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The three days went by very fast.  Khanyi is very angry at Zwelibanzi for threatening her for the company.  I need to speak to Eddie about this, maybe Khanyi giving Zwelibanzi the company might just be the trap we need to put him away for a long time.  We could kill him but then again we are not killers. Khanyi just wants him dead and that night the only I way I could get her to calm down was to sex her up and it’s official I’m addicted to her not just sexually but in every way, especially the way she carries herself, her simplicity and right now I wish it was just me and her in this car.  Khanya interrupts my naughty thoughts, Khanyi looks at me and sees that I am a little annoyed and she just laughs at me.
Khanya:  daddy
Me:  yes Princess (I say with a big smile.)
Khanya:  we need a bigger car so we can all ride together.
Me:  You are right about that Princess, we do need a bigger a car for times like these.
Khanyi:  and daddy is going to buy it Princess.
Me:  I am?
Khanya:  yes daddy, you must.
Lwanele:  I think he wants mom to buy it.  (she laughs)
Khanyi:  you can forget it Mr, you agreed to it, so you buy it. I still want to buy myself a sports car.
Khanya:  but mom, you don’t need to buy a sports a car, daddy has 2 you can just take one of his.
Khanyi:  You know what Princess you are right and he actually has the one I want to buy.
Me:  Ok, stay away from my cars. (they all laugh, I love these girls.)
Khanyi:  Buy us a family bus and we’ll stay away from your cars.
Zenande: Mom is right.
Me:  You are calling Khanyi “mom”
Zenande:  calling her sis’ Khanyi didn’t really gel with us, so we decided to call her mom since we call Anelisa mommy.
Khanyi:  Are you sure, you want to call me mom?
Khanya:  We would like nothing better, if you allow us.
Lwanele:  believe me, she doesn’t mind
Zenande:  you really won’t mind?
Khanyi:  no babies, I don’t mind, I’d love it.
Me:  Are you blushing (I ask Khanyi)
Khanyi:  mxm, Qhawe leave me alone.
Me:  did you just say “mxm”
Khanyi:  oh shit (I just give her a smirk)
I park the car as we get to the airport.  We are the last ones to get here. We made it in time.  We get the whole process done, the kids board their flight and we leave.  When we get to the car, I lift her and put her on top of the car and stand between her legs.
Me:  I want you to look at me (she looks at me) I want to remind you that I love you and you don’t have to carry the load alone anymore.  I want you to let me in, let me take care of you and the kids, let me give them what they need, I know you are used to taking care of yourself, I want to take care of you guys, allow me to do that, let me love you, let me help you heal your broken hearts, let me be there for you, let me protect you.  Khanyi I’m not going anywhere, this is it for me, you are it for me, there’s no one else. I know you think it’s too soon for me to know that you are what I want, I know what I want and that is you. I’ve loved before a lot, but I’ve never been in love before and right now I am in love.  To me love is not just an emotion that I feel for you, it is what I am willing to sacrifice for you and our kids.  I love you Baby Girl, I’m in love with you.  Also know that, when you hurt, I hurt too, when you cry, I cry with you, when you die, I die with you.  (she’s been crying and I just hold her to my chest and let her cry and I hear her chuckle through the tears. She pulls away and looks at me)
Khanyi:  this is so random, you are declaring your love in the parking lot at the airport with me sitting on the boot of your car, I’m so turned on right now.
Me:  Really Khanyi, after everything I’ve said, you are busy getting wet, I must say I am horny too and it’s a good thing you are wearing a dress.  (she looks at me and gives me a naughty smile.)
Khanyi:  I know you love me and I don’t doubt that at all. I do trust you and I believe that you wouldn’t hurt me on purpose but I still have this fear in me and I’m really trying to get rid of it,  Zwelibanzi really broke me Qhawe, I just need you to be patient with me, I promise I’ll open up.  (she kisses me after saying all that.)
Me:  and I promise I’ll be patient.
Khanyi:  let’s go home so that you make love to me.
Me:  I can’t wait that long, I’m going to fuck you first right here, right now for saying what you were not supposed to say earlier, when we get home, I’ll make love to you slowly and gently all day. (I get her off the car) Please go inside
(I open the door to the back seat on my side and she goes in and I go around to the passenger side and move the front sit forward before I get into the back and sit. I pull her to me and make her straddle me.  I push up her dress and squeeze her thighs a little, and that causes her to close her eyes and I can see she is enjoying my touch, I don’t want this to take long, I get her off me and take her panties of and bring her back on top of me, I squeeze her boobs and she closes her eyes again.)
