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My phone rings:
Me:  what do you want?
Her:  when are you coming back, you been gone for two months now.
Me:  I don’t have time for this, I told you I’ll be back when I get what I came here for.
Her:  Zwelibanzi, how long is that going to take, we need you here and your father needs you and your mother can’t do this alone.
Me:  My father is the reason I’m here, how is he?
Her:  come back and you’ll know how he is doing.
Me:  fine, I’ll back during the weekend.
Her:  I really don’t understand the obsession you and your father have over this woman, she left you, why don’t you just let her be.
Me:  you don’t know anything about this, so don’t talk about it.
Her:  maybe you should enlighten me and you need to tell her the truth Zwelibanzi.
Me:  she is no longer my wife, what difference will telling her the truth make, it’s not like she’ll willingly come back to me with kids.
Her:  you owe it her.
Me:  no I don’t.  I’ll video call later.  Bye.

It’s been a week since I lost the custody case and today I’m seeing the kids.  The social worker suggested that visits be at home a familiar and comfortable environment for the kids. Khanyi has opted not to join us during these visits.  We are meeting at 12:00 and I need to go before I am late.
When I arrive, I am amazed.  Khanyi has really done well for herself without me.  This house is beautiful and this is just outside, simple but elegant just like her.  I’m waiting at the gate while the security announces that I’m here.  They let, I drive in and my jaw drops, WOW!!!  I park the car in the driveway and make my way to the door escorted by another guy. He walks in with me:
Guy:  Andile (he calls out and a familiar face shows up and it’s one of the guys.  But I know this guy, just don’t know from where I can’t place him.)
Andile:  thanks Jason, I’ll take it from here.
Jason:  later man.
Andile:  Zwelibanzi, follow me.
Me:  It’s Mr Tom to you.
Lwazi:  next you come in here, you leave that cocky attitude at the gate.  (he says walking to us and we walk to the kitchen and I can hear them laughing, when we walk in the go quiet.  They are sitting with the social work having sandwiches. Lwazi offers me a sit, I take a sit and greet everyone.  I guess we are doing this in the kitchen.)
Andile:  do you need me here?
Lwazi:  don’t worry man, we’ll be cool. Thanks. (Andile walks away)
Social worker:  I’m only here to monitor the situation and make a report, I’ll interfere if I have to.  (she stands and sits at the dining table in the kitchen while we all sat on the high chairs of the kitchen counter.)
Me:  how are you guys
Lwanele:  we are fine thanks, how about you? (she has taken after her mom, she looks so much like her.  I remember when her mom was pregnant, I used to tell her that the baby was going to be a mini her and I was right.  She is a mini Khanyi)
Me:  I’m ok just nervous
Lonwabo:  why are you nervous?
Me:  I haven’t seen you guys in a long and I don’t know how to act around you.
Lwazi:  you can start by not being so serious and smile a little.  (the kids just chuckle a little)
Lonwabo:  Uncle Lwazi don’t start.  Today we need to be serious, it is the first visit after all.
Ntando:  why did you lie in court about mom?
Me:  What do you mean I lied?
Ntando:  You said mom changed her number when she left and yet she didn’t, he kept hoping you would call and ask about us but you didn’t.   do we mean that little to you, so little that you weren’t even bothered by us leaving?
Me:  It’s not that, there’s more to it, you are too young understand.
Lonwabo:  that’s bullshit, if you wanted…….. (he does finish, Lwazi interrupts him)
Lwazi:  Lonwabo watch the language, he is still an adult.
Lonwabo:  Sorry Uncle Lwazi (he turns and looks at me) I’m sorry.
Lwanele:  Why do you think you deserve and a second chance, from where I’m sitting I don’t think you deserve one.
Me:  after everything I’ve put you through, I probably don’t deserve one but I am here hoping that at some point I’ll get.
Ntando:  Well we have discovered that you don’t deserve one, even if I may forgive you , I don’t want a relationship with, I don’t want you in my life, I don’t need you.
Lwanele:  me, I’m sorted.  All I ever wanted was to have my father love me, protect me and treat me like a Princess, but I have someone who does that so I’m good. Maybe someday I’ll find it in my heart to forgive you.
Me:  You are really not going to make this easy on me are you?
Lonwabo:  Why should we, when you made our lives hell.  Mom always says we shouldn’t hate you but you know what I hate you just like you hate us.
Me:  I don’t hate, you might not believe this but. I do love you.
Lonwabo:  You have a very funny way of showing it.  Uncle Lwazi, I’ve had enough of this can I go to my room.
Lwazi:  yeah sure, you can go.
Me:  but we are still talking, you can’t walk away just like that.
Lonwabo:  we learned from the best.  ( he says that walking away)
Ntando: Lonwabo wait for us.  Lwanele are you coming.  Bye Zwelibanzi
Lwanele:  bye Banzi
Me:  Guys please wait
Social worker:  Let them go.  You’ll see them next week.
Me:  they can’t just leave
Lwazi:  Look man, those kids are angry and they hate you right now.  Let them cool off.  Just go home. (I turn to leave.  That didn’t go well at all.)


