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The weekend has been great.  Sima fetched the twins this morning after breakfast, she didn’t want to stay for lunch but we understand.  Khaya is also on his way he is bringing Lungi and Banele is fetching Lina from the airport. The guys are also here we just having a chilled out Sunday as a family.  We have decided that as the guys we’ll cook lunch, in fact it’s a late lunch.  Lwazi and Bandile are also on their way with Ncesh and Thando and Khanyi doesn’t know they are coming.  I finally got her what she wanted when I took her shopping months back on the day she got shot.  I hope she doesn’t faint on me, two surprises in one day.  I’m busy in the kitchen when Sizwe walks in.
Sizwe:  I need to talk to you about something
Me:  sounds serious.
Sizwe:  In a way it is.  I went to see Anelisa on Friday.  I try to go there as much as I can to bond with the baby.
Me:  is everything ok, is the baby ok?
Sizwe:  everything is ok.  The baby kicked for the first time on Friday and I was there, I got to feel my baby’s first kick man.  This is not how imagined experiencing this process
Me:  congragtulations man.  I know the feeling.  You know we can do something  about right.
Sizwe:  I know we can do something but I don’t know  if that’s something I want to do mainly because I don’t know if I should trust her completely and you know what’s strange is that I still care about her.  I though after everything I did to her and everything she did, I wouldn’t care but I do.
Me:  things always have a funny way of working out man.
Sizwe:  anyway when I was with her on Friday, she told me about a visit she had from some woman called Sindiswa.
ME:  Sindiswa went to see her, why? (I am shocked at this moment) do they know each othe?
Sizwe:  they don’t know each other.  This woman went there wanting to know about what happened to Anelisa.  The fact that she knows about Anelisa means she’s been digging and I’m sure she hired someone.
Me:  This woman doesn’t listen, we have told her so many times to back.  I don’t know what it is about these women and what they want from me.  Worse this Sindiswa woman, we’ve never dated, I’ve never even slept with me.  She’s always had a crush on me since high school and now it’s no longer a crush now, it’s purely an obsession.
Sizwe:  I think we need to take care of this woman, before she causes any damage.  Remember Khanyi is pregnant now and this will affect her, even if she says it won’t and I’m sure she wants to deal with her her own way. Talk to Khanyi she needs to think of herself and the babies now.
Me:  I’ll speak to her.  Why did Anelisa tell you about this, I would have thought that she would be a fan of anyone who wants to get rid of Khanyi.
Sizwe:  She doesn’t want her kids to lose the only mother they have.  They lost her already, so they can’t lose Khanyi.
Me:  I never thought I’d see the day that Anelisa would be Khanyi’s fan.  (Eddie and Andile walk in with  shopping  bags)
Eddie:  Never again will I go shopping with Andile.  He is like a woman.  If I went alone I would have been back a long time ago.  I’d rather go shopping with Khanyi. I swear she hates shopping.
Me:  I know.  She walks into a shop and takes what she wants and leaves just like Lisakhanya.
Andile: “ mxm”.  Where is the lady of the house anyway?
Me:  Napping upstairs.
Andile:  I think we should start getting the food ready.  (Khaya and Lungi just arrived as well as Bandile, Lwazi, Thando and Ncesh, Banele and Lina) Everyone is here.
“but how cay you say everyone is here and I’m not.”
Me:  This is a nice surprise.  Hey man, you are back, you’ve gone for weeks.
Luyanda:  it hasn’t been that long man.  But I won my case and now I am back.
Me:  Ncesh, Thando she doesn’t know you are here.  She was sleeping upstairs, that’s i if she still is.  She is probably awake from all his noise you guys are making.
Thando:  We’ll go check on her and the kids. ( they walk upstairs)
Khaya:  bhut’ Luyanda, haven’t seen you in a while, you missed out on a lot of drama.
Luyanda:  I heard about the drama man but as long as you are ok, I’m happy.
Khaya:  We are ok.  By the way this is Lungiswa, my girlfriend.
Luyanda:  finally, you bring a girl home, she must be the one.  Hello Lungi, how are you?
Lungi:  I’m good bhuti and how are you?
Luyanda:  I’m good.
Khaya:  Lungi this Bhut’ Luyanda , the family lawyer and one of these crazy uncles.
Luyanda:  Khaya don’t call us crazy. I spoke to Lungelo a few days back, he seems to be good overseas.
Me:  yes he is, I also spoke to him not too long ago.  He’s coming home for Christmas.
Lungi:  Khaya please take me upstair to the other ladies.
Me:  Princess why don’t you go upstairs too, I promise we will have our time together before you go back to school, just the two of us. (she’s been holding my hand ever since she arrived)
LIna:  do you promise?
Me:  I promise my Princess.  Mommy also needs to see her Princess and she has something tell you.  (we haven’t told her about the pregnancy yet.  She reaches for my face and kisses my chick and walks out.)  Ok guys lets get started.


When we walk into her room she was awake already and it looked like she just woke up.  She is so beautiful.  Sexy without even trying.
Me:  Hey Mama Bear
Khanyi:  Oh my God you guys!!!   What are you doing here?  Why didn’t you tell you were coming? I am going to kill Qhawe for not telling me.
Ncesh:  We wanted to surprise you Mama Bear. Leave the man alone, we asked him not to tell you. (she is busy hugging us and crying at the sametime. She is so excited.  Just then Lina walks in.)
