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A nurse wakes me up and she is all smiles.  I don’t even know when I fell asleep last night
Nurse:  Morning, how are you?
Me:  I’m ok I guess.
Nurse:  I need you to get off the bed, I need to check on her and change her bandages.
Me: oh ok.  What time is it?
Nurse:  it’s just after nine.  I was here earlier but you were sleeping so soundly I didn’t want to disturb you but now I need to do my job.  Why don’t you go home, shower and change.  Visiting hours start at 11:00.
Dr Williams:  She’s right, go home and come back during visiting hours, she is in good hands.  Your friend spoke to me yesterday.  No one is allowed to come in here except for you and the others that were here yesterday.  We have allocated one nurse to attend to her and that will nurse Jaxa here.
Nurse:  You can call me Lungi short for Lungiswa.
Me:  Thank you both. I’ll be here by 11:00 (I kiss Khanyi’s forehead before walking out. I don’t have a car here so I call an uber.  When we get to my house I call Bandile.)
Me:  come to the gate and bring your wallet.
Bandile:  Not even a hello Bandile, how are you Bandile, did you sleep well Bandile?
Me:  Bandile just bring your ass to the gate.  (I hang up, few minutes, he is at the gate.  I get out of the car)
Me:  Pay the man his money.
Bandile:  pay him with whose money, you should’ve asked me to bring your wallet.
Me:  just pay the man, this is not even a scratch to your bank account.
Bandile:  hayibo Qhawe, this is my money I work hard for it.
Me:  Fine, I’ll pay you back as soon as we get inside. (he pays the uber and we go inside. )
Bandile:  how are you?
Me:  I’ll be fine as soon as she wakes up.  She needs to wake up man.  I don’t know how much more of this I can take.  (I sit in my bed with my face in my hands.) she can’t leave me Bandile, we still have so much to do together, so much to share, I’m still looking forward to our first argument, I’m looking forward to parenting our kids together, she still has to meet your boys.  There’s still so much to live for.
Bandile:  Look at me Qhawe, she is fighting to come back to you and the kids and she will.  I have never seen you cry before and looking at you right now in tears tells me how much you love this woman.  You were never like this even with your ex-wife, yes you loved but not like this.  Cry as much as you want but you need to be strong for her.  Khaya and the twin are coming back tomorrow, they are going to need you, you need be strong for them and she is being strong for you.
Now take a shower and come down for breakfast. (with that said he leaves.)

{I take a long well deserved shower and get dressed in sweat pants, a long sleeve t-shirt and sneakers. I look at the big picture of her that I have inside the walk in closet, it’s the same picture she has hanging above her bed in her house. I miss her so much.  I need to find out who did this.  I walk downstairs and they are all in the kitchen, looks like breakfast is ready.}
Me:  Morning
Them:  Morning to you too?
Lwazi:  why didn’t you shave?  You want her to wake up to an ugly you?
Me:  what are you talking about, I still look good.
Lwazi:  you think?  Keep it up and watch when she runs away from you when she wakes up.  You need to shave, you look ugly.
Thando:  Lwazi leave Qhawe alone.
Bandile:  it’s true, he needs to shave.  The scruffy look doesn’t suit him.
Ncesh:  I think it does and you guys are just jealous, so what if he’s letting his facial hair grow a little, he still looks good.
Me:  the ladies have spoken.
Lwazi:  you are still ugly (everyone just laughs. We eat breakfast over a light conversation)
Bandile:  are you ready to look at the footage
Me:   yeah, let’s go.  (we walk upstairs to my study, when we get there, he plays the footage for me.) What the hell, I know this guy, why would he want to kill Khanyi he doesn’t even know her?
Bandile:  what do you mean you know him?
Me:  He used to work for me, I fired him three years ago for coming to work drunk.  He was one of the security guys.  Bandile, I’m telling you now, this has Anelisa written all over it. we need to find her.
Lwazi:  We’ll find her and you need to focus on Khanyi.  Wait let me call Eddie and inform him. (he walks out to make the call and comes back.) Done.
Me:  are you guys coming to the hospital. 
Bandile:  yes we are, do you need a ride.
Me:  no, I’ll take my car.
Bandile:  Please pay me back my money.
Lwazi:  what money?
Bandile:  he made me pay for his uber ride when he arrived.
Lwazi:  Really Bandile, the man is suffering, the woman he loves is in hospital and you are crying for a R100 that you make every fifteen seconds.
Bandile:  at the end of the day it’s my money I work hard for it.
Me:  here is your money. Thank you. (I say taking out an R100 out of my wallet)
Lwazi:  Bandile you can be so insensitive at times.  Come on lets go or we’ll be late for the visiting hour. (we all laugh and leave)
We are all driving in separate cars to the hospital.  When we get there Eddie, Andile and Luyanda are already there, they were waiting for us, we all walk to her room. Everyone walks over to her bed they greet her kissing her cheek, her forehead, busy telling her to wake up, the girls are not crying today, I’m happy about that. Everyone is talking to her about their lives, they say they don’t want her to be left behind, they want her up to date when she wakes up, they are making a lot of noise in this room, it’s as if we are home just chilling.
Lwazi:  Khanyi you need to  wake up, this man of yours looks ugly now, he is growing his facial, a day without a trim and he already looks like King Kong (the laughter in this room, the nurse walked in)
Nurse:  You are going to wake the patient.
Lwazi:  I’m sorry, who are you walking in here telling us that?
Nurse:  I’m Lungi and I’m her nurse.
Lwazi:  ok Nurse Lungi.  Listen dear, her waking up is exactly what we want so that she take care of King Kong over there (he says pointing at me.) Now please leave us in peace, visiting hour is not over, don’t even think about kicking us out when it’s over, you are going to give us the extra minutes that I am busy wasting talking to you instead of her.  Bye now.  (the nurse looks defeated and she walks out and everyone just looks at Lwazi shaking their heads.)
Lwazi:  don’t look at me like that, you know I’m right.
Thando:  you are such an idiot at times.
Lwazi:  and you love this idiot. (yhooo!!! Says everyone.)
After a while, everyone leaves and I’m left alone with her, I take her comb and comb her hair.
Me:  You are driving Lwazi crazy, you need to wake up.  He lied by the way, I don’t look ugly, you’ll love my new look.  Come back to me, come back to us, we miss you. (I take out my phone and play our favourite playlist which has our favourite songs.  Her cellphone rings in my pocket.)