So before this whole court case issue, we had pitched an idea to the family and they loved it. the family has given us R 500 000 and we have managed to raise R2 200 000. They got some of the business people they deal with to sponsor us as well.  One of the partners even sponsored us with building that we can use.  My building that bhut’ Qhawe is building is also coming alright.  So business is looking good.  Since it’s school holiday now we are going to be focused on the Brotherhood Love.  That’s we call the project.  I’m on my way home, I’m sure my mom is also home.  I’ve been spending a lot of time at home lately just want to be sure that everyone is ok. Bhut’ Qhawe is also spending the week with us. The kids are leaving this weekend for the Eastern, I wonder if the grandparents will cope apparently , Sibahle, Zenande and Lisakhanya will be staying at grandparents’ house for the holidays with my siblings.
Linamandla:  you are home early
me:  yes, I finished early today.  Where is mom?
Lina:  She is not here yet.
Me:  let me go change, how far are you with the cooking?
Lina:  I’m not the one cooking today, Sibahle and Lonwabo are cooking.
Me:  I see. I’ll be back just now. 
Lina:  I’ll come with you. I want to talk to you about something
Me:  Ok, what’s up?
Lina:  Well, I have a boyfriend.
ME:  What?  When did that happen, who is he, where does he live?
Lina:  can you please stop with the 20 questions and no you are not meeting him yet.  It’s been a year now.
me:  a year Lina and you are only telling me now, no man.
Lina:  I wanted to be sure about him first.
Me:  does mom know?
Lina:  not yet and you are not telling her, she has a lot to deal with right now.
Me:  fine.
Lina:  Let’s go, dinner is probably ready and probably mom is home now.  Khaya you can’t tell anyone yet, I want to tell them myself.
Me:  You do know that, that boyfriend of yours is in trouble especially with Bhut’ Qhawe.
Lina:  I know Khaya.
Me:  hey guys, hi ma, how are you?
Mom:  I’m good, just tired. Guys you know you are leaving for the Eastern Cape this weekend.  Have you started packing yet?
Lwanele:  yes mom we have.
Mom:  make sure you pack warm clothes. The Eastern Cape is cold at this time.


I’m at my house getting ready to leave.  I’m spending the week at Khanyi’s house  since the kids are there.  My door bell rings, who could that be, I’m not expecting anyone, when I open the door, my mood drops from hot to ice cold.
Me: What are you doing here?
Her:  aren’t you  going to let me in.  (I let her in.)
Me:  I asked you a question?
Her:  I’m here to see the kids,
Me:  Anelisa how many times must I tell you not to come to my house unannounced?
Anelisa:  But the kids said they were home, when I asked them where they are.
Me:  did you say you were coming to see them?
Anelisa:  I didn’t think it would be a problem.
Me:  Well it is a problem.  When they said they were home, they didn’t mean this home, if you had asked you would know.
Anelisa:  Where are they?
Me:  At my girlfriend’s house.  This weekend they are leaving for the Eastern Cape and you already know that.  (she looks shocked, it must be fact that the kids are with Khanyi?
Anelisa:  You have already introduced our kids to that woman already, it’s so soon.
Me:  Anelisa this is none of your business.  The kids are happy, that’s all that matters, she makes them happy, not that you would notice.
Anelisa:  Qhawe please,
Me:  it’s true Anelisa, you didn’t even notice that Lisakhanya change her hair and she has boobs now and started her periods.  You are so pre-occupied wanting something you can’t have.  You can’t have me.
Anelisa:  Qhawe come on, I was your wife, we were happy once, we can be happy again. (she walks closer to me and tries to kiss me but I grab her wrists tight)
Me:  You are right though, you were my wife and we were happy once until you ruined it. I’m over it, I’m moving on with life and I love Khanyi, I’m in love with her, she is my future.  As for you, you are nothing but the mother of my kids.  Please leave, I need to go.
Anelisa:  Qhawe please don’t do this, we can make it work.
Me:  Anelisa get out (she hesitates  a bit but eventually she leaves.)
I grab my bag and my car keys and drive to my people and when I get there, there is so much noise.  They are in the lounge playing games, they don’t even notice that I’m home, I take a few pictures and greet everyone. The little princesses come running to me for their hugs.  These two are such babies. I take my bag upstairs and come back down to join the.  Ten kids, we make a rugby team and it’s all good, we are happy.  Khanyi’s phone beeps indicating a message and that’s her work phone, her face changes in a split second when she reads the message. The kids haven’t noticed, she gets up and asks me to go with her to the kitchen and help her with the snacks. She gives me the phone to read the message.
Me:  What the…..
Khanyi:  I know
Me: is he stupid or what, is Zwelibanzi stupid or what and he’s even threatening you.
Khanyi:  I think he has lost his mind. I’m not giving him that company so that he can continue with human traffic, even though we can’t prove that he was involved, I think we should involve the police now.  I know he is going to try something.
Me:  don’t panic.  It’s all going to be ok, remember you have the best team.
I lift her and put her on the kitchen counter and I stand between her legs and kiss her.
The kids show up in the kitchen all ten of them.
Bandile (Twin): I thought you were getting snacks
Banele:  it’s obvious they are busy snacking on each other (and they all laugh.  This is going to be a long three days before they leave and these kids are cock blocking me every chance they get.  Even Lisakhanya has a habit of wanting to share our bed with us.
They need to leave already, I miss my baby girl and I know she misses me as well.

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