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We just arrived at court, I’m nervous, the kids are nervous, they don’t know what to expect, but Luyanda was very good with them yesterday when we were preparing them for today.  Zwelibanzi is here already and I see Sizwe is also here today.  Luyanda sees us and walks up to us and greets and shows us to our respective seats.  The kids are sitting with me except for Khaya and Lina, who are sitting with the guys with Lina sitting between Khaya and Qhawe and I’m sure she feels like a Princess right now.  My kids love attention.
Baillif: All rise (we all stand and Judge Smith walks in.  I wonder what Luyanda had to do to get him back into the country.  I must ask him.)
Judge:  You may be seated.  (the case is re-introduce again after that is done, judge spoke.)
Judge Smith:  Yesterday I heard everything I needed to hear from the lawyers.  As I said, today I want to hear what the kids have to say but before I speak to the kids, I want to ask the father a few questions.  Mr Zwelibanzi Tom please stand.
Tell me Mr Tom, how is your relationship with your kids?
Zwelibanzi:  at the moment it is very rocky since I haven’t seen or spoken to them in four years.
Judge:  Why is that?
Zwelibanzi:   When Miss Sondlo left, I didn’t know where she went and she changed her number and I couldn’t get a hold of her.
Judge:  Why do you think she is a bad mother?
Zwelibanzi:  Because she kept them away from me for four years, no good mother can do that, keep the children away from their father for no reason.
Judge:  Mmhhhh I see. You may sit.
(I don’t understand what the judge is trying to do by asking Zwelibanzi all these question but we’ll see.)
Judge:  Mr Langa, are the kids ready?
Luyanda:  Yes Your honour they are ready.
Judge:  I want to start with youngest.
Luyanda:  Yes Your Honour.  Lwanele please come forward. (She looks at me and I just smile at her and she looks at Qhawe, who nods and smiles for her.  Luyanda takes her hand and walks her up to the witness stand.  Luyanda explains to her why she has to put her hand on the bible and everything else and she nods in understanding.)
Judge:  Hi there Princess, can you please tell us your name  and how old you are.  (she smiles and looks at him)
Lwanele:  I’m Lwanele Sondlo and I’m 12 years old.  Judge can I ask you to do something for me. (Ok we are all surprised, what could she possibly want the judge to do for her.)
Judge:  Ok, Princess Lwanele, what would you like me to do for you?
Lwanele:  Can you please not call me Princess, only my dad’s, my siblings and mom call me princess.
(That was very unexpected, we all just laughed.  This child and she is like this, she doesn’t want anyone else calling her Princess except us.  The Judge is shocked and I don’t think he knows what to say her to right now.)
Judge:  I hear you Lwanele, I see your siblings, tell me, how many dads do you have?
Lwanele:  I have six dads Sir.  3 recently joined our family and the other 3 have always been there for us for as long as I can I remember.
Judge:  Can you point them out to?  (she nods and points to where the guys are sitting.)
Lwanele:  and sixth one is Bhut’ Luyanda.
Judge:  So if I become friends with dads, would I be allowed to call you Princess?
Lwanele: Only if you are nice to them, my mom and us.
Judge:  May the dads please stand. ( They guys smiling at their Princess.)  may I have your permission just for today to call her Princess?  (The guys look at her and she nods)
Qhawe:  You have our permission Your Honour.
Judge: Thank you, you may be seated.  So tell me Princess Lwanele, would you like to live with your father and also tell me why you didn’t count him as one of your dads.
Lwanele:  My mom never really wants to talk about what happened between her and our father.  We haven’t seen in him in 4 years and mom told us why she left even though she doesn’t like talking about it but she had to tell us.  I’m the youngest and people always think that I’m too young to understand anything but my mom always gave me the benefit of the doubt.  My father has never taken the time to get to know me, the time to make me his princess, I don’t even know if he ever loved or loves me, I’ve never had a father daughter relationship with him, he never even attended any of my father daughter events at my school, I wouldn’t want to live with someone who doesn’t care about me and what I want. I wouldn’t want to live with him because of the hurtful things he would say to us and to mom, it seems like we were never important to him.  (my baby starts crying and Qhawe stands and asks for the Judges permission to go to her and the judge agrees.  Qhawe takes his princess and tries to calm her and I’m also standing next them and brushing her back but my baby is so hurt she can’t stop crying. The judge is watching all this and looks at Zwelibanzi then back to us)
Judge:  it’s fine you can go sit with her.  Mr Langa, bring the next child.
