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I am standing on the balcony of our bedroom, enjoying the amazing view of this new place.  Qhawe must have bought this place before he told me he wanted to buy a farm a few months back.  It couldn’t have taken a few months to build all this.  It is amazing though.  Why did Zwelibanzi’s dad make all these plans for me, did he really know more about his son’s illegal activities.  I understand leaving his things to his grandkids but me, what did I do for him to make him do all this for me.  I just don’t get it. 
Qhawe:  You really shouldn’t over think it.  He did it because he didn’t want his grandkids to end up like their father, he didn’t want them to own anything that would be linked to their father at least this way he ensured that the kids would have a good and safe life.
Me:  No not so safe when I have a pyscho after me.
Qhawe:  he won’t get to you, he will try but he’ll die before he gets to you.
Me:  We both know that we are not going to kill him.  look what happened to Zwelivanzi, we didn’t kill him, we just sent him to jail for the rest of his life and now his stupid family is thinking of getting him out.
Qhawe:  they won’t get the chance to.
Me:  I hope so my King.  (he stands and holds me from behind brushing my stomach)  I think I want to stay here permanently.
Qhawe:  that’s what the kids said too.  I think it will be good for them.  This place is big enough for all of us.  I know the rest of the guys will go back to their places after this but I am sure that they will spend every weekend here.  Lwazi is not going to be happy in fact he is going to kill us because he won’t be able to drive here everyday.
Me:  why is it that he doesn’t like spending time at his house. 
Qhawe:  Lwazi has always been like that even in varsity during our first year, he only slept in his room.  For the second year and the rest of the duration of our varsity years we rented a three bedroomed apartment because of him.  it was nice though, we respected each other’s privacy and space.  The thing they have of not knocking is because of the fact that we lived together for so many years.  I was the first to move out and I became Lwazi’s victim, he ate at my place all the time.
Me:  I can imagine.  You guys have a beautiful relationship
Qhawe:  we became brothers, brothers we never had.  Out of the three of us, I’m the only one that had a good childhood but that didn’t affect our relationship.  We all worked hard for everything we have.  My parents never gave me anything on a silver platter.  Dad helped the three of us to start the businesses we have.  He didn’t give us money, he showed us ways to get money and what we were short with he topped up.
Me:  that’s what you did with the boys when they came to us with their project.
Qhawe:  Now they know how to get money from other business people.  Bandile and Lwazi are more my brothers more than they are my friends.  We’ve always been there for each other.  We fight just like brothers do but we never stay angry at each other.  (jutst then Eddie walked in.)
Eddie:  morning love birds, Qhawe can I have a word with Khanyi please and Bandile and Sizwe are looking for you.
Qhawe:  You guys really don’t know the meaning of quality time do you.  (he turns me around and kisses me so passionately and I let out a soft moan after which he stops, he smiles, kisses my forehead and my stomach and walks away, did he just leave me horny.  I am going to kill him, he did this on purpose.)
Eddie:  you really love don’t you?
Me:  I do, very much so.
Eddie:  after everything you’ve been through, I never thought I’d live to see the day where I see you being so in love.  Anyway I need to talk to you about something.
Me:  what’s going on?
Eddie:  I have a plan, but the plan revolves around you and you are the one that can  make it work.
Me:  I know what you are thinking and it’s not going to work but I have been thinking of something and Micheal won’t expect it especially from me.  I have been doing my own little investigation and Micheal has been after me for a long time.  He doesn’t only want the company from me, he wants something he’s never had, something he always wished he could have but it never happened and there’s  Something else that you guys didn’t know that I found out, Micheal has four daughters.  That one comes after Sima. Her mother ran off when she found out she was pregnant but Micheal knew she was pregnant, he found her and brought her back to Durban,  she didn’t live to see her daughter grow up. She died after giving birth.  That child is his Poster child, she is his pride and joy.  That man loves his daughters and they are his weakness.  The girl I’m talking about is Natasha, she used to sleep with Qhawe before Qhawe met me and I think she is going to be used to get between me and Qhawe but that’s not going to happen.  I have a plan of my own.  (I proceed to tell him my plan, he looks at me like I’ve gone mad.)
