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Right now I feel numb, I feel angry, I’m angry at him, I’m angry at God.  God why have you forsaken? What is this man doing here, 4 years without seeing him, without talking to him, why now, what does he want.  He snaps me out my of thoughts
Zwelibanzi:  Mrs Tom (I look at him and I know right now he can only see a blank face, he can’t read my emotions.)
Me:  I think you have the wrong office, there is no Mrs Tom here.
Zwelibanzi:  You will always be Mrs Tom, Khanyi.
Me:  Zwelibanzi what do you want, what are you doing here?
Zwellibanzi:  Still calling me by my full name, you never call me Zweli or Banzi just like other people and I always liked that about you, I still do.
Me:  I asked you, what you want, what you are doing here?
Zwelibanzi:  I see, straight to the point, I want my kids.
Me:  I’m sorry,  you want your what?  I don’t think I heard you correctly (and I know he didn’t miss the sarcasm and the anger in my question)
Zwelibanzi:  I want my kids and you
Me:  Heeee, I thought I heard you incorrectly.  Which kids exactly?  The ones you haven’t seen in 4 years, the ones you last spoke to 4 years ago, all of a sudden you have kids.  Where were you when they got sick, where were you when they had games to play, who watched them play, where were you when they needed help with their homework, or when they needed help studying for a test or their exams, where were you when they were crying wanting you to be there for them.  Where were you Zwelibanzi, and now you have the balls, even the liver to come here and demand them.  Do you even know what they eat, you don’t even know their favourite foods, their favourite books, their favourite, movies, tv show, music.  You never cared for them Zwelibanzi, even when were married, you never gave them the attention they needed from a father.  Zwelibanzi we were in a relationship for 17 years out of that 17 years we were traditionally married for 6 years, 6 years that became hell on earth for me and my babies.  Now tell me, what makes you think we want you
Zwelibanzi:  Everything that you just said doesn’t matter anymore, I’m here now.  I want to change things for you and the kids.
Me: you know whatever you and Nkosikhona are smoking, please share it with me, it’s giving delusions that are out of this world or NIQHUNYWE NINGATSHAYANGA (YOU ARE HIGH WITHOUT SMOKING)  Zwelibanzi, get this through your thick skull, you will never have those kids, you will never have me.
Zwelibanzi:  Khanyisile, watch your tone, you can’t speak to me like that, I am still the man around here.
Me:  I can talk to you any way I want, you mean nothing to me Zwelibanzi, you can go and be a man somewhere else not here, here you are not needed.  Just leave, go back to hole you crawled out of, just leave Zwelibanzi.
Zwelibanzi:  No I’m not leaving until we talk about this, or else I’ll take you court.
Me:  I said leave now.  (at this moment i am boiling with anger but still in control, I’m trying very hard not lose control, trying  very hard not to cry in front him, I refuse to let him see my tears.)  Leave Zwelibanzi.
My office door opens, and I see a face I didn’t expect to see, what is he doing here, I’m shocked and happy to see him but I’m more shocked.
Qhawe:  I believe the lady asked you to leave
Zwelibanzi:  and you are?
Qhawe:  that’s none of your business.  Please do as the lady requests before things get out control.
(Qhawe walks closer to him and looks him in the eye and tells him again to leave)
Zwelibanzi:  Khanyi this is not over,  I told I want my kids and you on top of that, you know I always get what I want.
Qhawe:  Not this time around , I’m sure she has good reason for staying away from you.
Khanyi:  Leave, I’ll see you in court.
Qhawe moves aside making space for him and watches as he walks to the door, at this moment I just involuntarily throw myself on my chair and I just let the tears fall.  I feel Qhawe’s arms around  me, he holds me so tight and he is busy shushing me.
I hear Andile’s voice as he walks in but I can’t look at him or talk to him right now but he talks to Qhawe.
Andile:  I just saw Zwelibanzi leave, what happened, did he hurt her, I could never forgive myself if he did. (he is so worried and stressed)
Qhawe:  He didn’t hurt physically, she is not ok.  Look don’t worry about taking her home, I’ll do it, but you guys really need to tighten security around here, I have a feeling he’ll be back. Anyway who is he?
Andile:  When she is ready to tell you, she will.


This is a very emotional moment, at least she has stopped crying, I get her to stand so that we can walk to the car.  She stands gather her things, she doesn’t say anything, so I just let her be, I sit and wait for her to finish gathering her things, I still can’t get over her beauty, her sexiness. She really looks good in this suit.  When she is done, we leave.  The ride to her house is quiet because she fell asleep, I think she’s tired from the crying.  When we get to her house, Eddie lets me in.  I don’t want to wake her so I carry her into the house straight to her bedroom, this time Eddie doesn’t come with me, he waits for me in the lounge.  These guys really care about Khanyi, I wonder what’s the story.  I place her on her bed, take her jacket and shoes off and just cover her with the throw that’s on the bed.  As I walk out, I notice a remote control on the wall, and it’s for the air conditioner, so I turn it on and adjust the temperature to be on heat.  It’s a bit chilly today and the throw is very light.
I have never seen her so broken, as I walk to the lounge, I bump into a little a girl, she looks like Khanyi a bit, she looks more like that Zwelibanzi guy.  She must be his daughter.
Her:  I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking.  Are you one of the new guys, mom always introduces us to any new member of the security team.
Me:  No sweetie, I’m your mom’s friend, I brought her home, she is not feeling well, headache and now she is sleeping.
Her:  So you were just in her bedroom
Me:  Yes, she fell asleep in the car, so I had to carry her in because I didn’t want to wake.
Her: I see.  Uncle Eddie allowed you to do that?
Me:  Yes baby he did.
Her:  I see.  I have to go, I have homework.  Bye.  I’m Lwanele by the way.
Me:  Bye Lwanele, I’m Qhawelomzi Mthimkhulu
She walks up the stairs.  She is a smart kid.


I look at Qhawe as he has a conversation with Lwanele. She is way too smart for her age.  I’m sure she’s already figuring out what’s going on.  They know their mother doesn’t just fall asleep out of the blue, unless she has been crying, and they know that she just doesn’t cry unless she’s really hurt or angry.
Me:  Qhawe how are you man?
Qhawe:  I’m ok man, just worried about Khanyi, I walked in on her in her  office angry and someone called Zwelibanzi.
Me:  He was at the office, how did he find, this is not good. (I try not to let Qhawe see the panic on my face but I think I’m too late.)
Qhawe:  Eddie what’s going on, who is this guy.
Me:  He is her ex-husband and he is bad news, the rest she will have to tell you, it is not my story to tell.
Qhawe:  I understand.  Look I need to go, I have to check on my kids and help with homework and cook dinner for them. (I can see that Eddie looks surprised at my statement.)
Me:  You are a single dad?
Qhawe:  Yes I am.  Been doing it for 6 years now.
Me:  I’ll call you and let you know when she is awake
Qhawe: thanks, I’d really appreciate that.

I walk him out to his car and you really can’t miss the worry on his face, he really cares about her, I hope she’ll open up to him.  I think she is going to him now that Zwelibanzi is back. As Qhawe drives off, Andile drives in in Khanyi’s car.  He gets out and walks up to me.
Andile:  He is back, after so long, what does he want?
Me:  I don’t know Andile, but we have to make sure they are safe.  We have to tighten security again and the kids won’t be happy about it.
Andile:  They will understand. I swear Khanyi  is going to kill him this time around.
Me:  that’s what I’m afraid of.  Let’s talk tomorrow, we also need to have a meeting tomorrow about the changes in security.  I know, she won’t like this but you’ll have to be around her at all times.

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