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We are going back home soon and before we go home I need to deal with this Sne chick.  She thinks she can walk all over me nje just like that.  She needs to learn that I am my mother’s daughter.
Sibahle:  What’s wrong, you seem far away.
Me:  I was just thinking about what I need to do to Sne.
Sibahle:  so you are planning on teaching her a lesson
ME:  Yes and I need to do that today.  I’m sick and tired of this girl. Where are the little girls?
Sibahle:  they are outside in the garden with your father in law.
Me:  they love spending time in the garden.  Mom is going to have to get them gardening tools.
Sibahle:  Tell me about it.  they are only going to do it for a week when we get home.
Me:  She’ll just have to deal with it.  Do me a favour dear, please call Sne for me and bring her to the room outside, the one next to ours.  (as she walks out, my husband walks in.)
Mcebisi:  My wife
ME:  My husband  (he walks over and kisses me.)
Mcebisi:  What’s wrong, you are pre occupied
ME:  I am going to deal with this girl next door.  We saw her yesterday at the mall when we went to the movies.  She always has something to say and she needs to know her place now.  I’ve been letting her behaviour slide for too long.  Don’t try to stop me
Mcebisi:  I am not going to stop you baby but I do want to know what you are going to do.
Me:  Nothing much my love.  We just going to talk.
Mcebisi:  You sound just like your mother and Khaya. Talking is never just talking.
Me:  we are our mother’s kids.  (Sibahle walked in)
Sibahle:  She is here.
Mcebisi:  who is here?
Sibahle:  Sne
Mcebisi: mhhh I see.
Me:  I’ll see you later my love. (I kiss him and walk out with Sibahle.  She was sitting on the chair that was in there,  she looked so relaxed and happy.  When she saw me her look changed to disappointment)
Me:  What did you say to her to make come here?
Sibahle:  I told her that bhuti wants to see her and she couldn’t wait to come here.
Me:  Mhhhh I see.  Hello Sne
Sne:  I thought I was here to see Mcebisi.
Me:  Well you thought wrong. (She got up and tried to walk out.)  Sit down Sinethemba.  You and I we are going to talk.
Sne:  We have nothing to talk about.
Me:  Oh but we do darling.  I want you to understand a few things about this situation.  I want you to understand that if Mcebisi wanted you, you would be here. I want you to understand that I am not going to let you walk all over me and talk to me any way you please.
Sne:  I don’t owe you anything sisi.  I don’t have to do anything for you. (I slap her so hard she nearly fell off the chair.  She turns looking at me holding the side of her face.) You slapped me.
Me:  I’ll do more if you carry on with this little attitude of yours.  Mcebisi is my husband and mine alone.  I love him and he loves me.  I will not have the likes of you come between us.  You see Sne, in the time that Mcebisi and I have know each other, we have been through a lot, we have been there for each at all times and trash like you thinks you can break us up.  You are a very stupid girl and your actions are going to get you into trouble.  You are going to be in such deep trouble that you won’t be able to get out.  And by deep trouble I mean my entire family and you don’t want that.  Stop barking up the wrong tree Sne.  You can do whatever you to get a man, carry on and be a gold digger that you are but just stay away from my husband.
Sne:  You have no idea who you are dealing with.  I am …… (I didn’t let her finish. I slapped her again, and again.  I took out the belt that I had with me and started belting her.  what amazes me is that she has such a big mouth and she can’t even fine back.
Me:  You will stay away from us or I will be forced to do much worse to you.  Do you understand me?  (she nods)  I can’t hear you
Sne: yes I understand.
Me:  Good.  Sibahle bring me the ropes.
Sne:  what are you going to do with ropes.
Me:  Oh I am going to tie you up here for a few hours, just to give you an idea of what will happen if you and your mother carry on with this nonsense of yours.  I won’t do anything to your mother, if she doesn’t behave you will be punished for her behaviour.
Sne:  I promise we’ll stop, please don’t tie me up here, please.
Me:  You need learn my dear.  You need to learn.  (Sibahle walked in with the ropes and we tied Sne up on the chair and left her there.)
Me:  I went to see him
Qhawe:  who?
Me:  My father, I went to see him.  It took everything in me not to kill him.  I had my gun with me and it took everything in me not to shoot him.   I chose to forgive him Qhawe.
Qhawe:  you did good by doing that.  You will eventually have peace.  in time your nightmare will stop.
Me:  He doesn’t deserve it Qhawe, he really doesn’t.
Qhawe:  I know he doesn’t deserve it.  you need to remember that you didn’t do it for him, you did it for you and your future.
Bandile:  at least now you will be able to move on and focus on your life with Thando.
Me:  I know guys.  I feel like a whole world has been lifted off my shoulders. 
Qhawe:  I’m glad you feel that way. 
Bandile:  I am just glad you are going to be your old self again.
Me:  don’t get it twisted Bandile, I have always been myself. 
Qhawe:  good because my daughter called and told me she has a problem with the neighbour’s daughter and she said she was going to deal with her today.
Me:  that child is her mother’s daughter.  She won’t tolerate that nonsense.
Bandile:  what’s the problem?
Qhawe:  she wants Mcebisi
ME:  is she a bitter ex?
Qhawe:  No she is not.  Mcebisi never dated her.  she is a gold digger.  She wants him for his money.
Bandile:  I don’t get some women.  She has never dated the guy, she doesn’t know what it’s like to be with but she wants to fight for him and to make matters worse she carries on even after he married someone else just to show him that he never had interest in her but she still forces herself on the guy.  I’ll never get that about some women, even men for that matter.
Me:  She is crazy if she thinks she can mess with my niece just like that.  she needs a suttle visit.
Qhawe:  let’s wait and hear from Lina how she dealt with this situation.  I really don’t know why we can’t just be happy without all these stupid things that keep popping up to mess with our joy.
Me:  I know what you mean.  To be honest with you guys I was really happy before my father found me but I told myself I am not letting him take my happiness away from me.  He took my childhood from me, he took my happiness from me when I was young and he took the most important person in my life from me and right now I’ll be damned  if I let him take that away from me, destroy me like he did when I was young.
Bandile:  That’s more like it.  you don’t need him, you never did and you never will.
Me:  What happened with Lonwabo and that girl of his?
Qhawe:  apparently she is not his girl, they are just friends.
Me:  Lonwabo must not think he can fool us.  He loves that girl anyone can see it.
Bandile:  Lwazi leave the poor child alone.  When he is ready to tell us about it, he will.  Remember we were once his age as well.
Me:  I won’t say or do anything to scare him away from talking to us, besides I’m his favourite uncle.
Qhawe:  there you go again with being the favourite uncle.
Me:  but it’s true
Bandile:  No you are not.  You got those kids in more trouble than anyone ever did and you are suppose to be an adult.
Me:  even if that is the case, I am still their favourite.  Chew on on that
Qhawe:  oh please!!!! (he says that walking out leaving us there.)

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