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Me:  I was suppose to come here yesterday but I was too angry I couldn’t come back here.  Today you are going to tell me everything I need to know about my father or else I’m getting a private investigator to do it for me.
Mom:  Lungi just leave it alone.  How am I suppose to explain all of this to my family, why I left home.
Me:  don’t make your problems my problems mama.  I want the truth and I want it now.
Mom:  Lungi usungaze ukhulume kanjalo no ma wakho. (How can you speak to your mother like that Lungi?)
Me:  I’m sorry for being out of line but please I need the truth. Do you know that I have a better relationship with my mother in law than I do with you.  She can talk to me and give me advice, something I have always wanted to have with you but you just refuse to.
Mom:  I’m old and not as morden. I’ll talk to you about things I need to talk you about and that’s it.
Me:  really mom, you are only 42 years old my mother in law is 2 years younger than you if not three. It has nothing to do with age.  Since you say that you will talk to me about things you need to talk to me about, talk to me about my father because you need to tell me the truth. I’m not leaving here until you do.
Mom:  His surname is Langa, he was 24 when I met him and he had just finished varsity and I was 20 doing my third year at varsity when I met him.  We met at a sports event, he was one of the rugby players.  I was immediately attracted to him, at that time it was just lust.  He introduced himself and I introduced myself.  He was open about what he wanted.  He said it was just fun, no strings attached, we meet up we have sex and that’s it.  I agreed to it.  it was simple enough plus I was not a virgin anyway so I didn’t mind. After a few months of us doing this, I fell in love but I never told him how I felt until I found that I was pregnant and he was to be married.  I lied when I said that he was in love with his fiancé.  He was not in love.  His father was forcing him to gett married so that when his father dies he can get his inheritance basically it was an arranged marriage.  I left because I created problems for him and that girl because she didn’t want to accept that I was having his child.  I wanted him to marry me instead of her.  he didn’t want to.  He told me that he wasn’t going to marry her either because he didn’t love her and he is not about to sacrifice his happiness so that he get his father’s inheritance.  I don’t know if he ever married her.  His family loved you, they did right by family and by you.  They paid damages to my family. They did all the ceremonies that were required to be done for you to be introduced to their ancestors.  His father is or was a very traditional man.  He wanted everything to be done properly for you.  Your father loved you and I denied you that love because of my selfish reasons.  Your father is Xhosa, he is from the Eastern Cape, that’s where his family is.  We’ve been there a few times, you and i.  I stopped going when you were about a year old.  That’s when I ran away with you.  I was never happy ever since we got to Durban, I’ve never really had peace.  When you were three years old, I started having dreams about an old man who kept telling that I need to take you home, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I still get the dreams but they are not as often as they used to be.  I’ve even gotten used to them.  A traditional healer once told me that things will only improve in my life when I take you home. I didn’t believe him.  ( I don’t even have tears to cry right now.  I am looking at her and wondering how she can be so selfish.  How can she allow me to miss out on so much.)
Me:  What about your family? Did they care about me?
Mom:  they did Lungi, everyone loved you.  You were their first grandchild.  My parents were very disapointed but that didn’t stop them from loving you.
Me:  Why couldn’t you just accept that he didn’t love you.  Why were you forcing him to love you?  It’s obvious that he was not ready for a commitment to someone he didn’t love, he didn’t even want to marry his arranged wife, what made you think he would want to marry you ma.  He made things clear to you from the beginning.  You should have just let things be, or you should have just left me with him and you leave by yourself. Look at all that I have I missed out on ma.  I’m getting married soon and I only just found out I have family.
Mom:  I’m sorry Lungi and I hope that one day you will find it in your heart to forgive me.
Me:  Where is your family?
Mom:  they are in JHB.  That’s where we met, your father and I.  He was studying in JHB.
Me:  who is he mama?
Mom:  He is Luyanda Langa, he is a lawyer, doing well for himself and he lives here in Durban.  You don’t look much like him, you look more like me.  Sometimes I wished you looked more like him. I decided to google him just to see if there would any information on him, that’s how I know he is here(my brain froze at the mention of his name, I didn’t hear anything else she was saying, it all just became a blur.)  Lungi are you ok?
Me:  I’m fine.  I can’t believe I’ve been around him and I didn’t even know he is my father. I remember when he first met me, he looked at me funny but I think he brushed it off.  Oh My God!  All this time he was right under my nose. 
Mom:  Lungi what are you talking about, you are not making sense.  (I can hear my mother talking but I can’t make out what she is saying.  I try getting up, I need to get out of here but I fall and hit my head.)
I just got a call from Khaya that he is in hospital with Lungi, he didn’t say what happened.
Khanyi:  did he say what happened?
Me:  No Baby Girl he didn’t.  we’ll find out when we get there.  Are you ok?
Khanyi:  I’m fine.  I’m just jealous he didn’t call me first. (and she pouts, looking cute. Khanyi really knows how to let the child in her come out to play.)
