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I feel his soft kisses on my face and on my lips.
Me:  No Qhawe, let me sleep.  I’m not opening my legs for you again and it’s still early.  (I say all this with my eyes still closed.)
Qhawe:  it is funny how you always say that you are never opening your legs for me but you always do.  Tonight you will open them and beg me to be inside. (I open my eyes and the meet his looking straight at me with a silly smile on his face.)
Me:  I do not beg, you use witchcraft on me. (He laughs so hard even holding his stomach. i try to sit up but my nuna hurts and it’s burning he notices me flinch in pain and helps me sit up.)
Qhawe:  your bath is ready and after that we can have breakfast before the guys get here. Come.
(he carefully lifts me and takes me to the bathroom and puts me in the bath tub.)
Me:  Qhawe what time is it.
Qhawe:  it’s after 8, why?
Me:  why didn’t you wake me up earlier, who took the kids to school?
Qhawe:  I took them to school; I know what I did to you last night so I let you sleep in.
Me:  I see.  (he kisses me and leaves me to bath. i’m obviously not going to the office today.  Maybe I should appoint a new CEO, so that I go to the office when I am needed, plus I have all these other businesses that need my attention now.  When I get of out the bathroom, Qhawe has clothes laid out on the bed for me, my leggings and one of his long sleeve t-shirt, it’s one of my favourites and he loves it when I wear it. He is up to no good again.  When I get downstairs he is in the kitchen with Mam’ Mavis talking.)  Morning mama
Mavis:  Morning Khanyi, you are glowing this morning. (this woman is making me blush.)
Me:  it’s nothing ma. (I take a sit on one of the high chairs and Qhawe brings our breakfast and sits next to me, not before giving me a kiss.)
Mavis:  I’ll leave you two love birds to enjoy your breakfast.  Khanyi don’t forget I’m off this weekend.
Me:  Don’t worry mama, I won’t ruin your weekend by making you work.
Mavis.  Thank you child.  Thank you for everything (she hugs me and walks out.  I’m left with this idiot of mine grinning from ear to ear like a retard.)
Me:  and that smile on your face?
Qhawe:  I am thinking of something my father said.
Me:  what is that?
Qhawe:  He said that no matter how angry you should make me, I must never let you go because I won’t find another like you. I must say I agree with him.  Everyday I learn something new about you.  (I don’t say anything, I just kiss him.)
“You still can’t keep your hands off each other”  that was Luyanda my lawyer.
Me:  Knocking doesn’t cost a thing you know.  (he comes over to me and gives me a hug and kisses my cheek.)
Luyanda:  the way you are so all over each other you wouldn’t have heard the knock.  Is there more food?
Qhawe:  there’s enough for everyone.
Me:  Que, they need to start paying for the food when they come here.  They always leave the fridge half empty especially Lwazi.
“what about Lwazi?”  that was Lwazi himself with Bandile
Bandile:  is there more of that Lu?
Luyanda:  there’s enough for everyone.
Lwazi:  oh good, I’m starving (I turn to look at Qhawe)
Me:  You see what I mean.  (he just smiles at me and I turn to look at these two idiots that just walked in helping themselves to my food. ) and whatever happened to knocking before you enter someones house.
Lwazi:  you were too busy talking about me, you wouldn’t have heard the knock anyway.  Heee Khanyi are you wearing his clothes while you have visitors? You do know that, this is his favourite t-shirt and you do know what happens to him when he sees you in his clothes
Me:  I give up.  Ask him those questions, he chose my outfit for today. (Qhawe is just laughing at me just Eddie and Andile walk in)
Andile:  oh good, there’s food and Qhawe is up to no good. (my sentiments exactly)
Eddie:  I’m starving
Me:  I really don’t understand you guys, don’t you have food at your houses?
Luyanda:  it’s not that we don’t have food, we do.  We just like eating your food.
Qhawe:  In that case, you will all have to start pitching in on buying the groceries.
Lwazi:  hayibo Qhawe, you guys make more money than we do, you certainly afford to buy groceries without our help.
Qhawe: It’s either you help out or you don’t eat when you come here.
“If I were, I would help with the groceries.”  (that was Khaya) 
Khaya:  even Eddie and Andile help with the groceries.  (they all turn to look at Andile and Eddie)
Andile &Eddie:  it’s true
Lwazi:  Yhooo, this is serious
Khaya:  I’m telling you.  I also help with the groceries, why do you think the fridge and cupboards are always full.  Every week someone buys food, we take turns.  Mom doesn’t play like that.
Me:  thank you Khaya.  Aren’t you late for work?
Khaya:  I’m on my way out.  Lina asked me to apologise for her, she left early, she said she’ll call you guys.
Me:  I thought her flight was later this afternoon, I know because I booked it. 
Khaya:  she changed it, she forgot she had an assignment to submit today.
Me:  this child.  Before you go, do me a favour and run up to the office bring me the documents on my desk with Luyanda’s name on them.  (he quickly does that, comes back and leaves for work.  I take the document and give to Luyanda.)  Look over those quickly. guys please put your plates in the sink.  We need to move to the lounge so that Mam’ Mavis can clean here.  I should make you clean this kitchen. (they look at me like I’ve gone mad or something.  We all go to the lounge.)
Eddie:  Why was my leave cancelled?
Me:  Because Zwelibanzi’s father died, leaving almost all his businesses to me, in fact not to me but to my kids and I am supposed to manage them until they are eligible to do so and that will only happen when they finish their degrees.  Luyanda those documents stipulate everything that I am saying.
Luyanda:  I see that.  Your ex-father in law planned this properly.  These documents are simple and straight forward, there are no loop holes, he made sure of that.  Zwelibanzi won’t be able to fight you in court and if anything happens to the kids, everything goes to Khanyi.
Me:  I guess that’s what he meant when he said that he has put our lives in danger. I am officially screwed.  (Qhawe looks at me with a raised eyebrow) get your dirty mind out of the gatter.
Qhawe:  what do you mean dirty mind.  I did nothing I just looked at you.  (I give him the” stop it” look and I know he doesn’t like it when I do that and I’m going to pay for it later.)
Eddie:  this is serious.  This means the old man knew about his son’s activies.
Me:  yes he knew, that’s why he did this. He said that he doesn’t want his son destroying what he worked hard for, his legacy. Luyanda can I sign those documents?
Luyanda:  yes you can.  You can sign them now and I’ll send them to him as we speak. (I take the documents, sign them and hand them back to him.)
Andile:  he is going to go after the kids.
Lwazi:  I don’t think so.  He needs something that will make Khanyi weak, something that will make her lose her mind.  Him going after the kids won’t do that, instead it will drive her to fight him even to a point where shehas to kill him, that is something he knows and sure of.
Qhawe:  what he also knows is that the focus will be on Lonwabo, Ntando and the little Princess.  He is going to want hit her where she least expects him to, and that’s Khaya and Lina.
Bandile:  You might be right.
Eddie:  We need inside help.  Let me make a call.  (he takes his phone and makes the shortest call I’ve ever heard him make.  “GET HERE NOW.” that’s all he said to the person on the other end of the call.
Me:  who the hell was that?
Eddie:  You’ll see.
Me:  Ok.  While we wait, Luyanda I need you to do something for me.  All the information you need is in those documents.  I need you to re-draft my will saying that I leave everything I own to Khaya’s project.
Qhawe:  what’s the point of that, I’m a bit confused.
Me:  Baby if anything happens to these three kids, everything their grandfather left to them automatically comes to me right, so the WILL is a protective measure making sure he doesn’t get anything.
Luyanda:  ok I get you.  Consider it done.
Qhawe:  it’s clear now. (my front door opens. I really don’t understand why people who come to this house are allergic to knocking and when I look at the door, the man I see standing there is a man I never expected to see at my doorstep. 
Me:  Sizwe (and it comes out as whisper.)


