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This pregnancy  is different compared to all my other kids.   My behaviour is defferent and what I’ve noticed is that I’m too emotional with this pregnancy, this is the first pregnancy to affect my emotions maybe because I’m enjoying it and the person that made me pregnant is here everyday.  I am so grateful for this man and what I’ve noticed is that he would go to the ends of the earth for us.  He took my kids in and made them his, such things are rare, I can safely say he is a rare breed and I was lucky to find him and I have no intentions of letting him go or losing him in any way.  I can finally say I love him whole heartedly and the way he was so scared when I had another panic attack at Bandile’s house, I find his overprotectiveness over me cute.  I’ve never had this not with anyone.  I always had doubts if such love existed and he has proven that it does.  He has proven that man can love whole heartedly and be loyal. In fact all these guys that are in my house right now have proven that a man can be loyal to one woman, they are proof that there are good man out there, man who deserve to be called Kings. 
Qhawe:  Baby Girl
Me:  Que
Qhawe:  the ladies are here to see you.  Are you ok?  You looked very distant when I walked in.
Me:  I’m ok, I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life.  You are an amazing man Qhawelomzi and I love you very much.  Promise me that no matter how difficult I can be, promise me you’ll never live me.  (he walks over to the bed, sits next to me and makes me sit on top of him with my legs around his waist and kisses me.)
Qhawe:  I could never leave you, I love you too much.  Remember I die where you die.  (and he kisses me again and carries me downstairs to the pool where the ladies are sitting. my stomach is getting bigger and him carrying me like this is going to get difficult.  He puts me down, kisses me my fore head and leaves me with the ladies.)
Ncesh:  You lucky bitch (and she laughs, it’s actually good to see her laughing)
Me:  You can say that again.
Thando:  You lucly bitch.  (we turn to look at her)  what?!!
Me:  Never mind.  You, Lwazi and Mcebisi same whatsapp group (and we just laugh.  It feels to good to laugh like this.)
Me:  how are you doing?
Thando:  We are ok.  We can’t let her bring us down, we can’t let her take away our smiles, we simply cannot  just let her have power over us.  We have come too far to allow her to do that to us.
Ncesh:  I’m too happy to let her bring me down like this Khanyi.  It took a lot of years to get over what happened and she is not taking us back there and this time if she thinks she’s going to walk into our lives and do as she pleases, then she has another thing coming.  On Sunday my boys cheared me up, they bought all the junk food you can think of and my favourite ice cream.  We chilled indoors the whole day watching movies and series.
Thando:  so his sons like you
Ncesh:  I believe they do
Me:  why wouldn’t they, you are an amazing person.
Ncesh:  I like them, they are very sweet and very much like their dad.
Me:  Especially Ayanda.
Ncesh:  I had the guys talking, they want to try and find Andiswa before she finds me.
Me:  that would work better.  they would have the upper hand.  I know that Luyanda is going to be here today as well and he is bringing his girlfriend.
Thando:  Luyanda has a girlfriend?
Me:  Apparently so.  I just hope it’s not one of these stupid girls he normally dates.
Ncesh:  Luyanda has never really been in a serious relationship, he is the only one that’s actually not committed.
Me:  let’s hope that he has decided to settle down now or maybe he will soon.
Thando:  not anytime soon.
Me:  I’m hungry, let’s go to kitchen to make something to eat.  (Just as we get to the kitchen Luyanda walks in with a woman.  She looks beautiful, one of those tall girls, she has a nice body, makeup not too much and she has braids.)
Luyanda:  Ladies, how are you today?
Thando:  We are good and how are you?
Luyanda:  I am good, I was told you were sitting by the pool.
Thando:  Yes we were but then the one plus five squad decided they were hungry, hence we are now in the kitchen.
Luyanda:  so you ladies also suffer just like us
Ncesh:  I think it’s only going to get worse.
Luyanda:  Mama Bear, ngekhe uyasibulala.
Me:  please leave me alone.  Anyway aren’t you going to introduce us
Luyanda:  Oh yes, I almost forgot.  Ladies this is Lwandle, my lady and Lwandle these are the ladies I told you about, that is Ncesh, that one is Thando and that is the lady of thehouse Khanyi.  I’m going to leave you in their capable hands.  I have a meeting with the guys and you will meet them later.  (he kisses he cheek and walks out.)