Eddie:  You do know that if I allow this plan of yours Qhawe will have both our heads
Me:  I know.  But Micheal won’t see this coming.
Eddie:  Eish Khanyi, as much as I hate to say it but you are right.
Me:  I know I am (I smile at him)
Eddie:  Don’t be cocky, I might just change my mind. ( I look at him and pout.)  that will work with Qhawe not me.  Come let’s go get some ice cream and chocolates.
My phone beeps and it’s a message: “MEET ME AT WIMPY IN TEN MINUTES”  that’s  my father, I wonder what’s happening.  Lucky for me I am already at the mall and he probably knew that.  When I get there, he is already there.
Me:  Mike. How are you?
Mike:  I’ll feel better if you call me dad. (he gives me a warm smile)
Me:  in time I will. Why am I here
Mike:  You are here to meet your sisters and they should be here anytime.  Oh right on cue, here they are.  (I see these three ladies.  We look so much alike and we all look like him.  they are beautiful)
Them:  Daddy, (they hug and sit.)
Mike:  I want you all to meet your sister Andiswa and Andiswa these are your sisters, Sima, Natasha and Amanda. 
Me:  Nice to meet you all.  You look beautiful.
Amanda:  nice to finally meet you too.  So you are the baby of the family
Mike:  she is.  Be nice to her.
Sima:  oh daddy when have we ever not been nice to anyone, (she smiles at him)
Amanda:  we already know about you and what happened to you so we won’t bore you by asking you about all that. (thank God.  I actually didn’t want to talk about my past)
Me:  I guess today is the day you tell me what the plan is.
Amanda:  Not yet, but you need to put your plan into play.
Me:  my plan is already in play.  It’s delayed a bit because the couples have gone away for the weekend. I’ll be moving forward with it on Monday when they are back.  You need to at least tell me why my plan fits into yours.
Sima:  Khanyi had my husband arrested and I want her to pay for that and your sister is friends with her.
Amanda:  your sister is getting married to my ex and that can’t happen.  (I’ve noticed that Natasha is not much of a talker, she’s been quiet all this time. I turn to look her)
Natasha:  I was sleeping with a guy once, at first it was just fun until I developed feeling for me, which rearly happens for me. I never really fall for guys but I fell for this one, he noticed that and broke up with me because he didn’t have feelings for me and he didn’t want to lead me on but it was too late for me.  A few months later I found out he was in love with someone.  I started following him around which was not easy, I stalked him on social media but he didn’t post that much.  I would see them at the mall or at the park and it hurt.  She is living the life I should be living.  I should be the one carrying his baby and making him smile everyday.
Me:  mmmhhh I see.  So me hurting my sister helps you how exactly.
Sima:  You are very slow dear little sister.  Khanyi and those people are a bunch of strangers who became a family, a very strong and loyal family at that.  but if the people close to her keep experiencing pain because of her, they will eventually hate her, and that will be a breaking point for her, she will be weak, she will want to do anything to have them back even sell the shares that daddy wants from her.
Me:  so basically this is about Khanyi
Mike:  Yes it is.
Me:  I see. I get it.  Mike told me  that you were not always into this kind of life, what changed?
Natasha:  I was always a part of this life.  These two were not.  They spend most of their time in boarding school and they went to varsity overseas so they were not really exposed to this life until they became hungry for revenge. 
Me:  so what do you guys do for a living?
Amanda:  I am a lawyer, Sima is an interior designer and accountant and Natasha is an IT technician but she is not that good at it,  she is good at other things though.
Mike:  Look just make sure your plan works.  There’s no hurry because they are not suspecting anything they are living their lives as per normal.  Take your time so that there are no mistakes. I have to go, I have other business to take care of.  Now that you know the plan Andiswa, there are things you might be required to do.

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