Luyanda:  Ntando come.  (he does the same thing he did with Lwanele explaining everything.)
Judge:  and you young man, can you tell us your name and your age
Ntando:  I’m ntando and 15 years old/
Judge:  Can you answer the same question I asked your sister.
Ntando:  Yes Sir I can.  I wouldn’t want to live with my father because even when we lived with him, we were not happy, he abused all of us emotionally.  The things he would say to us, to mom, very hurtful things.  I know I wouldn’t want to be in that environment.  I don’t remember seeing him at any of my rugby games or going to the doctor with him. I don’t even remember playing games or being a normal family.  He was never home and when he was home, home would be hell.
Judge:  Thank you Ntando. The 6 gentlemen that your sister says are her dads, do you also consider them your dads as well?
Ntando:  yes Sir I do.  They are the best.
Judge:  You may step down young man, thank you and now I’m going to speak to your brother.
(Luyanda does what he needs to do with my son as he takes the stand)
Judge:  Hello young man, tell me your name and your age.
Lonwabo:  I’m Lonwabo Sondlo and I’m 17. I don’t want to live with my father for the same reasons that my siblings mentioned.  Living with him would be hell on earth like it was back then. Even if your ruling would be for us to go live with him, we wouldn’t.  there is a lot that happened in that house and mom thinks we don’t know.  We know that he would beat her and she tried hard to cry silently so that we don’t hear her cry or wake us.  (Lonwabo looks at me with tears in his eyes) Mom I know he would force himself on you after he comes back from his trips, I would hear you begging him not to.  I know you didn’t tell anyone because you were protecting us. (I look at Zwellibanzi and I know this is the last thing he expected to happen and he looks livid.)
Judge:  Wipe your tears young man, I know it’s painful but a man doesn’t cry. (As the judge says that Qhawe and Khaya stand and Lonwabo shakes his head no and It is so hard not let my tears fall.  I didn’t know they knew so much.)
Lonwabo:  that’s where you are wrong Sir.  A man should cry, he is allowed to.  crying doesn’t make him weak, crying makes him human.  My mom taught me that.  I’m 17 years old and because of my mom, I know that I am 10 times the man my father should be.  (he steps down from the witness stands and comes to me and hugs me tight and my tears just fall. I hear the Judge saying court is adjourned until 14:00


I know I’ve lost this case.  I’ve always thought  there would be a chance to make things right, as long as no one knew what was happening behind closed doors but now, these kids know what I did.  Lonwabo tells his mom he needs to be alone for a minute and he walks out followed by his little brother.  After a few minutes I get up and follow them and find them standing against the wall outside at the far corner of the building and I walk to them.
Me:  boys
Them:  hi
Me:  can I talk to you?
Lonwabo:  we don’t really have anything to talk to about.
Me:  We have lots to talk about. But right now, I want to apologise to you guys for mistreating you and your mom.  I really don’t have an excuse, for doing the things I did, I also don’t know why I did them. I  didn’k know you guys knew.
Ntando:  look Zwelibanzi, just drop this whole thing, because we would never willingly go live with you.
Lonwabo:  Whatever your plans are, you won’t succeed.  (I see Qhawe coming to us. Ntando just goes to him and hugs him)
Qhawe:  are you guys ok, are you ready to go. We are grabbing something to eat then come back here.
Me:  I’m still having a conversation with my kids.
Lonwabo:  We are more of his kids than we ever were  your kids.  Ntando come on lets go, I can’t stand being here. (with that said they walk away leaving me  with Qhawe.
Qhawe:  Stay away from them, otherwise I’ll make you regret the day your mother ever opened her legs for your father and made.
Me:  I won’t let you take my family from me.
Qhawe:  they were never yours to begin with.  But I’ll tell you one thing though, it’s a good thing you screwed up and I got to have them in my life. (with that said he walks away.}

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