Lwandle:  It’s nice to finally meet, Luyanda has told me a lot about you.
Thando:  don’t take this the wrong way but Luyanda has not said much about you, in fact he has not told us anything.
Me:  THANDO!!!
Lwandle:  I know, he told me he wanted to surprise you, he said you probably think that he is dating some bimbo.  (we all laugh because that’s Exactly what we thought.)
Qhawe:  Ok guys,  in whatever we are doing just remember that I am trying to keep Khanyi out of this as much as possible. We need to make sure that she survives this pregnancy and I told the ladies the same thing.
Eddie:  I think it’s best to keep all of them out of this, that way they stay safe and Khanyi and the babies stay safe.  The less they know the better because they won’t have much to share with Khanyi.  She stresses very easily lately which is something she never used to do.  this pregnancy has change her a lot.  But we are going to need them to brief us about everything they know.
Andile:  for now let’s see what we know.  So far we know that she was in jail and now she is out.  What we need to know is how she got out, how long was she suppose to be in there in the first place and Luyanda that’s your department.
Luyanda:  I already have info on that.  ncesh never attended the court case since she was admitted in a psychiatric hospital.  Andiswa pleaded guilty and the case was based on temporal insanity, she was sentenced twenty five years in a psychiatric hospital but how she got out after 8 years is a still mistery to me, but I am working on.
“it also a mistery to me too.  It’s like someone is behind this whole thing>”
Qhawe:  Sipho, you are later.
Sipho:  Apologies, Sindiswa was not really comfortable coming here, it took some convincing.
Bandile:  why wouldn’t she be comfortable.  We are over what happened and we understand it was not entirely her fault.  We are not holding it against her.
Sipho:  it’s not that.  she feels guilty that one of her cousings is the cause of Khanyi’s pain.
Lwazi:  that’s all in the past man.  She can’t be feeling guilty about Zwelibanzi’s behaviour and besides Khanyi is not on that Zwelibanzi tip anymore.  She is all over Qhawe and us like nobody’s business.  Oh and Sipho today it’s your turn to get her whatever she wants.  We are on leave today.
Sipho:  Hayibo Lwazi you can’t do that.
Andile:  he can and he just did. Even the Baby daddy is taking a break today.  The pregnant lady is all yours.  Now back to the business at hand.  Have you managed to locate this Andiswa woman
Sipho:  I have.  She is still in East London and she is making plans of coming here. 
Eddie:  We need to keep track of her and if possible we need to get to her the day she arrives.  We also need to find out who her father is.
Sipho:  I’m on it but I need someone to track a cellphone number for me.
Qhawe:  don’t worry we have guys for that.
Sipho:  Sweet.
Bandile:  is it wise to let her come to Durban.
Qhawe:  it is wise, Durban is more our playground than it is hers , it will be easier for us to capture her here and she won’t be expecting.
Sipho:  plus it doesn’t look like she knows much about Ncesh’s life here.  All she knows is that Ncesh moved the business to Durban for expansion and I don’t think she is happy with her progress, I think she thought Ncesh would still be broken.
Eddie:  Hence we need to be very vigilant and make sure she doesn’t slip through our fingers.
Andile:  she doesn’t have a chance in hell.  Bandile I think Ncesh should stay with you until this whole thing blows over.  Your boys can use her apartment until then.
Bandile:  I’ll speak to her.
Luyanda:  Something is not adding up with this woman’s case.  I feel like someone else is pulling the strings here, someone powerful and it’s a lawyer or a judge.
Sipho:  I know what you mean.  Let’s keep looking.  We’ll find something and I don’t think Andiswa is aware of someone pulling the strings on this.  Someone is using her this time and she doesn’t know it.
Qhawe:  Let’s find out who that is.  I’ve taken a two weeks leave from work, so I’ll be available whenever you need me.
Lwazi:  don’t say whenever we need you.  You know very well Khanyi is going to use all this time to her advantage.
Eddie:  Lwazi is right.  That woman is your weakness especially now that she is pregnant.
Sipho:  How did you do it man.  Five babies at the same time, yhoooo !!! you are strong.
Qhawe:  when did this meeting change to be about me now?  just let me be, I’m enjoying our pregnancy, you guys are just jealous.

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