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She didn’t go home last night, she slept here.  I could get used to this, waking up in the morning with her in my arms.  She looks so peaceful, like she is not going to wake up to a mountain of problems she has to deal with at least she’s not alone.  It’s just after 04:00 and I don’t want to wake her , but I have to, she has no clothes here, I should get that sorted, at least if she had some clothes I would let her sleep in.  I move closer to her face and kiss her after a while she responds
Me:  It’s time to wake up beautiful
Khanyi:  I don’t want to (sounding very sleepy and I kiss her again) if this is how you are going to wake me up in the morning, maybe I should just sleep next to you every night and get beautiful morning kisses when I wake up.
Me:  That I would definitely not mind and besides this is not just a morning kiss, it’s a kiss that leads to my breakfast.  (I kiss her again, this time more passionately and she’s responding. I make her lie on her back so I can be on top of her, I quickly take her panties and she stops the kiss.)
Khanyi:  is that the breakfast you want?
Me:  yes my love, what did you think I was talking about?
Khanyi:  Kodwa Qhawe ( I just kiss her and take her t-shirt off. I move my hand down to her nuna and start fingering as she moans in my mouth.  She is so wet. I stop kissing and move down to her nuna,  I lick her and start sucking her clit and insert two finger, she feels so warm and so wet.  I feel her hands holding my head pulling it towards her and i take my fingers out and move my tongue to her hole with her pulling me in and begging me to go deeper I do as requested, I stop when she is about to cum.)
Me:  Don’t cum yet baby
Khanyi:  I can’t hold it
Me:  You have to baby (I kiss her again and gently push myself in, I struggle a bit like I did the first time we made love.  Eventually I go in, I push in further and deeper so she can take all of me in,  I can see she feeling a bit of pain, she’s flinching)  Baby look at me, are you ok, you want me to stop? (she nods and shakes her head at the same time)  talk baby (I say smiling at her)
Khanyi:  Stop smiling.  I’m ok and don’t stop.
Me:  don’t worry, you’ll get used to it (she pulls me in for a kiss and she starts moving under  me and I move with her, she moves her hands to my waist holding it tight, in between the kisses, she tells to go deeper and not move.  I push myself in deeper and hold my position and she starts moving, she’s making me groan loud and her soft moans are not helping the situation, the way she is moving, and I start to move again.)
Khanyi:  Please don’t move (I let her be and I can I feel my orgasm, how does she do it, she is driving me crazy right now)
Me:  Cum with me baby.  ( I feel her grip on my waist tightening, thank God she does not have long nails.  I pull out and go in deep again, I repeat that 3 times and we both climax at the same time. She doesn’t let me pull out, I adjust myself so that she doesn’t have all my weight on top her, she’s playing with her fingers on my  back, I like this, this moment it feels good.  We stay like this for a while.  We get out of bed and take a bath and get dressed. She has to go home and change for work.)
Khanyi:  I can’t stay for breakfast, otherwise I’ll be late.
Me:  You need to have clothes here but we’ll sort that out later. (she pulls me to the bed and she gets on and stands on the bed, which makes her slightly taller than me and kisses me as she jumps on me to carry her, wrapping her legs around my waist.)
Khanyi:  I love this.  You can carry me downstairs, my nuna hurts, I can’t walk.
Me:  I’m sorry beautiful, I can’t help it, (I say walking with her downstairs)
Morning love birds (and that’s the twins, what are they doing up this early, they never wake up this early, it’s just after 06:00)
Me:  what are you doing here, why are you up so early (I’m asking all this still carrying Khanyi and I can feel her wiggling)
Khanyi:  Que please put me down (she whispers)
Bandile:  Dad I think you can put her down now. (I put her down)  We wanted to see sis’ Khanyi before she leaves.
Me:  how did you know she slept here?
Banele:  lucky guess dad.
Khanyi:  Morning boys, would love to stay and chat but I have to go before the girls come downstairs.  I’m late already.
Bandile:  Sis’ Khanyi when can we visit
Me:  We’ll talk about that later.
Twins:  Ok
Banele:  bye love birds, we also have to get ready for class.
Khanyi:  bye guys. Que I have to go.
Me:  Ok (kissing her and I walk her to the car and kiss her again.  I’ll see you later.)
Khanyi:  ok. Bye (and she drives off.)


I think those twins are going to be the death of me. What is Qhawelomzi doing to me.  I can feel myself melting for him.  Can I really let him in am I ready, we’ll just have to see.  Let me not over think it.  This morning was amazing but his dick, I don’t think I can ever get used to it.  In all of my life of having sex, I’ve never been with someone that big.  I’m used to the normal thick size and he is just not normal but amazingly enough I’m enjoying him, I want more of him, I get wet just think about him.  He has called 3 times already today, I’m not used to this but I’m loving it. My lawyer walks in interrupting my thoughts;
Luyanda:  and that smile?
Me:  None of your business Mr Langa.
Luyanda:  I see.  Whoever he is, he must keep doing whatever he is doing, I like seeing you like this and Andile is happy to see you smiling regardless of the situation. I hope I’ll meet him soon.
Me:  Who says it’s man?