Me:  you know if you were not pregnant, he probably would have called you.
Khanyi:  so basically it is your fault that my kids don’t come running to me anymore even the twins.
Me:  and how exactly is it my fault My Queen?
Khanyi:  You are the one that made me pregnant and now everyone is walking on eggshells around because I can’t be under any stress.
Me:  I don’t remember you complaining during all the times that we’ve made love or fucked you senseless.  If I remember correctly is you asking for more, begging me not to stop and go deeper. Even last night you were like “Que don’t please don’t stop, I’m about to come”  So tell me my dear, how is it my fault, I was doing what I was asked to do.
Khanyi:  I did complain and told you I’m never doing it again but I think you are using some voodoo magic on me that always makes want you.  (I laugh so hard tilting my head on the side.  She smiles and I can see she is holding in her laughter and she looks outside the window.)
Me:  Baby Girl are you being for real right now voodoo magic.  I don’t need to use that staff on you love. You just love yourself the Mtimkhulu dick.
Khanyi:  Honestly how do you do it.  You are so big and yet you manage to make it comfortable and enjoyable.
Me:  that’s all you on Baby Girl.  You don’t tense up, you do everything I tell you and you are flexible.
Khanyi:  Mmmhh I see. We can finish this conversation later (when we walk into the hospital we see Lina and Mcebisi)
Me:  Where is Khaya? What happened?
Mcebisi:  Khaya is in the bathroom.  The doctor is busy with Lungi. Maybe her mom can tell you what happened.
Khanyi:  where is she?
LIna:  in the waiting room.  We can go there now.  (when we walk in, she looks at us, worry is written all over her face.)
ME:  Hi
Khanyi:  I’m Khanyi  and this Qhawe we are Khaya’s parents.  That’s Lina my daughter and my son in law Mcebisi.
Lungi’s Mom:  Nice to meet you all. I’m S’phesihle but you can call me Sihle.
Me:  what happened?
Sihle:  I think she fainted and when she fell she hit her head.
Khanyi:  what caused her to faint?
Sihle:  she found out something today and I think she was shocked.  (the doctor walks in and Khaya walks in right after him)
Khaya:  How is she doc?
Doctor:  she is fine.  She did hit her head though when she fell but she is fine.  She is going to wake up with a banging headache when she wakes up.  She just fainted so there’s nothing to worry about.
Khaya:  can we see her?
Doctor:  yes but only for a few minutes, then you can come back during visiting hours.
Khaya:  Excuse me doc, she was suppose to work tonight, so can…. (the doctor doesn’t let him finish.)
Doctor:  don’t worry, I’ll have it sorted.  Ever since she started in January, she has never missed a day of work.  I’m also going to book her off for a few days.
Khaya:  thank you very much doc.  (we all walk to Lungi’s room but the doctor stop us)
Doctor:  I know you guys, I mean it when I say just a few minutes with her and come back later.
Mcebisi:  Got it doc.
Doctor:  You are new and you are just like them I can tell.  (with that said he walks away leaving Mcebisi with his mouth hanging open.)
Mcebisi:  so you guys have a reputation in this hospital
Khaya:  Something like that and this is where I met her.
Mcebisi:  I see.  Can we listen to the doctor today I don’t want to be labelled as a rebel by the doctors here.  (we sit in Lungi’s room for a minutes and we leave. Her mother has been so quiet all this time.)
Khaya:  Did you tell her the truth, is that why she fainted. (we were now sitting in the waiting room)
Sihle: Yes it is.
Khaya:  why did it take you so long?
Sihle: Selfish reasons.  (Just then Bandile, Lwazi, Sizwe and Andile walk in Lwazi making noise as usual.)
Me:  who called you?
Lwazi:  Your son did.  You seem to forget she is our niece.
Me:  I didn’t forget.  Can you keep it down, do you have to be so loud, the whole hospital probably knows we are here now.
Lwazi:  they’ll surivive. 
Bandile:  What’s wrong with Lungi
Mcebisi:  She fainted.  I don’t know what it is with you people and fainting, maybe it runs in this family.  (just then Luyanda and Eddie walk.  Luyanda’s eyes land on Sihle)
Luyanda:  This is not happening, maybe I am hallucinating.  I was thinking about her today and now I’m seeing her, she can’t be real.  Eddie please tell me the woman I’m looking at right now is a figment of my imagination.
Eddie:  She looks very real to me, why what’s wrong?  (he doesn’t answer Eddie, instead he walks up to Sihle and looks at her)
Luyanda:  Give one good reason why I shouldn’t kill right here and now and bury you in a shallow grave later on.
Khanyi:  yhoooo this family and drama, what is it now.
Mcebisi:  you can say that again  (Thando and Ncesh walk in)
Thando:  say what again?
Ncesh:  Sihle what are you doing here?

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