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Andile:  Are you really going to do nothing to her?
Me:  yes I am, I don’t really want her blood on my hands, I would never be able to look at my kids knowing I killed their mother.
Andile:  Khanyi said the same thing about not killing Zwelibanzi and Nkosikhona.
Me:  she wanted to kill them?
Andile:  she still does (he says with a smile on his face.)
Me:  now that Khanyi is better and is going home tomorrow, I think we should tell the kids.  The twins are already worried that they can’t get a hold of Anelisa, besides she might just kill herself in there because she doesn’t want to be a pet to your imaginary friend and have you torture her by skinning her alive and she won’t be able to handle jail. The kids need to know the truth.
Andile:  that makes sense.  Would she really kill herself over my threat?
Me:  trust me she would.  I’ll let jail deal with her, she is going to suffer in there. Enough about Anelisa.  I spoke to Khanyi about Sizwe and she agreed to see him but I’ll be with them.  Can you call him and tell him to meet me at the hospital now.  I’m going there
Andile:  sure I’ll do that.  How is she?
Me:  she is fine, she’s her normal self.  She was complaining about my……… (I stop talking realising that I’m about to say too much.)  Never mind.  I’ll see you at the hospital.
Andile:  wait! What was she complaining about?
Lwazi:  I also want to know
Bandile:  I’m curious too
Me:  hayi niyazithanda indaba, ayifuni nina. {you like news and it’s none of your business.}
Lwazi:  You started it, you can’t leave us hanging now.
ME:  I can and I will watch (I say walking away to my car.)
Lwazi: I’m coming with you, Thando is using my car. She says it turns her on.
Me:  Which car is that?
Lwazi:  The Beast
Me:  I’m not surprised, whenever Khanyi drives mine, I know I’m getting it all night.
Lwazi:  how is she coping with your pipe?
Me:  I think she is coping, that’s what she was complaining about earlier, she says she doesn’t think she’ll get used to it but funny enough, she can’t get enough of me, she always wants it and that just drives me crazy man. (Lwazi is the only one that I can actually talk to about my sex life.  Me and him, we have the same problem, I wouldn’t call it a problem but it is what it is, we are both gifted down there, very gifted if you know what I mean.)
Lwazi:  Thando says same thing but she still gives it to me.  I don’t think I’ve met a girl that slept with me and didn’t want to run away afterwards.
Me:  me too man and I really love this woman, she’s it for me, there’s no one else, she’s my heart man.
(when we walk into the hospital I notice Sizwe sitting on one of the chairs waiting)
Sizwe:  thanks for letting me see me (he puts out his hand for a hand shake and I take it.)
Lwazi:  don’t get used to it, it’s once off.
Sizwe:  I understand.
Me:  let’s go.


My man walks in, he looks so handsome, he still hasn’t shaved and I think I like it.  I think he has also noticed that I like it hence he hasn’t shaved, I’m always playing with my hands on his face. He’s followed by Lwazi the clown, he looks handsome too, whenever they are around me, I always feel so small.  I’m short yes but not that short, I’m your average short, if there is such a thing.  I feel like this with all of them and Qhawe is the tallest, he’s not that much taller than them, maybe a few inches.  I still love it though, I mean I’ve never dated a short or average guy, it’s always been these tall people.
Qhawe:  Baby Girl (he gives me a kiss)
Lwazi:  His Queen, how are you?
Me:  I’m ok, getting better.  Please help me sit up.  (Lwazi helps me sit up)
Lwazi: We have a guest for you.  (I look at the door and notice Sizwe standing there, he walks over to me and hugs me.)
Sizwe:  Short stuff, how are you?
Me:  Sizwe don’t call me that.
Lwazi:  I am calling you that from now on (says laughing)
Me:  if you want to die, they you will
Lwazi:  but he is still alive
Me:  not for long trust me.  I’m ok Sizwe, how are you doing?
Sizwe:  I’m good. I heard what happened and wanted to see you and I wanted to talk to you as well.
Me:  I’m ok. What do you want to talk about?
Sizwe:  I wanted to apologise that I couldn’t get you out of that marriage sooner.
Me:  sizwe please, don’t do that to yourself, you tried and he almost killed you and I managed to get out.  I’m happy Sizwe, I’m finally happy beyond measure and my kids are happy, they have a father who loves them and adores them and I think he loves them more than he loves me.
Sizwe:  are you jealous (he smiles and turns to look at Qhawe who was standing by the window paying us no attention, Lwazi went out to get something to eat.) Do you love him? (I won’t lie, he caught me off guard with that question and I don’t know what to say, I think Qhawe heard the question, when I turn to look at him, he was looking at us, he smiled and looked out the window) Love him like you’ve never loved before, give yourself to him, you have nothing to lose but everything to gain.  He loves you very much, he is not obsessed with you, he truly loves, tell him how you feel. 
