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Last night was great, dinner with the family, helping the siblings with their homework, but I noticed that mom wasn’t really herself, something was bothering her, I should ask her.  I don’t think she’s going to work today, it’s 6:30 and she’s still sleeping.  I’m also not working today, I’ll work from home, I guess I’ll be sharing her home office with her today, or maybe I should work in our study.  It’s funny how life works out, everything we have right now, the life we have and live, it’s what mom used to say we’ll have, she never gave up, no matter how much people put her down, she never gave up.  She always says we are her motivators, her support system.  She is right, everything she has been through good or bad, we were always there, smiling with her or crying with her.  Her ex-husband wasn’t a supportive man.  He never wanted her to work.  Every job she would get, she would always lose the job mysteriously, I think my step father had something to do with that.  I think he felt threatened by her and probably still does. I wonder what he would if he saw her now, saw what she has done with her life after she left him. The guys is so full of himself, he things sun rises and sets on his ass, as mom would say.  The kids walk into the lounge:
Me:  Are you guys ready for breakfast, let’s eat and I’ll drive you to school.
Ntando: Morning brother, you driving us to school would be nice, but we have to for with Jason.
Me:  why do you need to go with Jason, mom never allocates Jason to you guys unless something is wrong, do you know what’s going on
Lonwabo:  Apparently our father is back. (he says that walking into the kitchen, I can him greet Mam’ Mavis)  Guys can we eat otherwise we’ll be late.
I’m still shocked at what he just told, we all follow him to the kitchen and sit as mam’ Mavis dishes out for us.
Me: What do you mean your father is back, when did that happen?
Ntando:  Sometime this week, and it’s probably not just Jason, she probably has other guys two watching us, just that Jason in the only we can see, can you believe he is posing as a security guard at school, I wonder how they managed to pull that off.
Lwanele:  didn’t mom tell you about it when you guys were talking before dinner last night? If she didn’t tell, what were you guys talking about.  And Ntando you’ll have to ask mom about that (I am so amazed at how calm they are about this whole thing.)
Me:  no she didn’t tell me.  I was actually telling her that I met up with my father.
Mom:  That’s why I didn’t tell you, I was going to tell you about it today.  (mom says as she walks into the kitchen, dressed in sweat pants and a long sleeve tight fitting t-shirt, she really staying home today. Today is a bit chilli.  Mom looks very sexy though)
Me:  You are looking hot for someone not going anywhere.
Mom:  Don’t I always (she laughs)
Lonwabo:  Khaya are you coming with us, Jason is ready for us. Hey mom, how are you?  We are late, see you after school.
They hug and kiss mom and we leave.


