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What’s taking Luyanda so long?  I swear this guy has a woman and he is not telling us about  it.  Speak of the devil.
Me:  what took you so long, I’ve been waiting for you
Luyanda:  I’ll explain later
Me:  who ever she is, she is really keeping you busy you must really be into her if you are spending so much time with her.  we haven’t seen you in a while and Khanyi is about to send a search party out for you.
Luyanda:  Khanyi can be dramatic at times. I think it’s worse now that she is pregnant.
Me:  she’s not being dramatic, and she’s very clingy now on all of us especially with Qhawe.  (Lwazi walks in as well)
Lwazi:  I don’t understand why we have to suffer, we are not the ones that made her pregnant.  Qhawe must deal with her moods.
Luyanda:  As long as we are the family we are, we are going to suffer but I do feel for Qhawe because he suffers more.
Lwazi:  who told you Qhawe was suffering.  Sukuthetha into ingekhoyo apha (don’t speak nonsense)  Qhawe is enjoying every minute of this.  They even crave the same food, can you imagine.  Those two are going to be looking like elephants soon.
Me:  don’t ever say that in front of Khanyi if you want to keep your head.  Come on let’s go.  We have a lot to do.  (we leave my on our way to see Wineka.)
Lwazi:  I thought we were going to have something eat first.  I can’t deal with that woman hungry.
Me:  I don’t understand why you didn’t eat at Thando’s place since you slept over there last night, didn’t she make you breakfast. 
Lwazi:  She did and that was two hours ago.
Luyanda:  you need to be checked, something is wrong with you.  I hear there’s a mini you in the family
Lwazi:  why is every body comparing me to this kid.
Me:  because you guys are just alike.
Luyanda:  did you guys look him up, is he good for our Princess?
Me:  We looked him up and he looks good.
Lwazi:  Plus he is on a three months probation.  I can’t wait for him to screw up.  Lina is too young to be dating, she shouldn’t date period.
Me:  that’s what Qhawe and Sizwe were saying but we can’t keep her from dating, actually we can’t keep all of them from dating, we just have to be there for them when they need us.
(when we get to Sindy’s apartment, her mom was having breakfast) Morning
Wineka:  Morning, when am I getting out of here?
Me:  today, if you do everything we tell you.
Wineka:  and what exactly do I need to do?
Lwazi:  before we tell you that, we want you to understand something, wait is there more food
Wineka:  in the kitchen.  (he quickly goes to the kitchen and dishes up for himself and comes back.)
Lwazi:  As I was saying, we want you to understand that we don’t like what you did to your daughter
Wineka:  what it’s it to you, she is my daughter, you don’t even know her, why should you care what happens to her?
Me:  your daughter almost got hurt because of you, you sent her to go after the wrong man, if she hadn’t told us about what you were doing to her, we wouldn’t be here now protecting her making sure thatit  doesn’t happen again.
Wineka:  She couldn’t have told you, she didn’t know I was drugging.
Luyanda:  You would be surprised at what she knows.  We are not cruel people.  We protect our own and those that need to be protected and your daughter needed us to protect her from you.
Me:  this is going to be simple, your daughter doesn’t want to see you right now, you are going to leave and go back to the Eastern Cape alone, she is staying here.  We spoke to her previous boss, you start work next week so that she doesn’t have to deal with phone calls from you asking for money.  For your sake it is imperitiive that you do everything we tell you. Luyanda.
Luyanda:  Ever since she started working, she has been saving money for you, she opened an account in your name and she has been saving for you should anything happen to her and now she is giving you the card to that account, what you do with the money in that is up to you and that is almost R150 000. She has also been taking care of the house which now you will continue to do since you will be working.  You need sign these as well.
Wineka:  What are those?
Luyanda:  these are transfere papers to the house.  You are transferring ownership of the house to her, it is her house after all.
Wineka:  then if I do that, I’m left with nothing
Lwazi:  As it was intended to be by your husband.  It’s punishment for your cruel ways.  I admire your dear husband, punishing you from beyond the grave.  Sign the papers dear, this is not open for discussion and we don’t have all day.
Luyanda:  She is still letting you stayin the house, you should be thankful of that.
Lwazi:  if it was me I would be charging you rent. 
Wineka:  I need to talk to …… (Luyanda interrupts her before she could say anything)
Luyanda:  Like Lwazi said, none of this is open for discussion, just sign the papers.
Me:  you need to start packing as well.  You need to be at the airport in two hours. Your flight leaves in two hours.
Wineka:  I need to see my daughter.
Luyanda:  Like we said before, she doesn’t want to see you, she will call when she is ready.  You are leaving without seeing her.  be thankful you are walking away and that she is not burying you.  If it wasn’t for her asking us not hurt you, you would dead right now.  I hate people like you, if it was up to me you would be in jail.  Sindy should have just allowed me to have you arrested for attempted murder. NXA
Lwazi:  Pack up, your ride is already here.
Wineka:  where is she?
Me:  Qhawe’s house and you need to be out of here before she comes back.
Wineka:  at least got him
Me:  that’s what you think.  You don’t get it do you, I feel sorry for you.
Life has been good so far.  Lungi is an awesome woman, she has been great.  At least now the family knows about Mcebisi.  As I walk into the building, security is still tight as ever but the guys know me.
Me:  I’m here to see Mcebisi Mkhize
Receptionist:  Let me see if he is available (I wait as she checks if he is available and she hasn’t taken her eyes off me since I spoke to her and she is smiling from ear to ear. This girl has had a crushon  me for a while now, she really needs to get over it.  it’s not cute anymore.)  You can go through he will see you.
Me:  thank you (I say heading towards the elevator.)  You’ve here been what, a week and mom already has you buried in paper work.
