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Me:  Thank you for lunch my love.
Lina:  it’s not a problem.  When are you getting a PA Mkhize?
Me:  I’m still fine for now.  The receptionist downstairs is managing well with the work load.
Lina:  You do know that at some point you have to get one, it’s going to get busy and I can’t help all the time with the work especially with my exams around the corner.
Me:  I know babe. Don’t worry I’ll be ok. I’ve already spoken to HR  about hiring a PA for me.
Lina:  that’s  good.
ME:  I’ve been thinking about something.  I know I said I would like us to get married next year but I’ve been thinking what if we do what the uncles did, have a double wedding with Lungi and Khaya?
Lina:  I was also thinking the same thing. I wanted to talk to you about it.  I would love to do that.
Me:  so basically you are saying you can’t wait to be Mrs Mkhize.
Lina:  I would like nothing more.  Besides what’s the point in waiting unless you are not ready with the lobola.
Me:  that’s nothing to worry about babe.  I am ready with the lobola.  I can even pay it today so long as your dad doesn’t charge me an arm and a leg.
Lina:  He is a reasonable man.
Me:  are you done with your classes today?
Lina:  yes Singela I’m done.  My afternoon class was cancelled.  We should speak to Khaya and Lungi about the wedding.
Me:  Let’s do that tonight.  I’ll also speak to my dad about sending a deligation to your parents.  He’ll probably send a letter first.  My dad is very old fashioned.
Lina:  trust me my dad would appreciate that.
Me:  Come here, I want you to sit on my lap. (she stands from her chair comes around the desk to me and the dress she is wearing . mhhhh) Kodwa Linamandla how many times must I tell not to wear this dress?  (as she sits on my lap between my legs looking at me with such an innocent smile, I kiss her running my hand up on her inner thigh moving up under her dress to her cookie. I gently squeeze her cookie and whisper in her ear) You are only suppose to wear this dress after I have made sweet love to you for the first time after which I know I can have you anytime I want. Right now I want nothing more than to put you on this desk haveyour  legs on my shoulders and pumping you hard and deep.  You are killing me woman.
Lina:  (She kisses me again and whispers back) What if I want to feel you inside me, what if I am ready for you to make love to me
Me:  Baby what are you saying? (I ask as I gently pull back to look at her)
Lina:  I am saying that I am ready, I am saying that I want you, I am saying that I want to experience all of you.
Me:  I thought you would want to wait until we are married.
Lina:  Since we are getting married in July now I can wait, only if you can manage it.
Me:  I’ve managed it for a year and a half, two more months will be nothing.
Lina: Ok then.  How about I take care of the little problem you have right now. (she stands between my legs while kissing me and whispers in my ear.) Please stand and lean against the wall and drop your pants. (I don’t waste any time to do as I am told.  She comes and stands in front of me.  Her height reaches to my chest and I love that about her.  She goes down on her knees not taking her eyes of me.  She takes my very erect dick and holds it in both her hands and starts moving them up and down around it.  This feels good so good.  She massages it in different ways from using both hands to one hand before she moves down to massage my balls and slowly licks it from my balls to the tip she does that for a while and slowly puts my dick in her mouth which drives me crazy causing me to grab on her hair.  She really know how to make me surrender to her.  She sucks my tip like she is sucking a lollipop. She takes her time sucking on the tip, she stops and gives my shaft wet butterfly kisses with a bit of suction in every kiss.  She goes down my shaft to my balls again, she sucks on my balls putting them in her mouth one at a time.  This woman is going to have me cumming soon.  She stops and licks my shaft all the way to the tip and swallows my shaft in her mouth again moving her head back and forth, taking her hand and stroking my shaft as she sucks on it. I gently move myself in and out of her mouth and in that she slowly pushes me in deep in her mouth,  she is getting me deep in her throat, I don’t know  how she manages to control her gag reflexes but she does.  She goes on for a while but she gags and pulls back a little.  She puts me in again giving me control, allowing me to move back and forth in her mouth and she slightly grazes my shaft with her teeth which sends over the edge and I can’t control my orgasm and I explode in her mouth.  Yhooo this girl is going to be the death of me.  I must say in all the blowjobs I’ve head, she is gives the best.  While still on her knees she pulls my trunk up and gets up pulling my pants up.)