I know Khaya is going to be worried about this Zwelibanzi situation he’s going to want to be involved and I want him involved, it’s bad that I had to tell the young ones, I just hope they can concentrate on their studies and their exams.  I just hope Khaya will understand when I tell him to stay out of this one, he can be very overprotective. I’m actually glad my son has someone else he looks up other than me. I can’t believe his Qhawe is the same Qhawe I kissed and that was a beautiful and wonderful kiss.  My phone rings and it’s Qhawe:
Me: Khanyi  hello
Qhawe:  You sound so formal, (I just laugh) How are you beautiful?  (I believe I am blushing right now.)
Me:  There’s nothing wrong with sounding formal.  I’m ok and how are you?
Qhawe:  There is everything wrong about it when you talk to me.  I’m ok beautiful.  Where are you?
Me:  Working from home today, why?
Qhawe:  I’m also working from home today but I would love to see you, how about breakfast, I hope you haven’t eaten .
Me:  Looks like everyone is working from home today, even Khaya is not going to the office today.  Breakfast sounds good.
Qhawe:  I hope you are ready, I’m already on my way, I just drove into your yard.
Me:  Really Que,( did I just call him Que, heee) what if I’m still in my pyjamas, couldn’t you at least warn me.
Qhawe:  Since you up, you have showered already and dressed in casual clothes, can you open the front door please. ( I walk to the open for him.  My goodness, I feel so small, he is so tall like basketball player tall and a body to die for.  He looks amazing in his jeans and hoodie.)
Me:  You are crazy you know that, right.
Qhawe:  I know, I think we should hang up now (we both laugh and hang up our phones.)  Are you going to let me in?
Me:  yes sure, come in. 
Qhawe:  You look beautiful as always (he says that walking closer to me and he hugs me so tight and it feels really good.  I feel safe.  Maybe I should just give this a try)  Come on let’s get going.
Me:  wait a second I need to put shoes and something warm. 
(I say walking towards my room, when I’m on the second step, he holds at the waist and turns me around to face him and he asks me to step up on the third step, I do what he asks and I still feel short.  He looks at bends to kiss me and I respond, it’s I can’t get enough of his kisses.  He lets me go and I run to my room. I need my blue hoodie and my blue sneakers.  As soon as I’m done getting dresses, I just grab my phone and my wallet.  He is waiting for me in the lounge, sitting on the one sitter couch, looking all sexy and very serious though, he’s talking to someone on the phone and he sees me.)
Qhawe:  Bandile I’ll call you back later. (oh he’s talking to his friend.) 
Qhawe:  Are ready to go
Me:  Yes I am. (we leave. amazingly  enough Andile is not coming with, he actually said I’ll be safe.  I think these guys know something I don’t know about him.) Can we go to Mugg and Bean, I love their muffins.
Qhawe:  ok then.
We get to Mugg and Bean, it’s full.  He requests for his regular table, the waitress walks away, I’m assuming to go check if the table is available and she comes back to us:
Waitress:  You are lucky, your table is available, please follow me to the table and leaves us with the menu.
Me:  I don’t need a menu, I already know what I want.
Qhawe:  I’ll calls her back, I know what I want too.  (he calls the waitress back, her name is Lisa.)
Me:  To drink I’ll have rooibos tea with a slice of lemon, I’ll have the South African Farm breakfast but no toast, eggs soft and after that I’ll have hot lemon water and a blueberry muffin.  Thank you
Waitress:  Are you having the usual Sir.
Qhawe:  yes I am.  Thank you.  (she walks away) 
Waitress comes back with our eat, we eat talking about everything under the sun.  He really know 
Qhawe:  Khanyi, I want to see you every day, I want you to be a part of my world, at some point I want to introduce you to my 5 kids and I want to be introduced to your kids, I want us to try this thing.  I’ve also been hurt by love but with you I want try.  (the waitress come back with our muffins and my hot water. I notice that he order the same muffin as me.)
Qhawe: don’t look at me like that.  I love these muffins, I think I’m addicted to them especially this flavour.  (He keeps surprising me)  So what do you say Khanyi
Me:  I don’t know Que, I’m really scared, I’m broken Qhawe
Qhawe:  I know, let’s try (he says moving to my side and he bends over me and whispers in my “let’s try” and he kisses me, gently and slowly.  When he is done he moves back to his sit.)  How about we forget about work today, the kids are at school, we just spend these few hours together, either at your house or my house.
Me: ( I look at him smiling, I love the idea)  Ok let’s try and we can spend the few hours together.
He’s happy, and me, I don’t know.  We drive back to my house and we just the time watching movies and playing board games, talking and getting to know each other.


My life has been a changed, ever since I divorced with Qhawe.  I gave him full custody of our kids and I asked for visitation rights, and I must say he is doing a really good job.  He wanted us to co-parent the kids but I didn’t, now I wish I had accepted his offer.  My relationship with my kids is not what it should and I don’t blame anyone for that except me.  Sometime I miss Qhawe, the man was good to me, he worked really hard for us building his company but I just couldn’t take the long hours he was working, I didn’t want to understand, I couldn’t be there for him, I couldn’t be the supportive wife.  I always asked me why he had to work so hard when he can work for his father, I mean they are rich family, and his answer would be, “That money is not my money, that is my father’s money and what I’m doing is building my own legacy for my kids, making my own money, I really wish you could try and understand that Anelisa.”  Those were his words.  i couldn’t take it anymore so I decided to walk away from him and the kids.  When we divorced he decided to buy me a house, and he said he wants his kids to comfortable when they visit.
I want to try and fix things between me and my kids.  I want to try and understand them.  They are the only thing that I can call mine.  I don’t work, the house I have Qhawe bought it for me, the I’m driving, my current boyfriend bought it for me.  My entire I’ve always been dependant on man, I never wanted a man that couldn’t do anything for me.
I saw Qhawe this morning at Mugg and Bean with a woman.  The way he was with her, he was never like that with me, he looked happy, actually every time I see him, he looks happy and he is settled, enjoying the fruits of his hard work.  I really wish I had been patient with him, I really wish that I never cheated on him.

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