Me:  Open your eyes Baby Girl and keep them open, this is going to be quick, ok
(she nods and opens her eyes. I finger her, she’s so wet for me, I quickly unzip my pants and pull them down while she watches my dick spring out and she gasps, she hasn’t gotten used to it, I take that moment and gently push myself in her, I struggle a bit, eventually I go in and I can feel her expanding to take all of me in, she feels so warm, she closes her eyes when I start moving.
Me:  keep your eyes open Baby Girl, lean back on the front sit and I’ll help you move ok.  (she nods)  I can’t here you baby
Khanyi:  Ok (I move inside her while helping her move and she’s moaning like crazy, with her hands on my knees balancing herself. I push myself even deeper and hard, she gasps, I move faster, I can feel she is about to come.)
Me:  wait for me baby ( i bring her body to my chest and she buries her face in my neck, with her arms around  my neck, my hands on her waist helping her move faster until we both come.  We stay like that for a while after which I pull her up and place on her back on the seat and use her panties to clean us and I put them in my pocket, she looks at and doesn’t  say anything.  As soon as we are done, we drive back home and she falls asleep on the way.)
I really love this woman and I’ll do anything for her and I have a surprise for her, I hope she likes it.


My dad is really not well, the cancer is really back but he is strong, I believe he is going to survive.
Mom:  Zwelibanzi, how are you
Me:  I’m ok mama, just tired that’s all. How is dad doing?
Mom:  He is asleep now. (she takes a deep breath)  Zwelibanzi, where is Sisipho (that’s the name they gave Khanyi when we got married), why didn’t you bring her with you?
Me:  I’ll bring her next time mama.
Mom:  Zwelibanzi, you said that last time and you know your father wants to see her and his grandchildren before he dies.  He doesn’t think he is going to survive it this time.
Me:  I’ll bring her mama.
Mom:  Tell me the truth Banzi, where is she, you are not too old for me to beat you, where is she, where are the kids.  The kids visit her parents all the time and they never come here, why is that Banzi, why did she stop bringing the kids here?
Me:  mama please not now (she slaps me and when I look at her, she means business) ok fine I’ll tell  you.  She is in Durban, she lives and works there now. She has her own business there.  She left me mama, she left and took the kids with her four years ago. ( I can see the shock on her face, she doesn’t believe me.)
Mom:  What do you mean she left, what did you do, she wouldn’t just leave you, that girl loves you. Four years ago Banzi and you didn’t tell us (can I really tell her what happened, what I did to her precious Makoti, mom loves Khanyi a lot, she was like a daughter to her.  She loves her more than she loves Simamkele, infact she doesn’t like Simamkele at all.)
Me:  Mama can we talk about this later, I want to go see the twins and Sima. (I say that kissing her forehead and walking away)
Mom:  Did you ever tell her the truth Banzi? (I stop and turn to look and her.)
Me:  No mama I didn’t, I was afraid she would leave if she knew the truth.
Mom:  She left anyway and you have to tell her, or I will find her and I will tell her myself.
Me:  Is that why dad wants to see her, you guys want to tell her?
Mom:  We didn’t tell her in the first because of you, we were respecting your wishes.  You said you wanted to tell her yourself and we trusted you to do that Banzi and you never did.  Even if she left you, she still deserves to know the truth.  Why did she leave?
Me:  She left because I stopped being good to her, I wasn’t the husband I was supposed to be.  (I left her standing there.)
When I get to my house Sima is there with the twins.
Me:  Hey guys (the twins come running to me, screaming tata) Hey boys how are you?
Sima:  We are good, when did you arrive?
Me:  a few hours ago, I went to see dad first.
Sima:  Zweli we miss you, when are you coming home?
Me:  as soon as I’m finished in Durban, I’ll come home.
Sima:  That’s not good enough Zweli, when you leave we are coming with you.  The boys miss you, I miss you, this house is too big, and I can’t deal with your mother Zweli, she doesn’t like me she never did, she always wants to see the twins.
Me:  they are her grandkids she can see them whenever she wants.  I know mama doesn’t like you but she has never mistreated you or spoken out of turn with you, I really don’t understand what the issue is with her.
Sima:  it’s too much, your dad being sick, your mom, the twins, it’s too much.
Me:  Sima, you don’t work, you live in this beautiful house, you have everything you need, you even have a helper, what could be too much? 
Sima:  Don’t do that, don’t even try to compare me to her, I’m not like her and never will be.  With you it’s always Khanyi this, Khanyi that, always Khanyi and her kids. I can’t compete with her Zweli, she has moved on with her life.  She left you Zweli, deal with it.  (with that said she walked out taking her car keys leaving me with the twins.)

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