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Andiswa arrived in Durban on a Saturday evening three weeks ago.  She met up with Sipho on the Sunday and he gave her all the information Eddie gave to him about Ncesh and Bandile.  She also went to the address that she was given which was Bandile’s house but never went in.  she goes there almost everyday watching how happy her sister is with the new man in her life.  She has been keeping a low profile though.  She is also not aware that they know she is in town and watching Bandile’s house from time to time.  The master mind behind her release as quiet as well and she is wondering why that is but that gives her time to focus on her plan and she wants to strike when they least expect.  Little does she know that they are waiting for her to strike.

Eddie still has his feeling that he can’t shake and trying his best not to focus too much on it.  He is doing his best making sure that everyone is safe without being obvious that they know about Andiswa.  Eddie made Sipho part of the security team since Sandiso moved to Zambia.  Sipho is now the guy they are going to use for investigations.  Zack is still part of the team and doing a great job keeping track of Andiswa so that the guys don’t have to follow her around.  They are still unable to find out who is behind Andiswa’s release, whoever it is they are doing a great job staying anonymous. 

Khanyi and the babies are doing great, she has really been taking good care of herself and relaxing a lot.  She’s also been doing some exercises to help her relax with the help of Qhawe. She is still clingy as ever, getting worse by the day. Even though they have all these trouble they have to deal with, they are trying very hard that she stays calm all the time.  Ncesh and Thando have been a great suppost system for her, infact they are great support system for each other.  Ncesh and Thando are not letting Andiswa being in Durban get them down.  They are living their lives to the fullest and enjoying every minute.  Khaya and Lungi are doing good.  Lungi moved in with her father and so far they are doing good, at least they haven’t killed each other.  Khaya is not allowed to go to Luyanda’s house unless he is invited.  Luyanda has the same rules that Qhawe has for Mcebisi.  At least he allows Lungi to visit Khaya every now and again. Mcebisi and Lina are doing well, although they haven’t seen much of each other over the holidays since Mcebisi had to go home to his parents and Lina went to the Eastern cape.  Lwazi is still Lwazi but he has become very protective of the women in this family especially Thando.

Lina managed to get a transfer from UCT to UKZN.  Lonwabo and Sibahle will also be attending UKZN, they opted to stay home.  They said that they love Durban and they want to be close to their family and the kids postponed the baby shower.  Sihle came back from Johannesburg a week later after she left.  Things between her and Lungi haven’t changed.  Lungi is still angry at her mom and she doesn’t know if she can forgive what she did. Luyanda is staying true to his word of punishing her slowly and painfuly.  Sihle hasn’t been allowed to see or talk to Lungi since she got back from Johannesburg.  She is watching her daughter building a relationship with her father and happy from a distance.  She knows she has never seen Lungi that happy.
It is the second week of January and the holidays are over.  We are all back at work.  I am working from home since Anelisa is about to give birth.  Qhawe is also working from home, he says he can’t be away from Khanyi for too long, he worries about her a lot when he is at work.  I understand but still, anyway the kids have asked to use my house to throw a babyshower for Khanyi and Anelisa, they decided to do it after Anelisa gives birth.  She is really driving me crazy, she must just give birth now, I want to hold my princess.  Our pregnancy is not the same as Qhawe and Khanyi where the couple is clinging on each other.  We actually drive each other crazy and irritate each other.  She once kicked me out and I ended up sleeping at Lwazi’s house, which was the biggest mistake of my life because I couldn’t here the end of it.  Why is Anelisa shouting, I wonder what’s wrong, I quickly run downstairs.
Me:  baby what’s wrong?
Anelisa:  My water broke Sizwe
Me:  what are you talking about, what does that mean?
Anelisa:  It mean I am going into labour you dummy.  The baby bag is upstairs in the babies room, go get it so that we can go to the hospital unless you want me to give birth here. (she didn’t have to tell me twice, I went upstairs got the bag and helped her to the car and drove off to the hospital and I must say the ride to the hospital was simply not fun.  A swear word that she didn’t use , it’s either she forgot about it or she doesn’t know it exists.)
Me:  please stop swearing at and start doing your breathing exercises and we are here, I’ll go get some help, just sit here
Anelisa:  where else am I suppose to go.  Aaaahhhhhhhhh, Sizwe it hurts.
Me:  let me go get some help baby, we don’t want you giving birth in the car and this is your car.  (she lets go, I run and come back with a nurse pushing a wheel chair and we help out of the car onto the chair and she is crying and I hate to see her cry.) it’s going to be over soon baby just hang in there.
Nurse:  are you going to be  there for the delivery
Anelisa:  of cause he is going to be there, that’s a stupid question to ask. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
Nurse:  serves you right for being rude.  Just breathe ok.  Breathe in and out it will help with the pain.
Anelisa:  wait until I pop this baby, I am killing you and this man next to me.
Me:  what did I do, I didn’t say anything
Anelisa:  you made me pregnant.  You are never, ever again having sex with me.  I’ll get a vibrator.  OH MY GOD!!!! Sizwe it hurts, it hurts so much.  I want to push it out.  (the doctor walks in and checks her and she was right, she was ready to push.  She was told to push three times and she popped a beautiful little Princess.  The doctor had me cut the cord and put the baby on Anelisa’s chest.  Baby mama was tired, she couldn’t help but smile at me. )
Anelisa:  I love you so much Sizwe, thank you for being here.
Me:  I love you too baby mama.  (funny how she hated me a few minutes ago.) I name her Oluthando
Anelisa:  Sinalo
Me:  Oluthando Sinalo Lwanele Qhina
Nurse:  those are beautiful names.  (she takes the baby from Anelisa and asks me to leave, since they want to clean Anelisa up and move her to her room. When I get to the waiting room, everyone was there and when I say everyone, I mean everyone even the kids.  I don’t remember calling them, maybe I did, argh doesn’t matter.
Lwazi: and?? We heard her screaming from here.
Me:  it’s a Princess.  Princess Oluthando Sinalo Lwanele Qhina.
Khanyi:  those are beautiful names.
Lwanele:  You named her after me?
Me:  Yes we did Princess  (she runs to me and hugs me.)
Lwanele:  thank you.  I feel so honoured.
Me:  You’ve always been my little Princess and I hope that the love you showed me you’ll  share it with her.
Lwanele:  I definitely will uncle Sizwe.

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