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It feels good to live life and not have to look over your shoulder.  For  a change we are living life peacefully. 
Lwazi:  so you and Khanyi are really going to go public with your marriage?
ME:  Yes we are.  People have been asking questions about us and now we are going to give them answers and this would probably be the last time we speak about our relationship in public.  Our private life will remain private.
Bandile:  At least there won’t be any speculations about what’s going on.  We’ve also been getting a lot of questions, maybe we should have a joint press conference.
Luyanda:  that wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Me:  we’ll have to speak to the wives first.
Luyanda:  I doubt they will mind that very much but Lwandle is due anytime now and she would probably want to do it after she gives birth.  But I think it will be better if we do it now.
Me:  I think so because the baby will keep you very busy.
Lwazi:  I think Thando is pregnant and I don’t think she knows (Lwazi just said that out of the blue, very unexpected.)
Bandile:  why do you say that?
Lwazi:  she has mood swings lately, her eating habits have changed as well and she hasn’t been on her periods in two months.
Me:  How do you know when she is on her periods?
Lwazi:  she always tells me so that I know there won’t be any sex.
Bandile:  I really hate that time.  (my phone beeps indicating that I’ve received a message and not long after the guys phones beep as well.)
Me:  I believe right now we own Food Lovers Market in La Lucia and three clothing shops at the mall.
Bandile:  but you told her she can spend your money.
Me:  yes I did but this much money on groceries and this is all because of you guys.  You spend too much time at our house.  It’s about time it changes, I can’t suffer alone.
Lwazi:  Oh please, I’m sure she didn’t even put a dent on your bank account.  Besides you are the one that chose to have a big house that can accommodate all of us and you have a man cave which makes me wonder why we are spending the day at Bandile’s house.
Me:  We are spending time here because I am tired of hosting you guys.
Lwazi:  hayibo Qhawe  how?  I can’t survive not going to your house.
Me:  well my dear brother you are just going to have to survive it and next Sunday we are going to your house.
Lwazi:  and I have to buy food for all of you, NO NEVER!!!
Bandile:  I’m buying food for all of you.   My wife just spent enough for me to own shares at food lovers market and pick ‘n pay.  So you better get used to spending on us.
Lwazi:  I don’t think I like this rotating idea.  Are the others also a part of it.  Why don’t we just stick to the original plan and that was going to the Mtimkhulu residence every Sunday.
Me:  yes they are.  And no, no more spending every Sunday at my house.  Everyone will have their turn. 
Lwazi:  maybe is should be the last one in this circle.
Luyanda:  Nope you are next and we are not changing it.
Lwazi:  I’m looking at this message and I’m about to have a heart attack.  What the hell did Thando buy.  This woman is going to be the death of me.  Which when you a spend a Sunday at my house, she is going to spend more.  Someone kill me now.
Luyanda:  How can you even ask that.  I’m sure Thando has to buy groceries every week the way you eat.  I’m sure she shops like Qhawe and Khanyi and their case is understable because their house has more people.  What’s your excuse?
Lwazi:  You are just exergerating things.  I don’t eat that much.
ME:  Oh please you and that son in law of mine eat like there’s no tomorrow. 
You know when we were in school I never thought we would be here, living life the way we are.
Luyanda:  You could say that again.  I never thought I would meet a crazy bunch of people and actually be a family.  I must truly say that being Khanyi’s lawyer changed my life and now I am about to be a father for the second time.  After I was told Lungi that Lungi had died, happiness was a distant thought in my mind.  I just lived for the sake of living.  Khanyi gave me reasons to be happy and look forward to life everyday.  Then I met Lwandle and discovered my daughter was alive and well.  They  are my heart, if I should lose them my heart would stop beating.
Bandile:  we hear you man.  There’s no better feeling than knowing that you are living life and you have something to live for.
Me:  How about we make the trip to Zambia a celebration of what we have archieved in life, trials and tribulations that we’ve been through, how about we celebrate our wives?
Lwazi:  Don’t you also have business in Zambia?
Me:  I do, that will just be a few meetings for two days that’s all.
Lwazi:  Ok then. (just then the ladies walk in with Sizwe and Anelisa.)  Thando my love, tell me what did you spend all that money on? (he doesn’t wait for them to sit down.)
Thando:  You can’t ask me that question when you eat every five minutes, including Mcebisi.  Qhawe  your son in law spends too much time at my house, I’m going to start charging him for groceries.
Me:  Your man buys groceries at my house.
