kids. I do all I can for them, making sure that they don't ask for anything from you. it's not like you can't afford us. I've watched you verbally abusing our kids and I speak up for them you turn on me. Ndinyamezele, amazwi abuhlungu ebephuma emlonyeni wakho, ndahlala ndanyamezela hoping ukuba you will change, but the longer we stay the worse it got. Today I'm telling you that we can't stay anymore the emotional abuse you are putting us through is killing us.
Him: Two of those kids are not my kids, why would you expect me to anything for them, they are your bastards.
Me: I gave you three beautiful kids and you never even spend time with them and My kids are not bastards, and I never expected you to do anything for them hence I never asked for anything. You married me knowing that I have 2 kids, I never hid that from you and you were ok think with it. Everything you did, you did so people could applause you, you care more about what people think than what your wife thinks in fact your so called wife because you don't want to be legally married, being married traditionally is enough for you and it's not enough for me. You are in this marriage with one foot outside the door, whilst I'm all in. I'm sorry but I can't be the only one fully committed in this. We'll be out of your hair by the end of the week.

....................................................................END OF FLASHBACK................................................................

4 years later, I'm single, living with my kids in Durban, walked away and never looked back, I'll forever be grateful for the strength I had to eventually walk away from my marriage, a toxic and emotionally abusive marriage.
My train of thoughts is interrupted by my driver/ personal body guard
Andile: The car is ready Miss Sondlo
Me: Andile how many times must I tell you to call me Khanyi
Andile: I'm sorry Khanyi
Me: If you call me Miss Sondlo again I'll fire you, I try very hard to say that with a straight face but I fail. His smile is contagious.
Andile: He smiles warmly, I most definitely wouldn't want to lose my job. Can we go.
Me: Yes we can. Were the kids ok when you drove them to school? They were mad at me because I couldn't drive them myself.
Andile: You should ask Eddie, he drove them, they are also mad at me and I don't know why
Me: These kids and their drama. We both laugh about it.
My name is Khanyisile Sondlo and this is my life after a disastrous marraige.

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