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Khanyi is  up already, she must be in the kitchen I’m hungry.  This woman is going to be the death of me.  She is wearing the shirt I was wearing at work yesterday.  She does that a lot these days, she says she likes how I smell not that I’m not complaining because she looks sexy as hell in them and right now the fact that she  is naked under that shirt is not helping me.  After last night, I still want her, I can never have enough of her.  I walk in and kiss her cheek, get myself some water and sit.
Me:  what are you making?
Khanyi:  Eggs, bacon, sausage and spicy salsa.
Me:  sounds good.  It’s a good thing everyone is still asleep. 
Khanyi:  at least we can eat peacefully.
Me:  I had an interesting conversation with Lungi last night.
Khanyi:  I saw you guys talking, it looked serious.
Me:  in a way it was.  She needed advice
Khanyi:  about what?
Me:  about her first time.  She said she is ready.
Khanyi:  Oh really and she came to you.
Me:  I was also surprised that she came to me but I understand why she did.
Khanyi:  I would have thought she would come to us.
Me:  she will come to you, she wanted advice from a man as well
Khanyi:  but you are his father.
Me:  yes I am but don’t look at it that way.  Before I am a father in law, I am a man, a man she saw fit to talk to her.  A man she sees as the man who understands her man better than any other man in this house.  She knows I am a father in law but she also sees me as human, as someone she can talk to.  I was honoured that she actually chose to talk to me.  She needed know how man feel about it and what they expect and I think she knows that women tend to over exaggerate things.  When she comes to talk to you about it, remember that she wants to hear how it feels, what she should expect don’t get too excited about the fact she decided to do it rather focus on what she wants to hear and what she needs to hear and her man will do the rest. I don’t blame her for coming to me.  I created this comfort zone because I spoke to her about Khaya when Khaya had just introduced her to us.
Khanyi:  I hear you and I understand.  I know that she is not that close to her mother as well.  Here’s your food.
Qhawe:  Thank you my Queen.
Khanyi:  I also know that she sees you to be more than just a father in law, she sees you as the father she never had.  She once told me that the relationship she has with you is the kind of relationship she would have wanted to have with her if she had a chance to know him.  And I was not suppose to tell you that so you can’t say anything to her about it.
Me:  I promise I won’t say anything. Look babe, I don’t want my daughters in law to be afraid to talk me, I want them to be able to come to me, if they can’t come to you.  We have too many sons in this house and at some point they are going to screw up in their relationships, like we all do, their women must be able to talk to us about anything even with the uncles.  They should feel comfortable, safe and feel like they are part of the family.
Khanyi:  you guys really portray a different side of man, a side that is not seen very often and I love that about you guys and I thinks that’s why we are the family that we are.  The loyalty we have towards each other is amazing.
Me:  what happened to Lungi’s father?
Khanyi:  appartently he died when she was about a year old.
Me:  I get the feeling that there more to it than that.  maybe I am being paranoid.  Can you pass me another slice of toast
Khanyi:  I don’t really know, she doesn’t talk much about him and it seems like she doesn’t know much about him either probably because her mother doesn’t talk much about him either.
Me:  I hear you.  So what do want to do today?
Khanyi:  I want to go shopping for baby things.  Babe when are you guys starting with the renovations of the house?  The renovations have to be done by the time the babies come.
Me:  they are starting when the kids leave for the Eastern Cape.
Khanyi:  ok that’s great. ( Khaya walks in just as I finish washing the dishes)
Khaya:  Morning parents
Me:  Morning son
Khanyi:  Morning baby
Khaya:  it’s a good thing that you are both here.
Me:  why what’s wrong?
Khaya:  nothing is wrong.  It’s about Lungi
Khanyi:  what happened?
Khaya:  can you give me a chance to talk.  First is there more breakfast?
Khanyi:  you can dish up while you talk.
Khaya:  mama you can’t even wait for me to sit down.  You like news. (he dishes up for himself and sits)
Me:  leave your mother alone.  So what’s up with you and Lungi?
Khaya: she told me why she wanted to talk to you last night and I want to ask her to marry me. I want to wife her.  I want her to wait until we are married, I know she said she was ready but I want to marry her first preferably a winter wedding next year.
Me:  did you speak to her about this?
Khaya:  I haven’t, I wanted to talk to you guys first.
