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We are on the road driving to  Nanda.  I am so nervous.  I haven’t said word to him since we got in this car.
Mcebisi:  Nana
Me: Mhhhh
Mcebisi:  Are you ok?
Me:  I am not ok Mcebisi.  Why did I let you talk me into this.  I’m not ready Singela.  Let’s turn around.  Let’s go back.  What if they don’t like me, what if they think I’m too much of a snob.  Ok I am freaking out, I am really really freaking.  I’m scared Mcebisi.  (he pulls the car over on the side of the road.)
Mcebisi:  Lina look at me, give your hands.  Jesus Lina you are shaking.  (I nod really fast.)  hey calm down.  Take a deep breath baby.  There, stay calm.  You have nothing to worry about.  If my parents  don’t like you, then that’s their problem, I doubt they won’t like you.  You are a wonderful and a very respectful woman, that is the first thing my dad is going to notice about you and he is going to fall in love with you instantly and to my mother you are going to be the daughter she never had.  She is going to spoil you rotten.  Please stop freaking out.  It’s going to be  me, my parents and you. So please relax my love. (he gives me kiss and drives off. I must have fallen asleep. I feel him shaking me gently telling me we are here.  WOW!!! This is beautiful.  There are beautiful rondavels about three and the main house not big but very nice.  The yard it beautiful.)
Me:  this is beautiful
Mcebisi:  it is.  I always love coming home. I promise you are going to love it here.  I’m going to take you to my favourite spot later on. 
Lady:  finally you are here.  Come give your mom a hug.  I have missed you so much my baby. (then she kisses him all over his face.)
Mcebisi:  Mom can you please not do that infront of my woman.
Mrs Mkhize:  Mcebisi she is beautiful.  Come here  baby.  (she gives me a tight warm hug. This woman is very loving I can feel it.  Her hug is so motherly just like mom’s hugs)  How are you my darling?
ME:  I’m fine mama and how are you?
Mrs Mkhize:  Mcebisi take the bags to her room.
Mcebisi:  Her room mama?  I don’t follow.
His mom:  Yes Mcebisi, you ar not going to share a room while you are here.  You’ll only share a room when you have paid Lobola.
Mcebisi:  but ma…. (I look at him and mouth an apology to him.  he walks out of the lounge pouting.  Even though we don’t have sex, Mcebisi is addicted to sleeping next to me.  It has been difficult since we moved to Durban.  I remember one night he came to see Khaya and he sneaked into my room and left very early in the morning.)
Mrs Mkhize:  do as I say Mcebisi. (she shouts after him)
Mcebisi:  Where is dad?
Mrs Mhize:  in the garden.  Come and help me in the kitchen.  I was busy preparing lunch for you guys.  Tell me what do you do?
Me:  I’m still a student ma. 
Mrs Mkhize:  that’s good.  And your family, your parents  (I tell her about my family.  We talk for a while about my family before her husband and Mcebisi walk in.  I was busy setting up the table for lunch.)
Mcebisi:  Lina please come here.  Dad this is the woman I’ve been telling you about Linamandla Sondlo. Lina this my dad.
Me:  Khabazela it is nice to finally meet you.
Mr Mkhize:  it is nice to finaly meet you ngane yami (my child)  ngiyabona ukuthi uyingane eyifundisiwe intlonipho. (I can see that you have taught respect)
Me:  My family is very big on respect, loyalty, trust and love.
Mrs Mkhize:  that is a good thing.  Those are also important morals in this family.  We can sit and eat, the food is ready.
Mr Mkhize:  siyabonga nkosikazi.  (this food is delicious this woman can cook.  This is nice.  At this moment I don’t even know why I was nervous.  He has great parents.  we are sitting and listening to them tell me their love story, how they met and all.  Our moment is interrupted by some woman who walks in without knocking.)
Her:  Makhelwane ngibone imoto yomfana la ngaphandle ngathi ngingene ngizobingelela.  Ave izojabula indondakazi yami ukuzwa ukuthi ukhona mfana.  Kunjani kodwa? (I saw his car outside and I thought I should come in and say hi.  My daughter is going to be so happy to know that you are home. How are you?)