Thando:  I hear you.
Khanyi:  Leave my son in law alone.  Lwazi stopped buying groceries at the house a long time ago.  He eats for free.
Me:  so you have lying to me Lwazi?
Lwazi: I wouldn’t say that exactly Qhawe but …..  did you have to tell them Khanyi?  You know how your husband is.
Khanyi:  it’s the truth.  I should have told my husband sooner.   Where are the others?
Bandile:  they are coming.  They’ll be here later.
Lwazi:  Khanyi why are being like this
Khanyi:  if you don’t buy your share at my house, then Mcebisi won’t too.
I don’t know what’s going on with this child.  She is changing.  She doesn’t even want anything to do with Mcebisi.  Why can’t she understand that I want the best for her.  when her father, he left us with nothing.  I don’t understand why children can’t see that I want what’s good for them.  I want them to well taken care of.  It’s hard out there and they are busy playing games.
Sne:  mama please just stop ok.  This is my life, I have to do what’s best for me and if I keep listening to you I am going to find myself in deep trouble.
Me:  this is for your own good Sne.
Sne:  what I am doing ma is what’s good for me.  Mama I told you that Mcebisi’s wife beat me and Mcebisi allowed it to happen that alone ma showed me he doesn’t care about me and he never will.  He loves his wife, he only has eyes for her.  There’s a lot of beautiful girls here and he never gave them a second look eversince he started dating his wife and you think he is going to change for me.  You also heard what that traditional healer said to us.  I’m sorry mama but I am not about to lose my life over a man that doesn’t care about me.
Me:  that’s why we went to the traditional healer, to get something to help you.
Sne:  I don’t want anything to help me ma.  I am fine just the way I am thank you very much.  Anyway I’ll be moving out soon.
Me:  why would you do that?
Sne:  I’m doing it for me ma.  I also need to grow as person and do things for myself.  I can’t always be living in your shadow.  At least now I understand why Dumisani left.  (she gets up leaves me there before I could even say anything.  What has gotten into this child.
Life hasn’t been easy in here but me and my sisters we are hanging in there.  I received news that my husband was diagnosed with cancer and the treatment might not help.  It might just prolong his life for a while.  His father died from cancer now him.  My babies have lost of us and by the time I get out here they would probably want nothing to do with me.  They would be all grown up.  They are going to lose their father but I hear that he gets visits from his children.  Maybe his mom brings the twins to visit him.  I doubt his older kids want anything to do with him.
Amanda:  what’s on your mind?
Me:  My husband has cancer and it’s not looking good.
Amanda:  that’s not good.
Me:  I know.  I need to make arrrangements to go visit him.
Amanda: that is going to be difficult maybe they might allow it due to the fact he is sick and might die soon.
Me:  it’s worth a try and I miss my twins.
Amanda:  I miss my kids and they haven’t even been here to see me.  Only their father came and it was not a pleasant visit.
Me:  what do you mean?
Amanda:  he told me that the kids are not interested in seeing me and that he is married now.
Me:  don’t tell me you still love him.  you guys broke up a long time ago.
Amanda;  I’ll always love Bandile.  Not being loyal to him and not being a good woman to him are things I will always regret.  There is no second chance for me, there never was.  You know Sima as women we always blame men for bad the shit that happens in our relationships and while we are pointing a finger at a man we don’t don’t realise that three fingers are pointing at us.  Sometimes we just need to look in the mirror because sometimes it’s not the man that is at fault it is the woman but because they have always been at the receiving end of it all, we never stop to ask ourselves if the current argument is your fault.  We never stop to ask ourselves if we did anything wrong.
Me:  what has gotten into you lately?
Amanda:  Nothing.  I just realised that Bandile never did anything wrong to me.  He was always there, but I made feel like he was not worthy, I made him feel like shit every chance I got. I tried using his kids against him and to get him.  Yet he did nothing but be a good man and a great father to our kids.  He never even cheated on me Sima but I always accused him of cheating when ever he was working late building his company to be what it is today.  Him and Lwazi are partners in the business and they were always together.  Look at them today.  the hardwork they put in has payed off and now they have time for their women and children.  If I had held on, understood what he was trying to do, stayed by his side supported him when he needed me to and I didn’t.  I wouldn’t be here today.  
Me:  I hear you but it is what it is Amanda and there’s nothing you can do about it.  Trying to destroy them is what landed us here.  Zweli warned me to stay away from Khanyi a couple of times but I didn’t listen and here we are.

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