Luyanda:  I just know.  Anyway the reason I’m here, I want to discuss a few things with you.  We need to get a court date, preferably sooner than later.  I also want to ask if you will be ok letting the kids take the stand in court, reason being, if Zwelibanzi has bribed the Judge, which I think it will be the case, the kids testimony will make the case stronger and the judge might be forced to side with the kids.  I’m trying to get Judge Smith to come back as well.  He’s the only judge I know that can’t be bought. I need to buy time.  You also need to understand that Zwelibanzi will fight for the kids not speak in court, he knows it will be his downfall.
Me:  I here you, but if the kids have to appear in court, then I need the court date to be after they finish with their exams, I don’t need my kids destructed by all this. That should also give you time to get Smith back.
Luyanda:  that’s perfect when are they starting exams?
Me:  Next week and it’s going to take 2 weeks, so you have two weeks to make it rain.
Luyanda:  Awesome, you are so calm today, I think I’m going to like this guy.
Andile:  What guy? (as he walks in)
Luyanda:  The one that’s making her smile and keeping her calm like this.
Andile:  Oh him, don’t worry, you’ll meet him soon, he is a nice. In fact, you might know him, Qhawelomzi Mthimkhulu.
Me:  Andile really now.
Andile:  What he was going to find out anyway.
Luyanda:  Noooo, really.  I know him, I was his ex-wife’s lawyer 6 years ago when they got divorced. Khanyi you hit the jackpot and this time stop hesitating, just go with the flow.
Andile:  That’s what we’ve been telling her, even the kids have been telling her that.
me:  You guys sound like a bunch of school girls.  Please leave my office (and my phone rings and it’s my business cell.)  Khanyi Hello
Him:  it’s good to hear your voice, how are you Angel Face?
Me:  don’t call me that, how did you get this number?
Him:  it’s the only cellphone number listed under your name.
Me:  What do you want Zwelibanzi?  (the guys look at me worried)
Him:  I told you, I want you and the kids back and I have a business proposal for you seeing that you are a business woman.  Who knew my little Angel Face, would turn out to be a successful business woman.
Me: and I told you that you won’t get us back and as for the business proposal, you take it shove it up where the sun doesn’t shine which is up your ass.
Him:  Come now Khanyi, at least listen to my proposal.
Me:  Not interested, see you in court. (I hang up and take a deep breath.)
Luyanda:  Are you ok, What does he want?
Me:  he says he has a business proposal for me
Andile:  I wonder what game is he playing?
Me:  it doesn’t matter, he won’t win. Luyanda give me your car keys, take mine.  (he hands me his keys no questions asked.)
Andile:  Where are you going?
Me:  I need to see Qhawe and you are not coming, that’s why I’m taking his car. I grab my bag and leave.)
Andile:  Khanyi wait.
Me:  I’ll see you later guys and I’ll be fine. ( I leave and drive off to Qhawe’s office, when I enter the building I ask the receptionist if he is available and she says yes tells me to go through, this girl has a stinking attitude. )thank you.  (I walk into his office without knocking)
Qhawe:  Hey, I wasn’t expecting … … ( I don’t let him finish, I just throw myself on his lap and kiss him.  It’s a good thing I’m wearing a dress.  He pulls out of the kiss and looks me) Hey are you ok? (I kiss him again with so much passion and he responds and I can feel his dick getting hard.)
Me:  I need you, I want you and I want you to fuck me hard. (he looks at me a bit hesitant)
Qhawe :  are you sure, I might just tear up that little whole of yours.
Me:  Qhawe please and no foreplay
(he doesn’t waste any time, he puts me on his desk and takes off his jacket, while I take off my panties, he walks to the door and locks it. Comes back and stands between my legs and kisses while dropping his pants and I his fingers on my nuna, I know I’m wet already,he takes my left and open it wide and places my right leg on his shoulder, without warning, he enters me hard, which makes me scream.)
Qhawe:  I need you to keep it down my love, this office is not sound proof.
( I try to say something, he doesn’t let me, he does what I asked him to do until we both rich our climax. I think he tore up, shit my nuna is burning. I needed that.  He lifts and walks with me to another door in the office and it’s the bathroom.  We clean up and get dressed.  When we are done he he goes and unlocks the door.  He makes me sit on the couch and he sits next to me.)
Me:  Que my nuna hurts, it really hurts.( I say putting my heard on his chest)
Qhawe:  I’m sorry Beautiful but you asked me to be rough.  Uzoyiqhela (you’ll get used to it) vha.  I’ll take you home and run you a nice hot bath to sooth the pain but not before you tell me what happened.
Me:  Zwelibanzi happened, he called……….. ( I don’t finish and a lady walks in)
Lady:  I’m sorry I didn’t know you were busy, your assistant is not at her desk neither was the receptionist.
Qhawe:  Anelisa how many times must I tell you not come to my office without calling, what do you want vele.  You know never mind as you can see, I’m busy . (oh this is the ex-wife he told me about.)
Anelisa:  I’m sorry. ( she looks at me and leaves. I don’t understand why our intimate moments have to be interrupted all the time. )
Qhawe:  Khanyi look at me.  Tell what happened with Zwelibanzi.
I tell him everything that happened and to say he is angry is an understatement.  He takes me home as promised, runs me a hot bath.

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