Lina:  I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.
Me:  One of these day you are going to kill me.
Lina:  I love you too much to do that Mr Mkhize.
Me:  I love you too Miss Sondlo.
I hate hospitals   At least I’m going home tomorrow.  I told Lwandle to go home.  Her being here all the time is definitely not good for the baby.  The guys are here making too much noise as usual.
Me:  You know this is a hospital right?
Sizwe:  We know, what’s your problem?
Me:  You making noise.
Sizwe:  Don’t make me laugh.  Now it’s you in a hospital bed we are making noise and when it was the others you were making just as much noise.
Me:  prove it.
Sizwe:  everyone in this room is a witness
Qhawe:  You were the loudest Luyanda when Khanyi was in hospital.
Lwazi:  that is definitely true.
Me:  So now you ganging up on me
Lwazi:  You are a lawyer, get yourself out of this situation.
Sipho:  You guys can be really childish
Bandile:  there goes Mr always serious.  Sipho you need lighten up a bit.  Or what is Sindy not giving it to you nicely.
Sipho:  as a matter of fact she is giving it to me very nicely but that’s not where we are.  I know who shot you.  Someone definitely saw something.  They saw a car drive off after the shots were fired and they managed to catch the registration number and the car was registered to Luleka Gxaji the good doctor. 
Lwazi:  she doesn’t learn nhe.
Sipho:  she lost her license to practise as a doctor, her husband divorced her getting full custody of their son, she lost everything and she wanted to avenge herself.  I tracked her car and she is back in Durban.
Eddie:  I’ll get my guys get her and that means we should leave for Durban soon.
Sipho:  that’s not all.  She was not alone, she was with your aunt Luyanda hence you  and your uncle were both shot. (Lwazi’s phone rings and walks out to answere it)
Me:  it was not enough that they took my child from me, they had to kill me, taking me away from my daughter, my uborn child and my wife.  You know what this time I am not going to be so nice. I am going to kill them. 
This is really frustrating me.  The fact that I can’t remember anything about that night is driving me crazy. 
Khaya:  I’m sure you didn’t come to my office to just stare out the window.
Me:  No I didn’t but you have an amazing view.  This whole thing with Andrea is frustrating me.  What if this was some kind of plan to get back at dad since her father doesn’t like my dad that much.
Khaya:  why does he hate dad?
Me:  A few years back there was company in Zambia that wanted to upgrade it’s building and make it more modern.  So dad pitched for that project as well as Andrea’s dad but dad got the deal.  Eversince then dad has been getting a few deals around Africa and mom made it worse with her ad campaign and made QM Architectural to be internationally recognised and this up coming project that he has got in Mauritius to build a hotel there.  Andrea’s dad is making all this personal now.
Khaya:  so he can’t win in the business world so he attacks dad personally, is that what you are saying?
Me:  it’s possible.  On the other hand this could just be Andrea being Andrea wanting to be part this family or it could be a ploy to get me to own up to the pregnancy in the hopes that her dad might merge companies with dad.
Khaya:  it definitely does make sense.  We need to talk to this Andrea girl.
Bandile:  I thought we were letting the parents handle it.
Khaya:  We are but we are also doing our own little investigation. 
Me:  let’s do it then.  I’m too young to be father besides I really don’t want to have a child out of wedlock.
Khaya:  that’s good.  We need to talk to this girl and prove that she is actually pregnant and have a parternity test done if she is.  Mom and dad can handle her father.  I’m sure mom has already asked uncle Sipho to look into them.  We really need our own PI.
Me:  We’ll find one.
Khaya:  call your twin and inform him and I’ll talk to Mcebisi.

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