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Me:  is she ok?
Khaya:  she is not man.  She just passed out. 
Mcebisi:  Drive this car man.  (He didn't have to tell me twice. I have never driven so fast in my life.)
Me:  where is Lonwabo
Khaya:  I told him to wait for us at the hospital. He is so angry man.  I've never seen him that angry.
Me: we are here.  (Khaya gently carries her out of the car.  Mcebisi quickly runs ahead to get help.  As soon as we walk in the nurses come to us with a stretcher.  They take her and rush her into the emergency room.  The site of her paralyzed Lonwabo, he was so shocked and boiling with anger.  Khaya walks over to him and hugs. He pulls him to waiting room and tries to calm him down.)
Khaya: Calm down Wabo.  You are no good to her like this.  She did good by texting you and we got there just in time.
Lonwabo:  I know Khaya.  I just had flash backs of mom.  (The tears just fell from his eyes.) I asked her about it and she didn't want say anything.  I figured when she is ready she would talk.  I should have stayed away from her like he said and maybe this would have not happened. Maybe she wouldn’t be here now if I had stayed away.
Mcebisi: don't do that Wabo.  Don't blame yourself.  That dog would have done this either way.  Just be happy she was able to send that the text in time.  Don't blame yourself.
Lonwabo:  I don't  understand how he could do that. Was making friends and talking to others her ultimate sin and he goes around calling himself a man.  He is going to pay dearly for this.  He is going to get the taste of his own medicine. We need to let her parents know.
Khaya: already done. 
Me: when are we sorting out this dog?
Khaya:  Let's just make sure she is ok first.  We can deal with him later.
Mcebisi:  Bandile is on his way too. (Just then the doctor walked in.)
Doctor: Oyama Ndlela
Me:  that's us, how is she.
Doctor:  she is badly injured from the beating  she has a few cuts and one broken rib and some internal bleeding.  She is awake but she asked to see the guys that brought her in before we sedate her.  You know i have to report this to the police.
Khaya:  we know doc.  You go ahead and report it.  Thanks doc. Her parents will be here soon.
Me:  let's go see her.  (The doctor takes us to her ward.)
Mcebisi:  doc can you please make sure she is transferred to a private room by tomorrow.  And when her parents get here ask them to compile a visitors list and leave it at the reception. 
Doc:  no problem.  You have five minutes. 
Mcebisi:  thanks doc.
Khaya:  Hi
Oyama: hi, thank for saving me but who are you?  (You can tell she is in pain.  She is forcing herself to talk.  She should be sleeping)
Mcebisi:  we are brothers to the guy you texted.
Oyama: where is he?
Lonwabo:  Right here.  (Her tears just feĺl and Wabo just went to her and sat next to her.) I want to hold you but I'm scared to hurt.
Oyama:  it hurts every where Lonwabo, I can't feel my body.  I just feel pain. (She takes his hand kisses it.)  Thank you for sending your brothers.  I should have told you what was happening but I was scared.
Lonwabo:  anytime. Don’t worry about that.  We’ll talk about when you get out of here.  Ok.
Me:  we need to leave, as for you little miss you need to sleep.  Your parents will be here soon.
Oyama:  thank you so much.
Doctor:  ok guys it's time to go.  You can come back tomorrow she'll be out for the rest of the night. (Wabo kisses her cheek.)
Lonwabo:  take care of yourself.  We’ll see you tomorrow.
When we left the hospital I had to make a call to a friend.

Him:  Lonwabo Sondlo, what do I owe this call to and I’m sure it has nothing to do with Zwelibanzi.
Me:  It doesn’t but you said if I ever needed a favour I should call.
Him:  Please tell me you going to let kill Zwelibanzi now.
Me:  No but I need to give someone a tase of his own medicine and I need you for something special I have in mind for him.
Him:  when and where?
Me:  I’ll send the details tomorrow.  Make sure you are available tomorrow.
Him:  I will man.  I will be there.  I owe you my life ntwana.
Me:  we’ll talk tomorrow then.
Him:  Sure.

I never thought I would have to make this call but then shit has just hit the fern and someone has a lesson to learn.

Khaya:  is he in?
Me:  yes he is.  Let’s set everything up for tomorrow and we have to tell mom and dad.   We are going to need the police as well.  I want him to rot in jail.
Mcebisi:  he is not as his place at the moment.  He is at some bar drinking his life away.  I asked one of the guys to look around his place and see if he can’t find something we can use.  I have a feeling that this guy is serial rapist and  his victims are too scared to report it. What I saw when we walked in on him with Oyama tells me that he uses girls to fulfil his fantasies
Khaya:  You think so?
Mcebisi:  I do.  He gets off on watching women suffer in unbearable pain caused by him.
Me:  if she didn’t think of sending that text, she would be worse than what she is now.
Mcebisi:  yes and this guy has someone protecting him.  I want the doctor to report this and have the police involved.  Wabo I need you to convince her to tell the police everything, that’s the only way we can find out who is protecting him.  It’s either a lawyer or a police officer.  One of his victims must have reported  and the case probably mysteriously went cold. I am almost certain that this is not the first time he has done this and he has succeded a few times.
Khaya:  this is getting hectic and deeper than we thought.
Me:  yes it is.  Regardless, he still needs to pay.  I watched mom getting abused by her husband and I couldn’t do anything to save her.  I couldn’t protect her.  when we left that hell hole I made a promise to myself that no woman will be abused under my watch.  I promised myself to protect those that would need my protection and right now that’s what I’m doing for Oyama.  I couldn’t do it  for mom but I’ll damn sure do it for this girl.
You know those guys don’t know who I am.  I’ll show them.  How dare they walk into my place like that and taking my woman.  I have to find her.  I need make sure that she is ok.  she needs to come back to me, we still have unfinished business.  She can’t just leave like that, we can work things out.  I just  wish she listened to me.  If she had stayed away from that guy none of this would have happened.  She just had to provoke me.  I need to deal with these guys.  They can’t go around disrespecting me like that.  My dad needs to make this disappear like he did with the others.  I can’t afford to go jail. But first I need to find out which hospital they took her too.  They probably took took her to a public hospital, I’ll start looking there.
Me:  barman give another drink.  I told you to keep them coming
Barman:  don’t you think you’ve had enough.
Me:  just keep the drinks coming man, I don’t need a lecture from you right now.

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