I don’t understand why my father in law would do this to me.  Yes he said he didn’t trust us but still he should have let us handle what he left for our kids.  Khanyi is really becoming a thorn on my side.  In fact she has always been a thorn on my side.  Zweli’s parents never liked me, she was always the favourite, they even loved her first two kids, took them in as their own grandchildren.  I was not even allowed to be in this house when she was here with the kids just because Zweli was refusing to her truth. I can’t let this happen.  There has to be a way to get her to sign over the trust funds to me, to manage them. Maybe I just need to get rid of her.  I’ve always lived in her shadow. She has always had the attention.  I now have kids with Zweli but the kids get more attention from this family more than me.  The worst part is that it’s always Khanyi this and khanyi that, I hate it.  I even hate the fact that Zweli might be in love with her and he doesn’t know.  Damn you Zweli.  As I walk towards the stairs I hear my mother in law talking to someone but I don’t recognise his voice.
Mrs Tom:  We put her in danger by giving everything to the kids. Yes she can manage it all but will she be safe from my son. 
Him:  She will be.  She has people watching over her but you need to prepare yourself.
Mrs Tom:  for what?
Him:  You might lose your son this time.  She won’t run away this time, she will fight with everything she’s got and you need to tell his wife that if she knows what’s good for her, she will stay away from Khanyi, this is a fight she won’t win.  In fact both of them they won’t win.  Khanyi has a special weapon but she doesn’t know yet, she’ll find out tonight. (I’m not staying away from her, I want her gone now.  I’m tired of being in her shadow.)
Mrs Tom:  I know I might lose my son, I hope and pray it doesn’t come to that.  (I wonder who is this man that this woman is talking to and seems well informed about Khanyi and Zweli.)
Him:  it has started.  Your son is losing a lot of money and doesn’t know who is doing it.  I can’t tell you much right now but when the time is right you will know everything.  I have to go.  I’ll come around again soon.  (I quickly run back to my room.  I wonder who is that and who is stealing Zweli’s money.  No wonder he’s been in such a bad mood lately, I wonder how much has he lost now.  this has Khanyisile written all over it.  This woman needs to go.


Dad why did you this?  This is the question I keep asking but he is not here to answer, even though I have the answer but it’s not enough.  I need him to explain further.  The money those companies generate could have replaced the money I’m losing at the moment.  I know I can’t kill any of them even if I could do that, I’m sure my dad had a failsafe plan in place for everything.  My phone rings:

Him:  You know, I miss seeing you in Durban, you should come back.
Me:  What do you want?
Him:  Straight to the point, I like that.  I know what happened, I mean about the Will.  I actually can’t wait to see what you are going to do and by that giving me a chance to strangle you to death.
Me:  You’ll wait for a long time.
Him:  I don’t think so.  I know you and right now you need to make more money.  I just took R 2 million from you. Now that things are a bit of a mess for you, I need to remind you of what’s at stake here, but the reason for todays call is to tell you to tell your pretty little wife to stay away from Khanyi  if she values her life and the lives of her kids and your life for that matter.
Me:  What do you mean she needs to stay away from Khanyi.  She hasn’t done anything to her.
Him:  I forget you can be stupid at times.  After what happened at the reading of the will, trust me, she is planning something and if she doesn’t stop, she will get burnt.  And her stupid plans just cost you another R 4 million.  Talk to her otherwise all the money you’ll be losing from now on will be because of her.
(he hangs up).

Shit Sima what have you done or what are you going to do.  I told her to leave it alone, now she is being stubborn.  How the hell does this guy know everything.
What to do?  What to do?

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