Mcebisi:  I think this is punishment for dating your sister.
Me:  You’ll survive.  Don’t try too hard to convince them you love her.  Let them see it for themselves like you did with me, you already have their approval, the probation thing is just a scare tactic,  just relax man.  All they want is for their kids to be happy.
Mcebisi:  to honest with you, I have never seen anything like that.  You guys are really united for a bunch of people who are not related to each other and how the guys love you guys as if you were their own kids, it’s amazing and my mom will get along with your mom and the aunts.
Me:  You are still going to see  a whole more.  We have our problems just like everybody else and we don’t always agree with each other on things but we try to deal with things in a way that doesn’t cause conflict.  We talk things through.  The golden rule of my family is that we never go to bed angry at each other.
Mcebisi:  that’s awesome man.
Me:  I wanted to check if you were still alive after Saturday.
Mcebisi:  I’m still alive and settling in well.  I love the apartment the company gave me, it’s awesome.
Me:  what are you doing this weekend?
Mcebisi:  I have plans with Lina, why?
Me:  how about we make it a double date then, I was going to ask you guys to join me and Lungi
Mcebisi:  I’m sure Lina won’t mind.  How about we go out for lunch, the mall is not far from here, I need to get a few things as well.
Me:  No problem.  (he grabs his stuff and we leave.)
Mcebisi:  I want to ask you about this project that you have with your brothers (he asks as we settle in our table at Spur.)
Me:  what do you want to know.
Mcebisi:  Nothing really, I already know what the project is all about, I saw the file in the office since the company is one of the sponsors.  I would like to join you guys.  I love what it stands for.
Me:  I’ll have to speak to my brothers about it and I’m sure they won’t have a problem. (and my eyes land on someone I never thought I would see again and she walks over to our table.)
Her:  Khaya, how are you?
Me:  I’m good.
Her:  I’ve been trying to get a hold of you, you blocked me everywhere.
ME:  that’s because we have nothing to talk about
Her:  what do you mean we have nothing to talk about, you never even let me explain.
Me:  explain what exatly, the fact that I caught you in bed with another knowing very well I had a key to your apartment.  So tell me dear, what the hell is there to talk about.
Mcebisi:  let me get this straight, you gave him the key to your apartment, then you decide to sleep with another man knowing that some else has a key and they can walk in anytime.
Me:  It still puzzles me too.
Mcebisi:  and you have the nerve to stand here and say he never gave you a chance to explain, explain what?  (just then the waitress brings our food)  thank you (he says looking at the waitress)
Me:  Look there is nothing to talk about.  Please leave and let us eat our food in peace.
Her:  Khaya please, I still love you and I want us to try again.
Mcebisi:  like the man said please leave us alone Barbie
Her:  this has nothing to do with you and don’t call me that.
Mcebisi:   why not, you look like one (she takes out a peace of paper and writes something on it.
Her:  Khaya take this , that’s my number, please call me. (Mcebisi takes the paper, put it in his mouth and chews it.
Mcebisi:  he won’t be doing that at anytime.  After this, he is going to see his fiancé.
Her:  you are getting married? (she looks shocked and I don’t understand. Did she really think I would still be sulking over what she did.
Mcebisi:  in two weeks time.  Don’t bother him again.  (she looks at me with tears her eyes)
Me:  Bye Barbie.  (she walks away)
Mcebisi:  you dated that?
Me: don’t say anything. Let’s eat.
Me:  how are you guys doing?
Anelisa:  we are good and how are you? This is not a scheduled visit, what’s going on?
Me:  I’m good.  I have good news for you.  My lawyer has been working on your case and you are going to be released but you are going to be place under house arrest.
Anelisa:  how is that possible Sizwe?
Me:  it took a lot of work and lot of convincing that you are doing well and it helped that Khanyi and Qhawe were willing drop the charges against you but because they didn’t lay the charges on you and detective Nxele is the one that opened the case since the police were called to the scene when the shooting happened.  Eventually he also agreed to the house arrest.
Anelisa: Thank you so much baby, thank you, thank you. (she says hugging and kissed me but she quickly pulled back.)  I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to call you that and I’m sorry I kissed you.  (I look  at her for a while and she tries to walk away and go sit on the other side of the table but I grab her hand and pull her closer to me and kiss the living day light out of her.  I pull out of the kiss when she moans and the guard clears his throat.)
Me: Don’t be sorry.  I know that i hurt you, I did terrible things to you but right now at this very moment I want to know if you could ever forgive me and give us a chance because I love you
Anelisa:  I understand why you did what you did to me and I have forgiven you a long time ago because I love you too, I’ve always loved you Sizwe just that my obsession with Qhawe kept me from seeing a good thing in front of me. I don’t understand why you want to be with me , knowing my history with Qhawe.  I cheated on him twice and  even though I didn’t love him as much as I love you and couldn’t handle his size, I should have stayed loyal, Qhawe never cheated on me not even once, he is just one of those men who can’t cheat.  How do you know I won’t do the same to you?
Me:  Anelisa, you have changed as I would like to believe, I have changed too and this is not about what you did in the past, this is about what type of woman you want to be from here on, this is about the future about what we both we want.  Back then you didn’t know what you wanted. I would like to believe that right now you know what you want and where you want to be in life.
Anelisa:  Yes I know what I want.  I want second chance to to be a mother, I want a second chance at love, I want to be love and appreciated.  Most importantly I want your love Sizwe, I want to be a part of this child’s life.  I want to raise this baby with you.
Me:  then it’s official, we are trying this.  (she smiles at me and I just kiss her.  it’s a good thing she is getting out otherwise, my visits would be stopped because of breaking the rules.)

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