Lina:  hi mama
Khanyi:  Oh my baby, when did you arrive? (she asks hugging her and kissing her face.)
Lina:  Just now with the Aunties, Banele fetched me from the airport.
Khanyi:  Lungi you are also here.  Qhawe thinks all these surprises are good for me.
Lungi:  Khaya invited me for lunch.
Khanyi:  That’s good. Guys this Lungiswa,  Khaya’s girlfriend.
Ncesh:  Nice meet you dear.  Welcome to the family.
Me:  Khanyi how have you dear?  (she told us that they haven’t told Lina yet about the pregnancy.)
Khanyi: I’ve been good just busy trying to sort out these businesses.  I’ll be hiring a new CEO, I’m stepping down.   There’s too much on my plate and I need to minimize my work load.
Ncesh:  isn’t Qhawe helping?
Khanyi:  He is helping a lot but still I need to work less now.  How’s school Lina, are you done with your tests?
Lina:  School is great mom, I have two tests left.  I’m going back to school on Tuesday, I’m writing on Wednesday.  (Qhawe walks in, looking at Khanyi’s picture that’s above the bed.  I must say it’s a beautiful big picture.)
Qhawe:  ladies I have left some refreshements for you in the tv room.
Khanyi:  thanks babe.  Can you please sit (she pats next to her, he sits and makes her sit on his lap.)  We have to tell her now before someone else does.
Lina:  Tell what to who?
Qhawe:  Princess we have something to tell you
Me:  Brace yourself Princess, this is big.
Ncesh:  Thando stop it, you are just like Lwazi. (they all laugh at that statement.  Khanyi looks at Qhawe and nods.  I don’t know how these two manage to communicate and understand each other just by looking at each other)
Qhawe:  Lina, mom has a bun in the oven.  In fact she has more than one bun in the oven.
Lina:  Yhoooo!!! When did this happen, but how, I thought you couldn’t have any more buns.
Khanyi:  I thought so too, but here we are. (if anyone walked in on this conversation and I mean someone who is not part of this family, they would be totally lost.)
Lina:  wait dad said more than one bun, how many buns are we talking exactly. (they look at each other, then at Lina and smile at her at nervously.)
Khanyi &Qhawe:  Five buns  (Lina jut froze and stared at them for a while, and the room is quiet.)
Lina:  I don’t know if I heard correctly , did you just say five buns?
Qhawe:  yes Princess you did.  (she keeps quiet again)
Khanyi:  are you ok Lina?
Me:  I think she needs time to process this.  (Ncesh is just looking at Lina and enjoying her reaction)
Lina:  I’m fine aunt Thando.  So you guys, you thought baking five buns would be the best thing for this family.  Why didn’t you fill up the tray and just make it six.  This behaviour of yours of being all over each other led to you baking fun buns.  Oh my God.  Couldn’t you make it two at least if you badly wanted to have more than one.  What are we going to do with them, this is crazy, it can’t be true, it’s impossible.
Ncesh:  it’s not impossible baby.  She is really baking five buns in that oven of hers.  Come here sweetie,(she walks over to her) you don’t have to worry you know that.  nothing is going to change, they are still going to love you just the same.
Lina:  I’m not worried about us, I’m worried about them.  (she looks at her parents and smiles)
Qhawe:  You don’t have to worry about Princess, we are going to be fine.
Lina:  I really am, it’s going to be a full rugby team, you do realise that right.  Dad you had to be that powerful and just make it five.  Yhooooo  ( she gets kisses our cheeks and leaves the room before the parent could say anything)
Qhawe:  Let me go back to the guys before they come looking for me.  (he kisses Khanyi and leaves.)
Me:  are you ok Khanyi?
Khanyi:  I’m ok.  Just this pregnancy is making me very clingy especially with Qhawe.
Me:  You are going to be fine we are here for you and the good news is that we are staying.
Khanyi:  What do you mean you are staying?
Ncesh:  We were asked to move this side
Me:  and we said yes
Khanyi:  really guys, you are staying.  I must remember to thank Bandile and Lwazi. I am so happy (she says that hugging us.)
Me:  We need to sort this Sindiswa person out and I think we know her. do you have a picture of her?
Khanyi:   No I don’t have a picture of her, I don’t even know her last name. 
Ncesh:  Let me look up the Sindiswa we know on facebook and I’ll show you her pictures.
Khanyi:  she’s one of  those tall girls with a medium sized body, not too dark, too much make up, thinks the world revolves around her.
Ncesh:  is this her?
Khanyi:  That’s her, that’s exactly her.
Me:  Don’t play games with her Khanyi, she needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.  Her mother is a psycho.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the things that Qhawe’s ex-wife told me about  what happened to me.  Am I really prepared to lose my life because of my mother.  Do I even love Qhawe as much as I say I do or am I allowing my mother to manipulate me.  I’ve never walked away from something my mother told me to do but this time, I have doubts.  I can’t help but feel that this is out of my league.  Do I really want to be on Qhawe’s wrong side.  I haven’t even thought of Qhawe until my mother brought him up.  Everything just changed so fast, all of a sudden not I can’t stop thinking about Qhawe, all of a sudden now I want him.  It’s like someone flipped a switch on me and everything changed just like that.  Maybe Sipho is right , maybe I should leave all this alone, but I can’t.  I feel like something is pushing me to do this and I break away from it.  I really don’t know what’s going.

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