I am back in Durban and I need to talk to Khanyi about my Dad.  Sizwe walks in
Sizwe:  how’s your dad?
Me:  he doesn’t think he is going to make it, he wanst to see Khanyi and the kids and the parents are angry with me for not telling them that Khanyi left me.  They are very disappointed.
Sizwe:  you already know my thoughst on that, so I won’t say anything.  I see you came back with Sima and the twins.
Me:  I had no choice, she insisted on coming with me. I need to talk to Khanyisile about dad.
Sizwe:  call her and make arrangements to go see her and talk to her.
Me:  that’s the thing Sizwe, she doesn’t want to see me.
Sizwe:  but your visits with the kids are at her house right?
Me:  Yes but she doesn’t take part in the visits.  My visits are monitored by a social worker and that Lwazi guy.
Sizwe:  just call her and ask to see her? Call her now. (I take my phone and dial her number)

Phone conversation
Him:  Miss Sondlo’s phone hello
Me:  May I speak to Khanyi please
Him:  she is currently unavailable
Me:  look man I really need to talk to her, this is a matter of life and death.
Him:  Like I said before Zwelibanzi, she is not available.
Me:  fine, just tell her that my dad wants to see her and the kids, He is dying of cancer.
Him:  She is not available.  Khanyi was shot yesterday, she’s in hospital.  (after saying that he hangs up and I’m left wondering, who could have done that, I hope they don’t think it’s me, I need her alive and well.  DAMMIT!!!!!)

Sizwe:  And then??
Me:  Someone shot Khanyi yesterday, she’s in hospital.
Sizwe:  what, who would do that?
Me:  I don’t know man and whoever it is they are messing up with my plan.  I need her alive not dead especially now that my parents insist on seeing her.  If she dies, I’m ruined man.
Sima:   If who dies?  (she asks as she walks into my study)  I wanted to ask if you guys wanted something to eat and who are you talking about?
Sizwe:  who’s making the food?
Sima:  I am, why?
Sizwe:  I’m not hungry, thank you.
Sima:  who were you talking about when I walked in
Me:  Khanyi, she’s in hospital, she was shot yesterday (I look at her with questioning eyes.)
Sima:  this woman again, no man Zweli.  Hold on, you said she was shot and you think I had something to do it. (I raise my eyebrow at her) Zweli, I might be many things, stupid is not one of them, even I know not touch a single hair on her pretty little head otherwise you’ll kill me. (she is right about that.)
Me:  Sizwe I need to see her.
Sizwe:  Forget it.  They’ll never let you anywhere near her.  They don’t trust you and they might just kill you. Look man don’t make this situation any harder than it already is and remember you also have Sima to deal with.  Look Khanyi has a soft spot for me, some of the guys have seen me a few times and they’ve seen me talk to her at the mall, maybe they’ll let me see her.
Me:  fine do it your way.  I need a drink. (My dad is going to have me killed when he finds, he is going to blame me, he is going to think I had something to do with it. What my dad and everyone else don’t realise is that I love her very much, not matter what I did to her, I still love her and still want her.


She really needs to wake up. She is scaring me, I can’t lose her.  We’ve been through a lot together.  She was always there for me.  When I lost my parents she was there, when I lost my baby she was there  comforting me.  When my ex-boyfriend was hitting me, she was there, not knowing that she was also getting beatings. I am the person I am today because of her.  She allowed us to date Qhawe’s friend.  I’m truly happy with Bandile, I can safely I have found the one even Thando and Lwazi, the clowns of the family.  “Family” who knew I would have a family, and have a sense of belonging.  Khanyi just has a way with people.  If she dies, this family dies.  She doesn’t know that she is the glue holding us all together.  I am the only child that my parents had and when I met khanyi and Thando , we hit off immedialtely. We became more than just friends, we became sisters, we took care of each.  I am nothing without these ladies especially Khanyi. She is my ride or die, she is the only one who has always been able to understand me and I understand her.  I miss her so much right now.  Come to think of it, our friendship circle is the same as the guys circle. In our friendship circle Khanyi is our Qhawe, and I am Bandile the calm one and Thando is Lwazi the clown.
If I lose her then I’ve lost it all.

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