Khanyi:  are you sure you are ready to be married and is it not too soon
Khaya:  I love her mom, I love her more than life itself waiting to marry her is not going to change that and she loves me and I know you’ve seen how she loves me plus she fits in perfectly with the family, you guys already consider her your daughter and I know she will say yes. I want her to be my wife when I pop it, it will make it even more special.
Me:  I don’t see a problem.  Where is she now?
Khaya:  I took her home last night as usual.
Khanyi:  you have our blessing.  You’ll have to tell your dad as soon as she says yes so that they can make arrangements for the lobola negotiations.  When are you planning on asking her?
Khaya: I’m asking her tonight.
Me:  you have the ring?
Khaya:  yes dad I do. 
Me:  good luck son.  Not that you need it.
Khaya:  I know she will say yes and thank you guys.  What are you guys doing today?
Me:  I’m taking your mom shopping.
Khaya:  at least she is not like the rest of the woment in this house, your money is safe, she won’t even put  a dent on your bank account.
Me:  This time I think she will.  We are shopping for baby things.
Khaya:  good luck then.  Thank you and I love you.  We’ll talk later.
Khanyi:  we love you too.
I called Thando and she came right over because I was in a panic and I didn’t know what to do after the call I received earlier today. Khanyi is on her way too.
Thando:  What’s wrong Ncesh, what happened?
Me:  she called Thando and I don’t know what to do.
Thando:  You know Khanyi is the one good with these kind of situations, did you call her
Ncesh:  I did, she is on her way.
Thando:  why now, after everything she did to you, why is she calling you now.
Me:  she is not just calling me Thando, she is coming to Durban.
Thando:  how did she know you were here.
Ncesh:  the business remember
Thando:  Shit.  You should have killed her when you had the chance. Have you told Bandile about her? (just then Khanyi walks in)
Khanyi:  the door was open. What’s going on, I got here as quickly as I could.
Me:  she called and she’ s coming to Durban
Khanyi:  who called?
Thando:  hayibo Khanyi, who else can make her panic like this?
Khanyi:  NOOOO!! How did she know you are in Durban and when did she get out.
me:  the business gave away my location as for when she got out I don’t know.
Khanyi:  does Bandile know about her?
Me:  No he doesn’t  and I thought I would never have to deal with her again. I don’t know what to do?
Khanyi:  You need to tell Bandile, he needs to know. I hope you are not planning on letting her stay with you.
Me:  No I’m not and she has a way of finding out where I stay anyway, I don’t know how she does it.  when she is here, I know she will show up at my door step. (I notice that Khanyi is starting to have difficulty breathing)
Khanyi:  we need to tell Bandile and the guys.  i’m pregnant, I can’t be dealing with all this.
Thando:  Khanyi you need to breathe
Khany:  I am breathing.  Lungi spoke to Qhawe about being ready for her first time with Khaya
Thando:  really she did.  (I know she is trying to distract us from the current situation but it’s also a sign that she is panicking.)
Me:  I would have thought she would come to us.
Khanyi:  Qhawe says she will and we must not be too excited about it, we need to tell her what she wants to hear and what she needs to hear and we shouldn’t encourage her, we just need to give her advice that’s all.
Thando:  I don’t blame her for going to Qhawe.  Qhawe has created that comfort zone around him that says you can talk to me anytime.  I talk to him about Lwazi mainly because he knows and understands him and i think that’s why Lungi spoke to him.  Qhawe knows and understands Khaya better than anyone.  You must also remember that even though Qhawe is the father now, he is not the biological father and that’s what made it easy for Lungi to talk to him.  I must say the girl is very unconventional.
Khanyi:  is there anything conventional about this family.  Look at the trouble that’s coming now.  we can’t just be happy in peace. Something just always has to happen. I wish you had killed her when you had the chance.  Guys I can’t breathe, I feel dizzy.
Me:  Sit Khanyi and stop pacing around.
Thando:  I think she is about to faint. She’s having a panic attack. (thando walks over to Khanyi and helps her to sit on the couch)  Khanyi breathe
Khanyi:  I can’t , it’s too much (I think she fainted.  Qhawe is going to kill us)
Me:  Call Qhawe and tell him to bring the doctor with him.
Thando:  so much for being able to deal with these kind of situations
Me:  Give her a break, she is pregnant.

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