Mcebisi:  I’m fine ma, how are you?
Her:  I’m fine too.  and who is this young lady?
Mrs Mkhize:  this is my daughter in law.  They just arrived and we were just having a quiet and private lunch you know just the family.
Her: Oh I see.  It’s fine.  I’ll see you later then.  Bye
Bandile:  how am I suppose to tell the parents Banele?
Banele:  I don’t know man, but you have to tell them.
Bandile:  but we are not sure.  The timelines don’t fit the story, that’s my problem.
Banele:  Either way, you have to tell them and they will advise you.  Look I know what they have taught us and all but I’m sure they will understand that  you didn’t mean for it to happen and the fact that you don’t remember anything about that day says something else.  Look I know that the parents are not always going to be there and we need to take care of ourselves and protect each other but right now we need them.  ( Khaya walks in)
Khaya:  what’s up guys.  It sounded very urgent when you called.
Banele:  Bandile has a situation.
Khaya:  what kind of situation?  (bandile proceeds to tell Khaya about the situation) SHIT! Bandile.  Mom will kill you.
Banele:  Khaya you are not helping.
Khaya:  Fine I’m sorry.  We need to tell them, they can help.
Bandile:  can’t we handle this on our own and tell them about it later.
Khaya:  we could.  But they have resources we don’t have and we can’t expect the uncles not to tell them, they definitely will.
Bandile:  this is messed.  What the hell was I thinking.
Khaya:  hey it’s not the end of the world.  You are going to be ok.  I just hope that when you get out of this situation, you would have learned your lesson.
Banele:  it’s a very sticky situation.  I never thought this would happen so soon.  We just finished school and working on our careers and this happens.
Khaya:  why are you guys acting like it’s the end of the world.  Stop feeling sorry for yourselves.   Banele I know you feel like you should have protected your twin but there’s no way you could have known that something like that was going to happen.  Stop beating yourself about it.  the parents will help and this situation will be dealt with accordingly.  We could do this ourselves but the problem is that the people who have the resources we need are the parents and the uncles.  We still need to establish ourselves and network a lot to actually be at their level of connections and the fact that we connected to them is going to work in our favour some day but right now, we need the adults. (Lonwabo walks in)
Lonwabo:  good you are all here, wait why are you all here, what’s going on?
Khaya:  Bandile has a situation
Lonwabo:  another situation Bandile, what is wrong with you?
Khaya & Banele:  What do you mean another situation?
Lonwabo:  they didn’t know?
Bandile:  I never told them.
Lonwabo:  Sorry I didn’t know.
Bandile:  it’s ok.  I would have had to tell them anyway.
Banele:  What are guys talking about?
Lonwabo:  let’s put a pin on that, we are going to come back to it.  I have a pressing matter.  I have this group of kids that keep bothering Sibahle at campus.
Banele:  Let me guess, she doesn’t want to stand up for herself.
Lonwabo:  yes but she had to and they’ve left her alone for now but  I have a feeling that they are going to be trouble. 
Khaya:  what do you want us to do?
Lonwabo:  I need you to come to campus tomorrow.  I have a game tomorrow and I know they will there.
Bandile:  we know you have game tomorrow, we were going to be there anyway.
Lonwabo:  After the game I want us to have a friendly conversation with these guys.
Banele:  How friendly do you want this conversation to be?
Lonwabo:  Very friendly.
Khaya:  I can do friendly.
Lonwabo:  since the whole family is going to be there, we are going to have to be descreet about it, if you know what I mean.
Banele:  We get you.  Friendly and descreet
Khaya:  Has Sibahle told the parents about the incident?
Lonwabo:  Not yet but she will.  I have to go.  Lisakhanya and Lwanele  are waiting for me.
Bandile:  where are you guys going?
Lonwabo:  Mall.  Zenande and Ntando are already there and we are later.  See you later brothers.

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