Me:  I’m scared Sizwe
Sizwe:  I know you are but I promise you; you have nothing to be scared of.  I don’t know the guy but I can tell he has nothing but good intentions for you and the kids. No one knows better what you’ve been through more than I do and I wouldn’t throw you in the lion’s den. 
Me:  I never thanked you for the money you gave me to start my new life and the money you kept sending.  Everything I have I started it with that money. Thank you. The kids really missed you and they still do.
Sizwe:  I had to stay away for their own protection and yours.  Khanyi I don’t have much time, I need you to listen to me and I need you to listen good.  Zwelibanzi is dangerous, very dangerous, what you saw him do to me was nothing.  I stayed his friend because I betrayed him in the worst possible way.  Ever since you left I’ve been working with the cops to try and put him away but now I think he knows. (Qhawe walked closer to us and sat on the bed next to me, just then Lwazi walked in)
Lwazi:  what’s with serious faces?
Qhawe:  put the food down, shut up and sit down. (he grabs a chair and sits.)
Sizwe:  as I was saying, I think he knows.  I know you guys have been digging around into his illegal businesses and every time you hit a dead end, he doesn’t know you know Khanyi.  I created the dead ends to protect you Short Stuff.  No matter what you do, don’t ever sign over the company you bought to him, don’t even change ownership of the company keep it in your name, that way he won’t get it. I know your guys can protect, no matter he does, don’t ever give that company.
Lwazi:  what is it with this company?
Sizwe:  he used it to traffic drugs from Cuba and Nigeria to South Africa, he used it to launder money from overseas.  He used it to traffic young girls and young boys to China, Korea and Cuba.
Qhawe:  selling them as sex slaves?
Sizwe:  No, it’s worse than that, he sold them for their organs. That’s where he makes most of the money.  When these boys and girls get to their destination they are killed and their organs sold to the highest bidder. He wants that company because it’s the only company in the country that has deals with more than four foreign countries, with your company he sees his business growing worldwide.  Take this (he hands me a flash drive) it has everything that I’ve got on him, it’s enough to get him arrested but he will probably get out on bail.  I don’t have much on him selling humans for their organs, he doesn’t tell me anything, I don’t even think his lawyer knows anything.  You need someone you can trust in the police system that help you with this investigation, everyone I’ve dealt with is on his payroll, they always make his cases disappear. He’ll never kill you Khanyi, he needs you alive.  He knows I came to see you, he will want to know how you are doing and I am going to have to tell him, he knows me, he’ll know when I’m lying to him.
Lwazi:  Why are you doing this?
Sizwe:  because it’s time for me to get out of this life, I’ll help you as much as I can but when it’s all done, I think I’ll relocate overseas, haven’t decided yet.  Khanyi if anything happens to me, please tell the kids I didn’t abandon them.  I stayed away to protect you guys. Tell Eddie I said thank you.
Me:  you know Eddie, how?
Sizwe:  Long story, we need a bottle whiskey for that.
Lwazi:  You sound like Qhawe, when he doesn’t want tell a story.
Qhawe:  I think we have someone we can trust in the police system, not all of them are corrupt. Thank you for this, thank you for protecting them for me.
Sizwe: I had to.  She changed my life when I met her and the kids.
Lwazi:  she has that effect on people.
Sizwe:  I have to go, please be careful, he has eyes and ears almost everywhere.  One more thing Khanyi, his father is sick, his cancer is back and he might not make it this time, he wants to see you and the kids before he dies.  I’m telling you just in case Zwelibanzi doesn’t tell you, his mom misses you a lot and she is broken, they both are about not seeing their grandchildren especially when they go visit your parents.  I’ll see you soon short stuff. ( He hugs  me, just then Khaya and the Twins walk in.  Khaya is frozen where he stands asthe twins greet and take the food. “ These kids and food.”  Sizwe walks over to Khaya and hugs him for a while.)
Khaya:  I didn’t think I’d see you again, how are you?
Sizwe: I heard about what happened to your mom. I’m good.  Have you been good, have you been taking good care of them?
Khaya:  I’ve been good and yes I’m taking good care of them. She is a fighter.
Sizwe:  you know why I had to stay away (“my son knew” he nods) remember what I told you to do should anything happen to me(he nods) good.  I promise, when the others are back I’ll come visit and your mom can cook our favourite meal.  I’ll see you soon.  (he hugs him again and leaves.)

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