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Bandile(twin):  ok guys Christmas is coming up soon and we would like to something special for the parents especially mom.
Banele:  we were talking about it but we are not sure what to.  Basically what we want to do is something to show mom our appreciation for the love she has shown us and we want all the kids involved.
Lonwabo:  so what were you thinking?
Banele:  we are not sure hence this meeting?
Sibahle:  How about a baby shower but with a twist.  I know the aunts probably want to do one for her at some point but we can do it.
Zenande:  I think the baby shower is a good idea
Linamandla:  Me too.
Bandile:  Ok then but this has to be a surprise, she must not know about it.
Ntando:  ok, I don’t see a problem with that but we have to plan who is going to be responsible for what and when, but most importantly we need to decide when we are going to it, how about next weekend.
Lonwabo:  I don’t think it will work.  Something is going on with the adults, they are very distracted lately.  Dad has taken leave for two weeks and it’s not just because of mom.  There’s more going on here and we haven’t been told and I doubt very much that we will be told. How are about we do it after the new year and remember we are going to the Eastern Cape for Christmas and New Year.
Bandile:  I think that will work and it will also give us sometime to plan it properly.
Ntando:  ok guys  are we done, we have a game to finish.
Banele:  seriously Ntando, we are discussing something important and you are thinking about a game.
Ntando:  hayibo,  what else is there, all that’s left to discuss is the date of when we are doing this whole thing.
Lonwabo:  yes we need to decide on the date and I think the first weekend of January.
Lwanele:  I like Wabo’s suggestion.
Lisakhanya:  Me too.
Zenande:  will we be back from the Eastern Cape then?
Bandile:  yes we will.
Lisakhanya:  it is settled then.  The first weekend of January it is then.
Linamandla:  Mcebisi’s birthday is in January guys on the 28th
Lonwabo:  hayi Lina we are making plans for the parents and you bring up your boyfriend’s birthday.
Banele:  We enter no where sisi, you can plan what you are going to do on your own or with your sisters, leave us out of it.  we’ll just be at the party.
Linamandla:  you guys are so cruel.
Bandile:  hayibo Lina, we are your brother’s we can’t be helping you plan your boyfriend’s birthday, a boyfriend that you shouldn’t have in the first place.
Ntando:  I agree with the twins.  Tell us when the celebration is and we’ll be there.
Linamandla:  yho so much for having supportive and loving brothers.
Lonwabo:  don’t get it twisted my dear sister.  We are supportive and loving.  We just don’t like the idea of you girls having boyfriends that’s all.
Zenande:  you sound just like dad.  Just let us be.  We also want to get married someday and have our families too.
Banele:  Yes someday maybe when you turn 40 or something.
Sibahle:  I swear you have completely lost your mind.  Your tree doesn’t go all the way to the top.
(the rest of the kids just laughed at this statement.  As their big brother walks in with Lungi)
Khaya:  You guys started without me, why?
Lonwabo:  you are late, you were suppose to be here an hour ago and you didn’t even call to say you are going to be late.
Ntando:  A little professional courtesy woud have been appreciated you know.
Khaya:  this is just a siblings meeting, what professional courtesy are you talking about?
Bandile:  You know Khaya for someone who has meetings almost everyday, you can be very slow.  Maybe Lungi is the reason you are so slow today.
Lungi:  why does it have to be me?
Lonwabo:  our brother here doesn’t think straight when you are around.
Lungi:  Argh  you guys are just exaggerating things.
Sibahle&Lina:  What is that Lungi?
Lungi:  What is what?
LIna:  what is that on your finger?
Lungi:  oh this, it’s nothing your brother gave it me.
Zenandle:  on what grounds, he can’t just give you a ring and you wear it on your left ring finger.
Lungi:  he asked me to marry him and I said yes
Ntando:  heeee, Khaya you are proposing without even telling us first
Khaya:  I told the parents nje
Lwanele:  and you side lined us.  Are we not important enough that we have to find out after you have proposed.  What if we decide we don’t like Lungi.
Khaya:  hayibo guys
Lisakhanya:  Don’t say hayibo.  You should have told us before you proposed.
Lonwabo:  it’s obvious that we are not that important.
Ntando:  most definitely
Sibahle:  for sure
Linamandla:  the struggle of being sideline is real
Twins:  yha nhe!
Khaya:  guys what’s with the drama?
Lungi:  and so much drama.
Instead of things getting better,they are getting worse.  This is all because Khanyi is refusing for the kids to come here.  I really need to find a way to have those kids to agree to coming here.  I can’t carry on like this.  This is just too much.  My wife walks in and interrupts my thoughts.
Her:  You really should find another way to appease your ancestors.  Cracking your brains thinking about how you are going to get Khanyi and her kids to agree to coming here and help you is not going to help. If I was Khanyi I would have done the samething.
Me:  there is no otherway my love.
Her:  there’s always a way out of any situation and this situation has another way out, you just have to find it.
Me:  the  only way out for me is those kids.
Her:  forget about Khanyi and her kids like you have for the past 25 years. I told you a long time ago to make things right between you and those kids. If you had done what I told you to do, you would not be here today but you chose to be hard headed about it.  even now, I am telling you that you can find another way out but you are being hard headed again.
Me:  that’s because there’s no other way.
Her:  you haven’t looked for another way. If I was Khanyi, I would do exatly the same thing she is doing.  You did her wrong in so many ways and you are refusing to see that.
Me:  I just don’t know anymore.  We can’t live like this anymore
Her:  it doesn’t matter.  We are not going to die, but leave Khanyisile and her kids alone. Don’t bother them and if you do, I swear I will divorce you and leave you with nothing.
Me:  you wouldn’t do that, you are my wife,  why are you taking her side.
Her:  Because those kids and their mother have been through a lot in their lives and they don’t need you complicating things for them and creating unnecessary drama for them.  what’s worse is that you are not even trying to get the kids I have with you to meet their siblings, all you care about is yourself and your ancestors will keep punishing you until you wake up and smell the coffee. 
(with that said my walked out of the room.  I have never seen her this angry before.)

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